Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Yay for baby pics! I love how cute all our LOs are. Especially with all they put us all through!
7.9 lbs-tore me up-4th degree tears have catheter until monday but I managed to get home last night after 5 days in the hospital woohoo!!!

Here he is, Liam Michael!!! :cloud9:

P.S everyones LO's are just beautiful I am so happy for us all!


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Adorable Almost. Sorry to hear about your tear and yuck having to go home with a catheter, but yay for having a lovely baby in your arms.

My parents ended up taking my 8 month old home with them for the week. My mom had to get back to work Monday and though I would love to have him here with me, there would have been no way I could have been able to care for him (or myself) properly. My dad will be watching him during the day, then my mom will take care of him at night. They left this morning and I miss him already, but hopefully this will allow me to heal faster.

I'm feeling pretty good, haven't taken any pain meds yet today and have only been on motrin anyway (besides the one oxycodine 16 hours after surgery when I finally got out of bed). With the pain being manageable for me I'm sure I would have over done it with my older son here.

I've been taking pictures of my older son on this baseball blanket since I brought him home, once a month. Now it's Leo's turn to start his pictures.


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Almost, so cute! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Christie, that a nice tradition and will be really lovely to look back on.
Almost - he's so cute! Ugh to the catheter, bet you can't wait to get rid of that! Hope your recovery is nice and fast :hugs: I bet he was worth every bit of it though!

Christie - such a cute idea!! That was great of your parents to take your son for the week so you and Leo can get settled although I know you must be missing him like crazy :hugs: You're really going to have your hands full with the pair of them! Is your older boy sleeping through the night now? So great for them to be so close in age - I bet they'll be great buddies! Would love to see a photo of the two of them together if you feel like posting one!
Almost - So cute! I bet Monday can't come soon enough for you. I know I felt so much better after the catheter came out.
Well my nipples are not getting less sore as they should be by now. Leo likes to chomp when he first latches - owie! I found this article and think I need to do the shove the nipple as far into his mouth as possible instead of just letting him find and latch himself. There are other tips if anyone else is tender and needs something to try.

Leo also seems to be on an hourly feeding binge. We didn't get much sleep last night because of it and he's kept it up for most of the day.

I've heard of how your let down can come when you hear your baby cry, but didn't realize how freely milk would come when that happened. I attempted to take a quick shower yesterday and Leo of course started crying during the middle of it. By the time I got out of the shower and over to him, it was like someone turned on milk faucets. Now I know why they say moms who are pumping record their baby's cries and listen to it while pumping.
I'm still pumping and even when I start in on one side, the other side just goes...and I don't have nearly as much milk as the rest of you. Luckily drinking lots of water and pumping more often is helping to increase my milk though. Not having to supplement as much and im able to get a full feeding when I pump now.

OAN I had a small victory today. I shaved my legs, lol! My tummy is still tender where my incision is, on the inside not the outside, but it's better. I think it's just that those muscles are trying to work know with lifting Virtue and what not. We have stairs too though I try to use them minimally. We've been sleeping downstairs since Virtue got home. Our bed is just too high for me to climb in and out of. It comes up to just under my boobs. And my mom was saying that she'd heard when you bf/pump your uterine muscles contract, so I assume that may have something to do with it as well.

We went out to the mall today, just to walk around a bit. Didn't stay long, but it was nice to get out of the house. I tried on one outfit and thankfully my size still fits me everywhere. Just need to lose the rest of this weight and then I can button them. Just thankful I was all belly like people kept saying. The first week has been kind to me as far as weight loss and I'm hoping the second week will be too.

My feet are still a bit swollen, but thankfully my legs are not anymore. Can't believe Virtue is a week old today. Feel like we just got home.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well and enjoying mommyhood!
I feel like the time is flying too! I'm not ready for that. I want to enjoy every little moment. The lactation specialists told me if you feel cramps while BFing it means you're doing it right because it helps your uterus contract back down to normal size. I got the cramps and definitely see a difference. I'm also just a few pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight - another perk of BFing.

Haylee's been having a fussy day today. She hasn't let us set her down most of the day unless we get her into a deep sleep in our arms first. I'm hoping that doesn't continue into our sleep time because she's been doing so great at night I don't want to start going backwards. We've got a bit of a schedule going now since she just wakes once around 3am. I've been waking up on my own at that time now and just wait for her to fuss then we do a diaper change and feeding then back to sleep until 7am. Hoping it isn't just a fluke and we can keep it going.
Well my nipples are not getting less sore as they should be by now. Leo likes to chomp when he first latches - owie! I found this article and think I need to do the shove the nipple as far into his mouth as possible instead of just letting him find and latch himself. There are other tips if anyone else is tender and needs something to try.

I have had a lot of problems with breast feeding and have striped both nipples but the day after I left hospital I had a midwife do at home check and was also a lactation specalist and showed the best way to feed that has stopped it hurting most of the time and bleeding to.. there is such an art to doing it and we are all mastering it:thumbup:

My lo run me ragged the first 4 nights with no sleep and back to back feeding to bring my milk through as it was slow, he ended up with jaundice ane dehydrated yesterday but my milk came in and I was told told to feed feed feed him.. he is much better today and has slept all night and day and have had to wake him for feeds..

Still cant believe we are all parents and despite nipple pain, lack of sleep and an unorganized (my pet hate) house its the best feeling in the world... is in love with Jasper.

So good to read and see how everyone is going.


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two your son is so cute!!!

liam had his first home bath today-he got so cold i felt horrible =( My milk finally came in today too, I think I wanted to cry i woke up from a nap and bam huge hard knockers! LOL it looks like i got implants it is so crazy how fast they grew i hope i get to keep them.

Hope all are well-so amazing we all finally have our sons and daughters in our arms!!!
Hey girls.

Things are going good over here. Can't believe Kellan is already 2 weeks old. All family has finally left my house. Tomorrow is the 1st I'll be home alone with the baby. So nervous! Hubby has to go out of town too and will be gone for 14 hours or so. Wish me luck!! Im also starting to go stir crazy in this hpuse!! cant wait til hes a month old so we can go out in public finally!!
Breastfeeding is going ok. I had my follow up appt with the LC and she was more than pleased with my progress so far - so that was great. I can now get about 4 oz from a pump which is more than Kellan eats so I've already started a little pile of milk. He still takes forever to feed from the boob but I've been patient! I do a bit of both boob and pump feedings. I feed every 3 hrs around the clock. He sleeps great and i have to wake him to feed all the time!! I am hoping at his appt on Tuesday that the pediatrician says we can bump the night feedings to every 4 hours. Also can't wait to hear what he weighs!! Hope he's back to birth weigh!
I still have a little bit to loose weight wise. Def need to tone up my tummy!! Can't do much for another 6 weeks though. I gained a total of 30 lbs exactly. And have lost 20 of it already. I tried on a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and couldn't get them past my butt so I'll have to lose their as well it seems!!
Hey girls!!

So great to read about how everyone is getting on with their los!! Can't believe they're all finally here! Dunno if ye've discovered this site yet but it has great advice for breastfeeding & common problems - Fia seems to have a good latch and doesn't hurt me when she feeds but the last week or so she's been swallowing a lot of air when feeding & making clicking noises with her lips which means she's repeatedly breaking her seal. Then she brings up all the wind in a big forceful burp that brings all the milk projectiling up too :-( Seems to mostly happen with the foremilk, after a vomit she settles down and drinks the hindmilk much more calmly. It doesn't happen with every feed - sometimes once a day, sometimes more. I've been unlatching her after 3-4 mins to wind her so that it's not all gathering until the end which seems to be helping but it's not totally foolproof! I feel so mean for unlatching her when she's feeding happily too! And sometimes she won't go back on after the burp :nope: She's gaining weight well though, wetting her nappies and isn't distressed so I'm hoping it'll sort itself out... Will work on getting rid of the clicking and see if that helps too.

Two - glad the midwife was able to give you good advice :thumbup: Might see about talking to a LC myself if Fia keeps this up for too long...

Almost - yay for your milk coming in! I hear you on wanting to keep these new bbs! Total novelty for me to have anything larger than an a-cup!

Snow - that's great that Kellan is sleeping so well! Good luck with the weighing!

Christie - sorry Leo is being a bit rough on you, fx'd things improve soon!

NoDoubt - that's great that your supply is increasing! One of the midwives in the Neo recommended porridge and almonds to boost milk supply. I used to have porridge for breakfast every morning with a few spoons of ground almonds mixed in... Might be worth trying!

Rae - hope Haylee didn't continue her fussiness into the night and if she did I hope it was just a once off!

Nat & MissA - :hi:

On Saturday we went to my uncles 70th - here's two photos of Fia at the party :D
Found this video about latching on - its quite good :thumbup:
Virtue's belly button fell off this morning. Hubbs wanted to save it, but honestly we don't know where it is. It was there when I fed him last, but hubbs had the 2am feeding. When I fed him again this morning I noticed it was gone. I asked hubbs and he said he didn't know.

Also what are your lo's eating? Virtue is eating about 2.75 - 3oz a feeding now. If he doesn't he's hungry 45 mins later and puts up the hugest fuss. Not to mention it obviously completely throws him off schedule. I feel like I'm feeding him to much, but he eats it all and when he doesn't want any he'll stop.
I haven't done a full feeding via pumped milk, so I'm not sure how much Leo is taking. I try to get him to nurse at least 10 mins, preferably 15. My older son was doing 3 oz soon after he came home, so I don't think you're feeding your LO too much. He wouldn't accept it if he didn't want it.

Leo's button is still very securely in place. He finally slept for 2 hours last night when I wrapped him tight in a swaddle. I feel like he keeps reliving his birth in dreams and he keeps waking himself with his limbs jerking in all directions. I'll have to buy more swaddlers though, I only have two. He wet through one last night and spit up on the other.

He has his first ped apt today. His pediatrician was concerned about his weight loss in the hospital because it approached the 10% max that they like to see. I think he regained most of it before we left, so I'm not sure why she was so concerned, but I'm hoping he shows a good weight gain today. He ought to with how often he's been feeding.

My followup apt isn't for 5 more weeks. I still have to schedule it. When do you all have to go back for followups to make sure you're healing? I also wasn't given any guidelines on driving after my csect, so I'm driving us to his apt today. My sister was told to wait 2 weeks, but she had a rough csect. My only guidelines after release were to make the followup apt in 6 weeks, no heavy lifting or exercise, and pelvic rest.
I didn't get instructions on driving either, but I've heard the 2 weeks is standard rough section or not. My doc said to follow up in 4-6 weeks so I'll make it for in about 3 weeks. Haven't scheduled mine either. Can't wait for Virtue to be a bit older so I don't feel like he is so fragile.
Christie - We're in the same situation with swaddlers. I'm washing both at the moment. I was told I could drive after 2 weeks so hubby drove us to the first pediatrician appointment. I am also supposed to have my follow up with th Ob at 6 weeks but haven't scheduled yet either.

No Doubt - I also haven't done a full feeding with pumping but it looks to be around 3 oz or just under that. Sometimes she feeds a lot less other times a lot more

Broody - Haylee makes a clicking noise sometimes too but her latch seems to be good. She does tend to spit up a little sometimes or just drool some milk out at the end. She also very rarely burps even if I try for a long time. Not sure what more I can do

We did have a fussy night to start last night. Had to rock her to sleep with a pacifier before she'd let me lay her down. But, the rest of the night we were back in schedule. It seems the only thing that settles her other than eating is a pacifier. She sucks constantly and if its not the boob or a pacifier, she sucks her fingers.
NoDoubt - I've no idea how much Fia is taking either, that's one of this disadvantages of bf'ing! She takes as much as she wants - sometimes it's only 10mins, other times she'll nurse on and off for an hour or two... When she was in the neo they had a formula to work out how much each baby should get. It was 180ml (just over 6oz) multiplied by Weight of baby(in kg) divided by Number of feedings per 24hours. Hope that helps!!

Christie - good luck at the dr! Hope ye see a good weight gain! I had to go back to my dr 2 weeks after Fia's birth and again another 4 weeks after that. I didn't have a csection so no idea about the driving...

Rae - I've started following the technique in that video and have had good periods of click free feeding today :thumbup: I've also started unlatching her as soon as the clicking starts. No vomiting so far today - hopefully it continues!!

Two - forgot to say I love the photo of Jasper & your oh! Fia loves to sleep like that too!

Almost - Fia hated her first bath! She screamed & screamed! Things have improved a bit since though - she still doesn't love them but hopefully she's getting there!

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