Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

lol well done Harvey! I had 20 mins of tandem screaming Abby was worse than Chris he was at least pooey and hungry she was just tired. Single mum of 2 i could not be not looking forward to ha ving themsolo for 7 nights in a row!
Tomorrow is going to be my first long stretch of having both of the kids on my own. OH is going fishing with his friends and will be out from 6 in the morning until about tea time as he will hang out with his mates afterwards. Can't say I'm not shitting myself lol.

Lily's doing a lot better since we started using infacol instead of the dentinox colic drops. She's still throwing up occasionally but it's more of a normal amount. She's having 4oz every 3-4 hours. Though she polished off 5oz at my mum's the little pig lol.

Am quite amazed I haven't really suffered with the baby blues at all this time. Had them pretty bad with Toby. I mean nothing serious but would be quite teary most days. The only tears I've been shedding are the occasional please-Lily-I'm-really-tired-go-to-sleep tears lol. Been a bit hysterical with sleep deprivation. Couldn't stop laughing at things that weren't even that funny earlier lol.

Having some really bad tummy pains and shooting pains in my back every time I sit down which concern me a little. Worried this pregnancy has seriously damaged my if it wasn't fucked up enough already!!
I did get a lucky couple of hours yesterday where both kids were asleep! Toby hasn't napped for at least a year!! I don't even remember when he stopped napping!! He's just been so tired the past few days that yesterday it caught up with him. Was so nice to have just a bit of peace to clean the kitchen and make a proper tea not just shove something in the oven that would only take 25 minutes!
Hey everyone!

Can't believe my little one is 2 weeks tomorrow already :( going to quick! OH goes back to work Monday :( my mom comes on Wednesday

I can't complain my little man sleeps well at night always 5 hours min other night got nearly 8 hour out of him it's during the day he doesn't settle an alway wants cuddles lol can't put him down for longer then 30 min so going to have fun with that!

But can't remember life without him :) love him to bits !! But wouldn't brave 2 of them lol you ladies are brave!
Hehe misse i get company when OH goes to work. Must say I was very glad ofhaving crib next to bed this morning the very reason cosleeping can be a bit dubious I fell asleep when feeding and attempted to roll over with Chris on my chest whoops. Lesson learnt there thankfully he rolled into the side of the crib
Almost same reason I don't cosleep..OH woke me up today when he was leaving for work because I fell asleep feeding Nicole (was feeding in the sidelying position) and somehow baby move and her face was under my boob lol:dohh: a little funny but scary
Before having little one I never approved of cosleeping but since having him an sometimes when he won't sleep I have done it feeding him lying down but luckily nothing happened so far I always prop a pillow behind him an I lie sideways with a pillow behind me so basically I don't move lol
When he wakes up in morning I bring him into bed an sleep few more hours I know shouldn't but it's only way I get a couple more hours out I him
I'm the same Mo. Except even that's not working. She woke for a feed at 20 past 4 this morning and was adamant she wasn't going back to sleep. OH has gone fishing so we got up with him at 5:30 as there was no soothing her so I could put her in her moses basket an get a couple more hours. Came downstairs and shes gone to sleep. But now toby is up too!!!
OH goes back to work tmo too :/ will see what sort of routine i can get into. we had an hour yesterday where OH and both babies were asleep but I couldnt sleep typical!

Ive been wondering where baby blues are too, Ive been fine so far. Nearly had a breakdown yesterday afte Connie refusing to eat dinner but was ok in the end.

We need to go to Asda today so that should be fun. I havent cooked a proper dinner sincehaving him lol. Dont know how im going to get a chance to with OH back at work too!

My stitches are killing now think i need a day of rest! Been so busy and need to catch up on a bit of housework too... not enough hours in the day!
I know what you mean Misse. My house is a mess and I just want to clean it. Might do it tomorrow when Toby goes to his dad's. I feel like i'm nesting again lol. Was feeding Lily this morning and looking around the bedroom wanting to rearrange it all and then started thinking about what to clean and do in the house. Want to change everything lol. x
I had a dream about moving the other day and we movedinto a really nice house now i want all new stuff lol
I jinxed myself after saying he sleeps well in night was up at 3 fed him he went to sleep at 4. Then up at 6:30 again :( normally he only wakes at about 5 ish lol

He has been making some funky noises grunts an groans an whines h really does make weird noises!

Got a house full of kids an need to cook Sunday dinner ... Somehow with a baby that doesn't stay down long :( 5 kids an us two adults :( good practise I suppose

I'm the same just want to clean an sort out to but not happening
God so tired now!!! Been awake for 6 hours already!! Off to do some tidying then gonna brave going out with the kids. Not a very nice day so gonna treat Toby and take him to the indoor play area.
totally jinxed it Matt was meant to have 4 days off now he has to work all theway through til the 3rd with 2 nights off I am so upset I had plans and was just looking forward to time together. He works a 12 hour night plus commute I think I'm going to to get everyones baby blues
its not even bad management, he's covering for a guy burying his mum
Ohhno :( I jyxed it and ended up crying this morning lol. Have decided i cant be bothered with asda and then decided i dont want tocook a roast so we got a takeaway roast. Ive been horrible to OH all morning too, have cheered up now though ... house still isnt tidy but i feel far too lazy today and sore!
any sort of roast sounds quite appealing! We are skint so these extra shifts will be handy from that aspect. SOme how I have managed to cook spaghetti from scratch eat 2 meals plus my oaty snacks feed and water both kids sort some laundry iron some shirts for matt and the only screaming done has been by the small people. the dog seems happy hiding in the garden. All to be done now is some washing up.
Well I have managed to tidy the kitchen, wash up and do some washing before getting lunch sorted and took the kids out. Just got back and about to give Lily her feed before I tidy the living room and then I'll have a well deserved cuppa.

Don't know what I was so worried about having the two of them to myself. It's been fine. It makes me really want to find OH a job lol. Not in a mean way but before I would've been quite happy scraping by until I went back to work or until Toby started school full time (he's only half days the first 2 weeks) just for the extra help with the kids but now I know I can do it I want him back to work so we can afford some nice things for Toby and Lily. We really want to be able to take them on holiday next year. We were supposed to take Toby on holiday last year but OH's lung collapsed 2 weeks before we were supposed to go and he couldn't fly. It was with his family most of whom I hadn't met so I didn't feel comfortable going without him and Toby was pretty gutted as he was excited about getting to go on a plane (me too as I've never been on one before either).

Okay feel like I've just rambled and gone off on a complete tangent there lol...any way. Lily is stirring for her feed so better go x
Bleeding heck more washing hung and another load on!! ignoring the washing up for the moment it will be far quicker to do it when OH is home. Now I know how this works wee man will wake up just as I go to give abby her dinner not sure how to do this do i wake him??

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