Awwe hun. That's terrible. I hope things get better soon.
We are well except my OH being back at work is doing my fucking head in. He's so grumpy because he's tired that he is constantly just having a go. Whenever the house is a little untidy it's all of a sudden "a fucking shit heap!" Not that his coming in and just chucking his stuff on the floor helps. Neither does the fact I have a really clingy little miss at the moment, Christmas to arrange and uni work to do. I was trying to calm Lily down last night because she was quite whingy because of her teeth and he wanted me to watch something he was doing on his xbox but Lily's head was in the way and he was like "fine I just won't talk to you tonight then." He sulks like a teenager and it's doing my head in. Sometimes the kids behave more grown up then him, and yes I include Lily in that statement. I mean I get that he's tired and I feel for him but he acts like all I do is sit on my arse and watch telly and eat crisps which is absolutely untrue. I actually spend quite a large portion of the time out of the house, hence not being able to tidy up all the time.
RANT over. Sorry about that ladies had to get that off my chest.