Moved Lily into her own room as she won't fit in her moses basket anymore. Every time she tries to move her arms she wakes herself up because she's squished and can't move them properly and we can't fit her cot in our room so moved her in. She has been terrible both nights. She's fine until about 1am and then she will not settle first night she wouldn't settle even after her feed and last night she would take a feed until about 3:30am. She was a pain to get to go to bed tonight but I'm hoping because she fussed earlier she'll sleep a bit longer.
Had a right to do earlier. Bought a baby nest from someone on the local facebook selling site. Had it for an hour and had already had to blow it up twice because it kept deflating every time we put her in it. One of the elastic loops to attach the toy bar had ripped off too. So I told him and he said well it was fine when we tested it this morning (probably without a baby in it) but if we weren't happy he'd come and get it and give us a refund. So I tried it a couple more times thinking maybe we just didn't push the thing in properly to stop the air coming out still happened every time so I said that we'd tried a few more times and repeated about not being able to fit the toy arch and he said well if it's damaged i'm not giving you the money back as we won't be able to resell it. I was livid and told him he will give me my money back because it was damaged and if he didn't I'd report him to anyone who'd listen (don't even know if there's anything that could've been done about it though lol) so he sent my a horrid rude message came round like 5 minutes later to get it but OH answered the door. This guy was tiny and my OH is like 6"3 he was dead apologetic and gave the money back x