Fingers crossed and dont want to speak to soon but so far so good with Harveys feeding, we had one off night but never happened since and have had a few proper throw ups but theyve stopped now too, as long as he burps half way through. /hes having 4-5ozs every 4-6 hours now. I hope nothing changes as i wont cope with Connie waking up at 5.30 too lol
Weight loss going ok too, its so different compared to first pregancy. It took me atleast 2 months to get to the weight I am now after Connie.. 1.4stone to lose to get to my goal... not sure its realistic though :/
Feel like starting to balance time with them both now atlast
Touching wood Chris seems to be reasonably good now he's twigging he's not the only person in the world so if he can hear me might soothe him self back to sleep he just sat and dozed in his chair as we had tea which from what i can tell is pretty good for a bf'd baby and will go 2 hours easily between feeds. I have started to let him feed and wind both sides if he fafs around he then gets taken off as he will have emptied both then reoffer an hour later if he's fussy so we can get a routine going and i have a happier toddler. Massive Challenge but I think we are all doing very well! We should be proud!
I have such a greedy baby. She was fed a 5oz bottle of hungry baby milk just before 4pm. Then at 6pm started getting fussy and was looking for a feed so we gave her another bottle and she drained another 5oz. Now she seems to be looking for a feed again!!!
She's been well better with her wind today and hasn't thrown up once. Feeding has been so much quicker. Hope it was just a thing she went through for the first few weeks and it's settled down now!!
Well they say they have growth spurt 10-14 days an they will feed more! My boy was overseeing then getting sick an windy an manage to extend the time stern feeds an seems a little better! But he has big belly lol my chubby checker!
Star good for you girl kicking him out the dirty rat!! Just make sure you have loads is supportive people around you ! ******* should be castrated!!
It's stage two milk. It's slightly thicker so fills them up a bit more. Even on that she is having 7 6oz feeds a day which feels like a lot for a 3 week old but then again she's a big baby!
Good. Lily's been a bit ill the last couple of days. Not eating and then throwing up loads but she seems loads better today which is a relief!! Treated myself to a new outfit today and OH got some of his money through from his redundancy and is treating me to getting my hair done. Hopefully will have it done in the next few weeks.
Going on my first night out since Lily was born next Friday...bit nervous to leave her but at least it's with OH and not a baby sitter. However it's my sister's 20th when Lily is 8 weeks old so we're both going out for that and my older sister is having the kids...overnight...EEK!!!
Can't believe how big Lily is she is filling some of her 0-3 month sleepsuits. Just looked through some of her 3-6 month clothes and she could probably fit into some of them now!!! lol.
i have good days and then some bad days! little man has miserable days like yesterday where its just whinging and wont settle and if he does settle only wants to sleep in your arms as soon as you put him down it starts all over again! and constantly feeding so growth spurt i thought. he is a differant baby today and curerntly fell asleep on his play mat bless him
he has put on 2lbs in 3 weeks, so alert and curious about everything and thinks he is clever cause he can roll onto side and lift and move head around... little bugger. but a cutey pie! getting really chubby now..
lol i'm feeling quite proud of him and me sadly we have a far better bond than abby and I did so feeling a bit mixed over that. We'll get Chris a similar seat by x-mas as the travel system sort become very heavy to lug around
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