Both my children have a dummy in permanently
I'm forever telling M to take it out when she talks so I can understand her and wrestling it for her while she eats

She has it tied to a teddy so she doesn't lose it. I'll take it away when she's 3 but for now I don't mind as it's her comfort.
A just loves to suck but hates his bottle so I use a dummy to calm him instead. And he already wakes for it about 4 times a night!
M is 2 today - can't believe she is growing so big
Not having a great time today though, M seems to have a bad cold, maybe a minor chest infection too, she's burning up and coughing up mucous, doctor first thing in morning. She's really sleep and grumpy too so not interested in her presents.
I'm so upset about her party today. I invited 24, sent out save the dates 2 months ago and proper invites around 3 weeks ago. I booked and paid for the 17 who came back to me with "definates" at a local play centre with sandwiches, snacks, juice, cake etc. for each child. And I made up lovely party bags for each toddler as a thank you - had cake, sweeties, colouring book, crayons, stickers, bubbles and party horns and a balloon for each one. I sent a reminder to everyone last week. I had a special cake made and bought an extra cake incase we didn't have enough for all the adults and children plus a piece for each party bag.
Well, SIX turned up, good job my DD is too young to notice that none of our friends bothered! The only people who turned up were my 2 nephews, my 2 cousins and 2 toddlers from playgroups I'd invited along. NONE of my close friends turned up and only 1 text me. The rest came up with various excuses this afternoon. I have always always made an effort for my DD's friends parties and am so gutted and disappointed in my friends. And I spent an absolute fortune on making 24 party bags and only 6 were used! And my sister spent a week and lots of time and effort making a huge Upsy Daisy cake too.
On top of that, remember I said my closest friend isn't speaking to me after our night out last week? Well, the short story is she brought a young girl (17) out with her and was trying to set her up with her boyfriend's friend who is the same age as my OH - 31. I know him, I told my friend I don't like him and I told the young girl not to meet him, he's a liar and a cheat and a sleaze and she can do much much better. Well my friend disappeared on the night and then sent me horrible text messages about me and OH. Fair enough if that's what she thinks but there are nicer ways to tell a close friend than throwing stuff in my face via text message cos she is pissed off. I didn't come back at her with anything and apologised and said I was out of line interfering. Apparently her boyfriend is "livid" at me and I'm not allowed in their house.
So her son is my DDs best friend and I thought he'd be coming today (they were at a party together last week and my friend spoke nicely to us all). She didn't reply to my message, didn't bring her DS and my DD noticed and was asking for him. She lives across the road from me and I could see she was in when we got home so I got his party bag and cake and took it across and I could hear her, her DS and her OH playing in the house. I knocked the door a few times and they all went silent and didn't answer. I went back outside and she'd shut her window. Then 10mins later I came out to my car and could see her at her window and she put her head down and turned away from me
I have messaged her asking for my Ann Summers things from her party (I spent £40 and they've been delivered to her last week) but she's ignoring me, not sure what to do :-S
Hope Toby is better soon km.
Look on the bright side molly at least you don't have to take bottles and dummies everywhere you go!