Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)


😊 Mum 😊
Oct 30, 2010
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Hi girls!! :hi:

Welcome to First Tri!!! :haha:

:cloud9: The more the merrier ladies so please do join us and we can keep each other company as we all wait for the arrival of our Summer Sensations!! :flower:

:cloud9: SUMMER SENSATIONS EDDs!! :cloud9:

Piya ~ May 5th

Jesss123 :baby: May 13th :blue:

NatalieBelle :baby: May 16th :blue:

Frostie ~ May 24th

Lilbabywalker :baby: May 27th :blue:

Snowflakes120 :baby: May 30th :blue:

Almosthere :baby: May 30th :blue:

OmiOmen :baby: May 30th :yellow:

Prayin4Babies :angel: May 31st

Christie2011 :baby: May 31st :blue:

NGRidley :baby: May 31st

e2dm2da :baby: June 1st

Raelynn :baby: June 2nd :pink:

Feleccya ~ June 3rd

GettingBroody :baby: June 4th :yellow:

MissAnnabelle :baby: June 4th :pink:

NoDoubt :baby: June 5th :blue:

TwoRdue :baby: June 6th :blue:

Lulu07 :baby: :baby: June 7th :blue::pink:

Becky2013 ~ June 8th

Phantom710 :angel: June 9th

Armymama2012 ~ June 9th

Stevies_girls ~ June 10th

SignoraL :baby: June 13th

Jadey121 ~ June 16th

Teenmommy15 ~ June 18th :pink:

t84 :baby: June 26th :blue:

3Beans ~ June 28th

Sw33tp3a :baby: July 9th

Dooditsglory :baby: July 17th

We should probably do a quick review in case anyone else decides to join us?! I'll go first!!

Age: 32
DH: 41
Ttc since: Jan 2011
Just finished first round of ivf with icsi - 2 embryos transferred...
First bfp yesterday at 9dp3dt (12dpo) and getting darker today :happydance:
EDD: June 4th :D
Symptoms so far: pinching, cramps, tight and sore stomach muscles, vivid dreams, achy legs, sore throat, whooshing in my ears every now and then...
First scan in about 2 1/2 weeks to see how many are in there!

A little bit about me :-)

Age: 36
DH: 44
TTC since 2010
This was my first IVF with ICSI and I had two beautiful embryos transferred.
My first BFP was on 9/13 with a Beta of 56.
My second beta was on 9/23 and it was at 155!
EDD: should be May 31st.
Symptoms so far....sleepy...and sore boobs lol....and below my belly button I feel bloated...other than that excited for my first ultrasound on 9/30!!!! Can't wait to see my little poppyseed :-)
Hey Broody!

Age: 32
DH: 30
Ttc since: June 2011
Did 1st IUI with Femara, Ovidrel & Progesterone = It worked!! BFP 12dpo on 9/24!!
I have had 3 beta's done. 12dpo - 63 p4 - 30; 14dpo - 185 p4 - 29; 16dpo - 523 p4 - 26
I'll be going for another beta/p4 on Wednesday.
EDD: May 29, 2013
Symptoms so far: Sore boobs, cramps, pinches, bachache, tummy feeling a bit "off", a bit bloated but not much
First scan in about 2 1/2 weeks or so. I put a countdown in my siggy!

Look forward to getting to know y'all!
Oops, I forgot about sore boobs!! :dohh: Definitely have them too!!

Good to see ye girlies!! :D

Can't wait til this thread is full of scan photos in a few weeks!! Have ye arranged to see your regular doctor yet? Think I'm going to ring and make an appointment for next Monday. Just loaded lots of pregnancy books onto my iPad - will be very busy reading!!!
I am so excited, go first tri!!!

A bit about me!

Age: 23
DH: 23
TTC Since: Sept 2011
Got first ever BFP thanks to IVF w. ICSI first try: one 5det with expanded blast
EDD: May 30th!
Symptoms so far: Missed AF, so bloated can't button pants, food cravings (pickles, black olives which I normally don't like, and toast with butter cheese and ketchup, lol), occasional before ER like cramps lol, shortness of breath, dizzy, tired easy, gassy from both ends!
I can't wait for our lil ones to progress past poppyseeds!

Age: 34
Doing this on my own
TTC Since: September 2011
Tried several IUIs and AIs, but it was with my first IVF w. ICSI that I got my first BFP with one 5dt.
EDD: May 31st!
Symptoms so far: cramps mostly the day after transfer then on and off for a week, now much less often. Tired all the time! A bit bloated, felt a little off today when it came to food, no real nausea, but nothing seemed to settle quite as good as it usually does.
I also forgot some symptoms-dry mouth, super thirsty, wake up extra early feeling wide awake and having to pee.
Hi ladies!

Age: 28
DH: 29
Ttc since: Nov 2010
Hubby has azoospermia so he did TESE operation and we did IVF w/ ICSI ended in a miscarriage at 5 weeks, switched to donor IUI and got BFP on first round
First bfp 10dpo, 1st beta today was 166
EDD: June 2nd
Symptoms so far: twinges, cramps, vivid dreams, hungry all the time, sore boobs, tired, very thirsty!
I also forgot some symptoms-dry mouth, super thirsty, wake up extra early feeling wide awake and having to pee.

I have those same symptoms....just never thought of it as a symptom....I am extremely thirsty and want orange gatorade...oh and I CAN'T GET ENOUGH GUACAMOLE OR AVOCADO!!! I want to eat that everyday!
Hi Raelynn!! :hi:

Great to see you in here! Congratulations!!!! :happydance:

I'm also waking up super early every morning but I think it's just the excitement of doing another test!!! :haha:

I am missing my coke already - need to go buy some caffeine free stuff. Why is it that as soon as you're told you can't something then suddenly it's all you want?!?!! :dohh:
Ahh tell me about it, but I could not be happier to have all these restrictions because it means I am finnaly preggers!! Shall we all right a list of what we miss the most?

Lot's of chocolate (although a sneak a peice in every now and then!)
Diet Coke
Tea with my white honey
Drinking with my friends here and there
Other yummy sugary drinks-I am now drinking water with lemon or hint water...I need more options!!! I read that apple juice is okay as well as oj in small amounts...

Also, I ate so much last night thinking okay I will def. have gained a lb...I lost a slight amount of weight, I do not understand why I am not gainging!!
I have lost like 3 pds too Almostthere! It makes me nervous as I am already on the low end of a "normal" BMI. Some girls told me to drink Carnation instant breakfast. Yucko!

So true Broody - I only want my caffeine tea not my caffeine-free tea.
Same hear snowflakes! I am trying hard to stuff as much food in as possible lol.
I even ate 3 burgers in 24 hours last week!! 1 for dinner one night then the next day I had one for lunch and another dinner. Hubby thought I was crazy!
Hello bump buddies!!

Age: 26
DH : 30
TTC since: March 2009

First IVF in may ended in very early chemical (before missed period)
This time we did IVF w/ICSI and transferred 2 better quality embryos than last time. Got my 1st :bfp: 2 days ago 9/23 @ 4dp5dt (9dpo) :cloud9:Lines have been getting darker so I'm not in denial anymore.
EDD: June 7

Symptoms: Cramps on and off (which scares me every time), lower back pain, shortness of breath, sore boobs, slight dizziness, and a little hungrier than usual.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you ladies!! :happydance:
It makes me nervous as I am already on the low end of a "normal" BMI. Some girls told me to drink Carnation instant breakfast. Yucko!

Me too! I've always had a super fast metabolism - never been able to put weight on. Hopefully it won't be a problem... Although I do find myself opening my pants button at every available opportunity!!! On Sunday I opened the door to let dh's friend in totally forgetting that my belt and buttons were open!!!!:haha:

Went to the shop earlier for caffeine free coke but they only do caffeine free diet coke which is full of artificial sweetners so :growlmad:!

I like your list of foods you'll miss Almost!
I'm going to miss:
Mussels and prawns (although prawns are apparently safe enough according to my book so maybe in a few weeks!)
Eggs benedict with hollandaise sauce
Goats cheese (I eat so much of this! Gonna see if any of the shops sell pasteurised ones)
I'm sure I'll discover lots of other stuff as time goes on!

My line on the frer was slightly fainter this morning. Not worried about it but I did check the box after and discovered that it was out of date. Then I checked my other box of frers and a box of digis and they're all out of date too!!:haha: Bought them when I first started ttc-ing, before I discovered cheapies!!! Went out this afternoon and bought a fresh box for tomor :D
I've changed the first page slightly to include all our names and due dates! When we know how many we're having and if they're girls or boys and I'll add that too :D

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