Lots of chat going on here!
I'm from Cork in Ireland...
Regarding the cramps I'm not do bad during the day, just the odd af like twinge. From about 5 o'clock on though my stomach starts tightening up until it feels like I've done about 500 sit-ups! Once I've had my dinner all I want to do is lie on the couch with a warm water bottle (I'm avoiding hot ones now that I've had my bfp - gonna ask the FS on Friday about it) My back aches too in the evening and feel bloated. Strangely enough the cramping isn't worrying me at all - I just keep imagining everything stretching to make room for the
! I get more worried if I haven't had a twinge in a while...!
I was reading the caffeine section in What to Expect When You're Expecting (from now on I'm just going to call it WTEWYE!) and it said most doctors consider 200mg of caffeine per day to be safe during pregnancy and then it had a handy list so you can figure out what you're intake is...
1 cup brewed coffee (8 ounces) = 135 mg
1 cup instant coffee = 95 mg
1 cup decaf coffee = 5 mg
6 ounces caffe latte or cappuccino = 90 mg
1 ounce espresso = 90 mg
1 cup tea = 40 to 60 mg (green tea has less caffeine than black tea)
1 can of cola (12 ounces) = about 35 mg caffeine
1 can of diet cola = 45 mg
1 ounce milk chocolate = 6 mg
1 ounce dark chocolate = 20 mg
1 cup chocolate milk = 5 mg
8 ounces coffee ice cream = 40 to 80 mg
Looks like a bit of milk chocolate is fairly safe! The amount of caffeine in tea surprised me - although I've already switched to decaf and finding it fine.
Girls, if any of you have ereaders pm me your email addresses and I can email ye my stash of pregnancy/baby books. I haven't looked at all the ones I downloaded yet but there's definitely one r two good ones in the collection....
Gonna get up and poas now!
Edit: Well, still pregnant!! Line is getting lovely and dark - I'd say it'll be as dark as the test line tomorrow or the next day!