Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Two and almost, you guys are almost there!

AFM I still don't have any milk or colostrum so I have to supplement, but he's a greedy boy and doing well with it, lol. They have this SNS thing which allows you to still use it off of your own nipple so he won't get used to a bottle before my nipple. Bit honestly I've used both and he does fine with both so I don't think my breasts will be a problem when the milk does come in. They said cause I'm a first time mom and had a cs milk could be a few days late. One of my nurses was in the same hoag with her first and said her milk didn't come for 4-5 days.

Anyone else exhausted yet! Lol, Virtue was up was very fussy last night, but I somehow pulled some sleep out in the end and he was kind enough to let me get a couple extra hours this morning. Can't wait to go home tomorrow and get in our routine finally.
Hey ladies. Sorry I've been Mia for a while. N doubt I am exhausted too! I got an hour and a half sleep last night and 4 hrs the night before. Definitely not easy. Breast feeding will work itself out. Allie had latch issues and is temperamental so I use a nipple sheild and used to have to use an eye dropper with formula in it to get her to latch. It is so much easier After your milk comes in. She has gained an ounce a day since we left the hospital.
Congrats to all the new moms!! I really wanted a natural birth too. Even though my whole labor was under seven hours I had the pitosin, nausea meds, the epi (which didn't work so I needed a jump) baby's heart rate dropped they put me on oxygen even though I was 10cm when I was pushing they still had to cut me and I also tore. I e thing I learned is you can plan all you want but when it comes to babies you just have to go with it. Plus having a fussy baby is tough as a ftm. The nurses were calling her the madwoman at the hospital.
This is my little Allie cat at 5 days. She is one week today:)


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I got more sleep during the day yesterday than when my sister got here at night to 'help me out'. She made me nervous because she slept on the couch in the room and kept taking Leo with her. So I basically just stayed up to watch them to make sure she didn't mistakenly suffocate him and that he didn't fall off the couch. I had told her she wasn't allowed to do that, but she doesn't listen.

Leo lost 6oz his first day. His nurse didn't seem concerned with that much of a weight loss, but it seems like a lot to me, especially if he loses that much more before we leave. I am getting milk already, and Leo likes to eat often. I wonder if I will still end up needing to supplement to get his weight up eventually.
Don't worry Christie all babies lose weight. Virtue only lost .02oz, bit then when they weighed him again at midnight last night he'd lost a full 5oz from his birth weight. He'll start to gain so I wouldn't worry at all.
Things are progressing very slow, at 5pm I was 4cm when they broke my water and contractions started straight away, at 1am there was no progress and still 4cm yet contractions had been longer, closer and really painfully.. I got the drip to help move it along and still nothing so I have said yes to a epi when I was told most likely another 8hours or so to go and if still nothing then I will have to have a c section.. I hope he progress on his own though.
Gosh two, I hope things move along for you too. He's really been through it in there and you with everything trying to get him here.
No Doubt - My milk didn't come in until just before we left the hospital - so around day 3 or so. It definitely gets much easier once the milk comes in since there is actually something for them to feed on.

Christie - Weight loss is fine. Haylee lost consistently every day and was up to an 8% loss in body weight until the last day when she finally started gaining (when my milk came in). All the doctors/nurses warned us ahead of time and said it is completely normal.

Two - Good luck and hope things start progressing for you. Apparently our little ones all just want to stay snuggled inside and don't want to come out.

I'm exhausted too. Well I was until hubby let me get a solid nap in this afternoon. Haylee decided she wanted to feed about every 20-30 min last night and refused to settle down until around 2am. Then we finally got back on the every 3 hour schedule so I managed to get a couple hours of sleep overnight. I'm hoping to pump at least once a day to start building up a supply so hubby can start helping out on some of the feedings but that all depends on Haylee not wanting both sides for every feeding.
Count me in for lack of sleep. I feed every 3 hours so basically only getting like 2 hours of sleep at a time. I am lucky that Kellan is a good sleeper and a very laid back baby. However, it makes nursing hard as he falls asleep so fast and stops eating. Then I have had latch issues. My nipples were bloody and cracked - I balled everytime he would nurse. So I started pumping and feeding him my milk through a bottle. We are slowly working back onto the breast. BF is def hard work.

Two - Thinking of you and hoping that things are progressing faster now!

Christie - My mom fell asleep with baby on the couch after I told her not to do that either. I was pretty mad.

Great pic Miss A. We did our newborn photos on Sat. Just waiting on getting them back.

No Doubt - My milk didn't come in til the 3rd day.

The nurses said that as long as babies don't loose more than 10% of body weight that they are good. They should ideally be back to birth weight within 10-14 days.

Here's a pic of Kellan from the other day:
Snow have you tried a shield?
I just love that pic!! What a doll. Can't wait to see you newborn pics.
Its just me and Leo tonight, i hope we both can get a good nights rest.

Leo is aggressive when he first starts eating and it hurts something fierce until he finally latches right. I swear there are times when he is just bearing down on my nipple with his gums and that hurts like a bitch.

Adorable pics snow and missA.

Two and almost i hope you guys are showing more progress by now.

Im waiting to hear what Leo weighs tonight. He had a few feedings today where he just feel asleep after 5 mins. Im just hoping he didnt lose as much as last night.
After a long and hard labour Jasper was born by emergency c section as after 16 hours and 2hours pushing he was not coming out and kept climbing back up. I also spiked a temp and they couldn't get his heart rate down pass 160 to 178 in sleep mode. They were going to try suction cup or vontuse but he was not low enough. He was also back to back so I got a epi as the pain was to hard.
Will be in for 3 - 5 days and will try to post photo or I may have to wait till I get home.
Snow i Love the pic.. soo cute

Will do.more personals later, off to get some so rest.
Two, congrats! Get some rest now hun. Look forward to more updates!
My boobs were looking exceptionally full so I checked and my colostrum is finally there! My bubba can have mommy's milk soon!
Congrats two!

Yay for breastmilk showing signs of coming in.

Leo has been sleeping better than me tonight. Ive never been a back sleeper, but it is too painful to lay on my side right now. My back is now sore from sleeping on it all night.
Congratulations Two!!!!! Fantastic news! That's another c-section to add to the list - we do seem to have had a lot of them! Rest well, looking forward to seeing a photo!

NoDoubt - yay for milk!!!! Hope Virtue enjoys it! :D

Almost - any movement yet?!

Bringing Fia to the gp for her 2 weeks post discharge apt today. Last night was her first unsettled night - fairly sure she had bad wind, she kept pulling her legs up and wouldn't (couldn't?) sleep for more than half an hour unless she was up in arms. Every other night she's been sleeping for 3-4 hours between feeds so hopefully this was a once off. Might ask about giving her drops or something for wind because she does get a lot of it and its the only thing that upsets her...

Hope all you other new mummies got some sleep last night! One advantage of having been in the neo for so long is that Fia's feeding & sleeping patterns were quite well established by the time she came home. Sleep deprivation is no fun!! :sleep:
Hubbs stayed with me last night as I'm being discharged today! He got up with Virtue. Even though virtue obviously woke me the fact that I didn't have to stay awake really helped me get some sleep. The nurse I had is also an amazing swaddler and got him tucked right in there and showed me how. Virtue is already busting out of his swaddles...strong little thing he is, but she made it bigger and tighter and I think that helped him sleep longer and not be so fussy as last night. He slept 2.5 hours at one point then 2 at another. I know it's not what im used to lately but that sleep makes me feel like a million bucks. Gonna try to get in one more.
Had a great first night with Jasper.. he latched on first shot and has done well feeding since. My oh is much a proud dad that is doing everything.. dressing, feeding and nappy changes as I have not been allowed up... he would even bring him to my boob. We are both in Love.

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