Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Thanks two! I think so, lol.

How is everyone feeling? Just wanted to check in see how everyone's doing. I'm sore...can't wait for it to get better. They said the first couple days are the best cause you still have the need in your system and your body is still going off adrenaline. Then it gets a bit rough, the starts to get better again for real. I'm in that rough stage I'm sure, lol. The meds do help though.

And my boobs hurt...someone could have warned me, lol. My left is literally a cup size bigger than my right. And they screwed the pooch with my pump so now I don't have one. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow at the latest. My doc put the script in my file and then no one looked so none of the nurses ordered it. I asked every doc, nurse, etc. about it and no one looked through my file until my nurse today and she sent if over for me.
Love Virtue's pic NoDoubt!

Leo had his hospital newborn photo shoot today and when they showed me the pics (to try to sell me this outrageous package deal) they set it to a slide show and music and it made me cry. He just looked so adorable and he's all mine :)

I'm also and emotional wreak right now because the doctor just confirmed that technically they are telling me I can't lift my 8 month old until after I'm given the all clear at 6 weeks. Then she said it's most important for the first 2 weeks, but as long as I don't do anything crazy, the occasional diaper change type activity will be ok. The nurses preferred that he wasn't brought the hospital to visit, so I'm missing him very much right now. :cry:

Other than that I tried to escape the hospital today, but doc said I had to wait until tomorrow morning. I've been up and about all day. Being in the bed hurts my back so I've avoided it as much as possible. I even got into the shower today. I'm feeling pretty good pain-wise. My back is actually starting to bother me more than the incision.

And yes, sore boobies over here too. My sister did try to warn me, but I feel like Leo is a food addict and is a bit too aggressive at first. She also says that the nips should harden and become almost numb after a while, but didn't say how long that would take. Showering today the water stung one of them, which surprised me.

These are two of my favorite pics the hospital took today.


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That has to be rough Christie, not being able to be around your lo. I can't believe the nurses thought it best for him not to come up. Take you'd time to rest up. I know you wanna leave, but you gotta take care of yourself. And I really love that first pic, lol!

Got a call and my breast pulp should be here any minute! Virtue fed a bit from my boobs today and they feel a little better, but not much.
No Doubt - He's a little cutie! I think I was the most sore on day 2 or so but that may have been because they had to leave me on the catheter for an extra day because of the trauma to my bladder and I was just extremely annoyed with it at that point. I love the nurse that finally got me off of it! I found getting up and walking around (slowly!) helped a lot with getting my muscles to loosen up a bit and showering made me feel amazing!

Christie - Love the newborn pics! I was the same way when they showed me the slide show. I couldn't stop crying. She's just such a little miracle and I can't believe how much I love her. Plus, she ended up looking right up at us for our family shot and it just melts my heart. I still tear up when I show people the online slideshow. My back also really hurt from laying in the hospital bed. Plus, I hate back sleeping and that is all I could do without pain. I've managed to go back to my pregnancy side sleeping position all propped up with pillows now that I'm home.

Haylee had her first doctor's visit outside of the hospital today. We went through 3 diapers in the short time we were in the exam room but the doctor said that is great because it means she is eating well. She's also gaining weight which a lot of babies still aren't doing at this point so good to hear that is going well. He also said I can let her go up to 4 hours at night without waking her (5 once she gets back to birth weight) so that will be amazing as long as I can get her into a good sleep. She loves to suck which is great for breast feeding but at night she wants something to pacify on and won't settle down. I gave in and gave her a pacifier last night but then she wakes up every time she spits it out. It is only at night, during the day she sleeps fine. Latching on still hurts pretty bad for me but once she gets going the pain stops too. I got some Lansinoh cream so we'll see if that helps.
Hey girls! Quiet in here at the moment! Hope you are all enjoying having your los at home :D How is the bf'ing going? And the sleeping? I've started giving Fia Infacol to help her bring up her wind. Seems to be working :thumbup: I've also started unlatching her every 5-10 mins to burp because sometimes if I leave it til she's done she does such a big burp that she brings up half her feed too... Feel so guilty about unlatching her when she's feeding happily though, even if it is only for a minute or two! My dr suggested cutting out dairy and seeing if that helps her but it's so hard - I never realised before how much dairy I actually eat! Today myself and dh are heading into the registry office to register Fia's birth and get her birthcert - it's about time for us!! Normally you can register them in the hospital but every time the registrar came looking for us we were down in the Neo so it never happened...

Almost - any update? Hope all went well with the induction and yourself and Liam are busy getting to know eachother :baby:

Christie - Leo is gorgeous! So sorry about not being allowed carry your 8 month old though. Very surprised they wouldn't let him visit in the hospital, that must've been very hard for you :-(

NoDoubt - Virtue is gorgeous!

Rae - I had to have a catheter in too because my placenta wouldn't deliver so they tried emptying the bladder first but in the end they had to take me to theatre, knock me out and remove it manually (ugh!) I HATED the catheter, made every single movement so awkward. :growlmad: I have a new respect for patients who need them long term... I could've hugged the nurse that removed mine too!

Snow, MissA & Two - :hi:
I'm a bit bummed by I'm the fact that I'm not really making much milk. Im worried that I won't really be able to bf like I want. But im also a bit at peace with it as the formula method is working ok. I just want to make sure Virtue eats is all. That's obviously my main goal. But would really like him to get the benefits of breast milk. I put him to my breast and pump but I literally get maybe half an ounce total from both breast each feeding. Then yesterday I was sore I couldn't even pump after the fifth time. I just figure I'll give what I can as long as I can and hopefully that will help with all the good Virtue should get out of bf.
Hi everyone, has been a very tiring couple of days as it was almost 48 hours before I could get and sleep and it was only for a hour. Jasper cluster fed for over 9 hours last night and today he is been a dream and allowing me some sleep.
My breast a raw and been bleeding but am getting through it and looks like milk is starting to come through.
Movement after the c section has been good and looks like we will all be heading home tomorrow American I can't wait.
Will update with a photo then.

Love all the pics and so want more more more.

Almost can't wait for a update.

No doubt I am sure it will happen soon I hope. How are you feeling?

Will post more when home.x you guys have been great.x
hi ladies just a quick update as have to finsh breakfast and breast feed. liam michael was born at two in the afternoon on wednesday. ive been in hospital since monday and may or may not go home today as i got a rth grade tear so my urethra and my rectum. ive been in very bad pain and just started becomming more independent but not able to empty my bladder completely. he was very big for me seven pounds and nine ounces twenty one inches long. my number are broken on my cell haha. will update with photos when i get home he looks just like me with some of daddys body features so happy and in love
Congrats almost. Im happy to hear you finally have you Liam in your arms.

Wow it looks like all our LOs made a memerable entrance!
Congrats almost! Rest up and take care of yourself hun. Will wait for pics!

Christie, I was thinking the same thing this morning, lol.
Almost - delighted to hear Liam arrived safely, was beginning to worry! Sorry you had such a rough time of it, looks like you were right to worry about his size. Hope you feel better soon. Can't wait for a photo!!
Almost - Congrats! Hopefully your recovery will be quick.

So today I had my first breast leak. Apparently sleeping on your stomach is not good. I must have rolled over at some point and put pressure on one of my breasts and it leaked everywhere - through the breast pad, my sleep bra, and my nightgown. What a mess! Will start using the overnight pads and see if that helps.

Haylee has also decided that she likes to cluster feed at night. During the day she is perfectly content to go 3 or more hours (half the time I wake her to feed) but overnight it is sometimes an hour, sometimes 2, sometimes 30 min. It is making it hard to get into a sleep pattern. I'm already worrying about going back to work if this continues - I don't know how I'll make it through the day when I can't nap.
Rae I leaked through last night on my left side. Not as bad ad what you're describing, but there was a nice little spot on the couch where my boob was, lol.

Making much more milk today. Enough for a feeding out of both boobs. Had Virtues appt today and she said babies that are strictly breast fed need a vit K supplement as that's just not one of the things that gets passed down in the milk, but having him supplement is helpful so as of right now he shouldn't need one, but if i can keep my milk growing he'll have to go on one.

And Virtue is jaundice. Its not bad, but still worries me. He was a little jaundice before left the hospital but it was only his face and very slight. Its now on his chest, still slight yellowing but obviously that means its gotten worse. So they did more bloodwork and bilirubin levels did go up, but she said its still within normal range for 5 days old. She said around day 4/5 is when it's at its worse...the liver isn't really fully ready and functioning til day hopefully I will see improvement over the weekend. If not I'll call Monday and see what needs to be done. The good thing is that it's harmless and there remedies that are easy and harmless when caught early. But hoping we don't need it. He's still eating, sleeping, and going pee/poo really well so nothing to worry about...though I am cause he's mine, lol.
Congrats almost!! Has everyone delivered now?? How exciting:)

No doubt Allie was jaundice also. Her bilirubin was 12 but its all better now. The more you feed virtue the faster her will flush it out.

Broody I'm so glad fia is home now and doing well.

Christie. I love your baby's face in that first picture:)

Being a mom is so much harder than I thought but I never imagined how much I could love another person. Totally worth it:). My baby is 10 days old already! Here's a couple more pics.


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Congrats almost.

Loving all the pic.. they are all very cute.

He is a pic of jasper I just quickly took. His first night at home.


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