Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Both mine are dummy babies. I've got the most gorgeous dress being delivered today hopefully before I'm meant t go for lunch... I have a back up outfit in case but won't be the same
I have my outfit for Sunday already though might pop out after shopping has been delivered to get a new bag to go with it. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to dye my own hair I hate doing it. I mean it looks good but my back and shoulders ache from leaning over the bath to wash it out. Though I don't think a hairdresser would've been impressed with the amount of hair I ended up shedding in the process haha. Blocked the drain. Woops! lol. My hair was ridiculously thick anyway and it got even thicker when I was pregnant so I'm glad it's shedding now it was getting ridiculous.
I am so fed up with hair shedding had to wArn hairdresser last night I went from long hair to bob , well just above shoulders feels so much better
Will try have highlighted at some point it took flipping months just to cut hair lol
I'm shedding to but I didn't after Abs so 2 pregnancies worth isn't that bad though it is now down to my waist!

All this dressing up sounds fab, We're out this evening taking chris as he just won't touch a bottle, he's on baby gaviscon for his gagging so has to be spoon fed it and enjoying the spoon greatly little monster, chewing away on it so there go my plans on weaning.

Abby has a dummy still i tried to get rid of it but there came a point I just could not get her in to bed she would scream and cling like a bleeding monkey so that ones on hold again. Chris just won't entertain one so at least I don't have to sterilise the flaming things for him
Toby didn't come off his dummy until he was but by then he only had it for bed obviously. One of my biggest pet peeves is a toddler talking with a dummy in their mouth. But it was really easy to get them off him. We just stopped using them one night and then took them all away. We had a day where he found one we'd missed and I thought "Oh no" but he was fine and just showed it to me and then left it with me!

Full of a cold and Toby is really poorly with what I suspect is a chest infection but can't get him to the doctor's until monday and because it's a chesty cough there's no medicine I can give him. They don't sell chesty cough medicines for under 6s because the dr needs to make sure it isn't whooping cough or croup or something first. But his is getting really bad. His chest has started hurting and everything and he feels ever so sorry for himself. So yeah dressing up all pretty but with a bright red nose haha x
aww chesty coughs are horrible poor little guy. Abs only has it at bed time unless daddys about. I yank it out if I see here with one at any other time.

Do next sleep suits shrink in the dryer?
Both my children have a dummy in permanently :blush:

I'm forever telling M to take it out when she talks so I can understand her and wrestling it for her while she eats :rofl: She has it tied to a teddy so she doesn't lose it. I'll take it away when she's 3 but for now I don't mind as it's her comfort.

A just loves to suck but hates his bottle so I use a dummy to calm him instead. And he already wakes for it about 4 times a night!

M is 2 today - can't believe she is growing so big :-)

Not having a great time today though, M seems to have a bad cold, maybe a minor chest infection too, she's burning up and coughing up mucous, doctor first thing in morning. She's really sleep and grumpy too so not interested in her presents.

I'm so upset about her party today. I invited 24, sent out save the dates 2 months ago and proper invites around 3 weeks ago. I booked and paid for the 17 who came back to me with "definates" at a local play centre with sandwiches, snacks, juice, cake etc. for each child. And I made up lovely party bags for each toddler as a thank you - had cake, sweeties, colouring book, crayons, stickers, bubbles and party horns and a balloon for each one. I sent a reminder to everyone last week. I had a special cake made and bought an extra cake incase we didn't have enough for all the adults and children plus a piece for each party bag.

Well, SIX turned up, good job my DD is too young to notice that none of our friends bothered! The only people who turned up were my 2 nephews, my 2 cousins and 2 toddlers from playgroups I'd invited along. NONE of my close friends turned up and only 1 text me. The rest came up with various excuses this afternoon. I have always always made an effort for my DD's friends parties and am so gutted and disappointed in my friends. And I spent an absolute fortune on making 24 party bags and only 6 were used! And my sister spent a week and lots of time and effort making a huge Upsy Daisy cake too.

On top of that, remember I said my closest friend isn't speaking to me after our night out last week? Well, the short story is she brought a young girl (17) out with her and was trying to set her up with her boyfriend's friend who is the same age as my OH - 31. I know him, I told my friend I don't like him and I told the young girl not to meet him, he's a liar and a cheat and a sleaze and she can do much much better. Well my friend disappeared on the night and then sent me horrible text messages about me and OH. Fair enough if that's what she thinks but there are nicer ways to tell a close friend than throwing stuff in my face via text message cos she is pissed off. I didn't come back at her with anything and apologised and said I was out of line interfering. Apparently her boyfriend is "livid" at me and I'm not allowed in their house.

So her son is my DDs best friend and I thought he'd be coming today (they were at a party together last week and my friend spoke nicely to us all). She didn't reply to my message, didn't bring her DS and my DD noticed and was asking for him. She lives across the road from me and I could see she was in when we got home so I got his party bag and cake and took it across and I could hear her, her DS and her OH playing in the house. I knocked the door a few times and they all went silent and didn't answer. I went back outside and she'd shut her window. Then 10mins later I came out to my car and could see her at her window and she put her head down and turned away from me :-(

I have messaged her asking for my Ann Summers things from her party (I spent £40 and they've been delivered to her last week) but she's ignoring me, not sure what to do :-S

Hope Toby is better soon km.

Look on the bright side molly at least you don't have to take bottles and dummies everywhere you go!

Wow star that us such a pity for m , happy birthday for her tho! Atleast you did your best! Now you know for future who you can trut and not trust!

Hope your babies get better soon!

My back ! Shoulders are still in agony :( I nee to not pick up the big lump that is my child but its only me so have no choice :( tried not to do it over weekend while oh is here but still hard but evil child thinks its funny when I wince in pain lol
Bloody hell that's just rude star, hope M's better soon so she can enjoy that cake sounds fab.

Yep not not lugging extra stuff is fab with the 2 of them and soon enough they will be in the same size nappies so just 1 lot of changing stuff and their clothes as both can drink from a normal cup if they need a drink. Chris has happily been taking his gaviscon from a spoon when he's not asleep after a feed so will see what GP says on this week about the dribble collecting in this throat
I haven't found that they shrink... But don't hold me to it.

Shame about her party hope she had a good time anyway. Not sure what a 32 year old ants with a 17 year old he doesn't now anyway.. Strange.

It's my birthday today we've been out for lunch etc... No longer a teenager! Scary lol
Happy Birthday Misse!

I didn't think they did Chris has just shot into his but only grown 1cm as far as I can see in a month lol
My son is odd

Morning feeds are every 4 hours afternoon suddenly it's every 2 hours ??? Odddddddditty he is
Thank you :)
Growth spurt maybe. Harvey has screamed for 2 hours non stop he has never done it before he's really constipated I've tried everything... Literally everything.
The last resort it some grape/pear/grape juice diluted tomorrow if it hasn't moved.
Aw poor boy :( gripe water might help? Know it helps g to get things moving
Oh really. Will try that thank you. Getting ready to do the DVD, if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm immobile/dying on my living room floor
Oh I'm jealous I'm still trying to recover from last week , I must have been really unfit , I really wanted to be fully into by now not wincing and walking around like old lady cause of push ups lol
Oh with grip water I know whenever i give it to him he poops much better and more often so assumed it helps the intestines just relax etc an get things going
Mo Both mine feed more in the afternoon could be because a morning feed is huge it lasts/ed them longer but they go longer between feeds if we are doing something so they are moving.
Just puzzling as he still eats same amount each feed strange child lol
Well finished my first assignment for uni this afternoon. 2 500 word essays. It was bloody hard I thought I was going to struggle with the second one and ended up having to delete bits from it. Really hope it's alright though as it's been so long since I've written an essay that I'm worried that they aren't good. It's worth 10% of my final grade (of 7 assignments) and I need 40% to pass the course so fingers crossed. Luckily the next assignment is a reflective assignment so I'll be able to find out what I did wrong and change one of the essays I've done this time round x

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