Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

MissA - LOL sometimes I feel like a cow too. Especially when pumping.

Almost - I'm surprised with how quickly the weight has fallen off too! I also wish the stretch marks would fade as fast.

I'm not getting the 4 hour stretches overnight yet but she seems to be sticking with the 3 hours for now. She's been settling right down after each feeding today no pacifier needed. I even managed to get a nap myself during one of her sleeps.
Had midwife come over again today and weigh Jasper and he is still loosing weight so she have me a prescription to help increase my milk supply and if he weighs less tomorrow I will have to start him on some formula.. I really hope that does not happen so it's going to be another long night of feeding and expressing (she dropped of a automatic pump).
I feel for he is hungry and can't get anything.
Aww two, that was one reason I gave in to the formula so quickly. I didn't have anything and didn't want Virtue to not eat or not get enough. I'm sure it will work out for you and jasper hun. Just gotta keep at it is all. I wanted to only breast feed too, bit we gotta do what we gotta do for our lo.
I hate the fact that he has been hungry all this time but at least there is formula to turn to if all else fails. Has your lo done well with formula so far?
MissA & Rae - in the Neo there was a room just for expressing. It had a row of comfy chairs and about 15 pumps. Everyone called it the milking parlour! :D

Two - :hugs: Hopefully the formula will only be a temporary thing and you'll be able to switch back to full bf'ing soon. If not then that's ok too, although I know it must be upsetting :flower: Keeping Jasper happy and healthy is the main thing. Have you tried things like oats, almonds, fennel tea etc? Fx'd the meds will do the trick.
Saw this on facebook yesterday and thought it was really good :thumbup:

You're A Good Mum...

To the mum who's breastfeeding:
Way to go! It really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mum.

To the mum who's formula feeding:
Isn't science amazing? To think there was a time when a baby with a mother who couldn't produce enough would suffer, but now? Better living through chemistry! You're a good mum.

To the cloth diapering mum:
Fluffy bums are the cutest, and so friendly on the bank account. You're a good mum.

To the disposable diapering mum:
Damn those things hold a lot, and it's excellent to not worry about leakage and laundry! You're a good mum.

To the mum who stays home:
I can imagine it isn't easy doing what you do, but to spend those precious years with your babies must be amazing. You're a good mum.

To the mum who works:
It's wonderful that you're sticking to your career, you're a positive role model for your children in so many ways, it's fantastic. You're a good mum.

To the mum who had to feed her kids from the drive thru all week because you're too worn out to cook or go grocery shopping:
You're feeding your kids, and hey, I bet they aren't complaining! Sometimes sanity can indeed be found in a red box with a big yellow M on it. You're a good mum.

To the mum who gave her kids a homecooked breakfast lunch and dinner for the past week:
Excellent! Good nutrition is important, and they're learning to enjoy healthy foods at an early age, a boon for the rest of their lives. You're a good mum.

To the mum with the kids who are sitting quietly and using their manners in the fancy restaurant:
Kudos, it takes a lot to maintain order with children in a place where they can't run around. You're a good mum.

To the mum with the toddler having a meltdown in the cereal aisle:
They always seem to pick the most embarrassing places to lose their minds don't they? We've all been through it. You're a good mum.

To the mums who judge other moms for ANY of the above?
Glass houses, friend. Glass houses.
Virtue fed from the boob this morning! How do you know when he's had enough? I still have to pump though as there's still milk in there and my other boob is a bit achey. Unfortunately I now have to disturb his slumber as he had a nice little poo and needs to be changed.
Sebastian has been a big comfort nurser lately and barely sleeps, even during the day! Makes for a tired mama haha. Maybe it's his 2-3 week growth spurt . . .
Yay NoDoubt!! :dance: He's had enough when he stops feeding and (usually) falls asleep :thumbup: No need to pump even if there is milk left there - your body will begin to match what he needs after a while. If you pump when he's done then your system will keep producing too much. If the other bb is really sore just pump a small bit to take the edge off and prevent engorgement etc Great that he took it! :D How long did he feed for? If it was 10-15 mins or less & he's hungry again in an hour or two then the general rule is to put him back on the same side the next time so he can finish off the hindmilk... If he's not hungry for another 3 hours or so then you can switch sides b/c both will be full again (iykwim?)
Allie slept so good last night. Two 3.5 hour stretches. She doesn't like the swaddle so I just let her arms stay out. The dr said not to cluster feed her but give her the paci well that didn't work and I think sometimes she's just extra hungry because she ate and ate then slept and slept. Also I had a lot of onion for dinner on Tuesday so maybe that's why she was so fussy that night? Everyone tells me something different but I think I've got to pick and choose what works best for us.

Broody - lol the milk parlor! That's cute. Isn't it funny how we lose our modesty after baby? More people have seen my boobs in the last two weeks.

Two. Even if you have to give a bottle to him he's still getting nutrients from your milk too. I have to use that shield. I don't think it's as easy ad any of us thought.
Leo pulls himself off my boob when he's done, if he hasn't passed out completely.

I think I figured out why he only sleeps for an hour/hour and half at a time. I tried to get him to drink 3oz from a bottle before bed last night and he only took 2, then a short while later he ate the other 1oz. But then later in the night he only took 1 before falling asleep and even after a diaper change I couldn't get him to drink another oz. When he's on the boob, he must be only drinking an oz at a time. I need to figure out a way to get him to drink more at once, we were up every hour again last night.

He did take 2 oz early this morning then slept for 2 hours. Seems like he'll sleep an hour per oz.

Anyone else figure out how to clear off the newborn flaking skin gently? I don't want to rub his skin raw, but he's flaking on his face and I don't like it to get into his eyes. His hands and ankles are pretty bad with the flaking too.
Christie - Fia didn't really have flaky skin other than the cradle cap on her head which we just gently scrubbed off with a warm washcloth and some baby oil - she screamed the house down! Nurse in the hospital said to rub her with almond oil if she gets dry skin so that might work? Just be careful with the sun after using oil or he'll burn! As regards the feeding try changing his nappy after he's finished feeding at the bb to see if wakes up and wants more then? (if you can! If I changed Fia mid-feed she'd spit a lot of milk back up at me!) Other things the nurses suggested to us to wake babies for a feed were opening up the babygro to let some ar to the skin & gently washing the face or feet with some damp cotton wool. They also said they're more likely to wake if put down rather than kept snuggled into mum!

MissA - did the dr say why you shouldn't clusterfeed? Fia definitely sleeps longer after cluster feeding. The two nights she slept for 6 hours she had pretty much fed all evening. Yesterday evening she just fed every 3 hours and woke up after 4 hours after I put her to bed...
I use baby moisturizer after every bath or shower and that seems to work but I don't put it on his hands and face.. no flaking on face though just hands.

Spent another night cluster feeding, I am so exhausted that I have spent the last hour crying, I wish he would just give me a few hours sleep..
I hope there is weight gain but at this stage I am thinking of getting formula to top up before bed time to help settled him.. your right I will still be giving him breast milk so he will still be getting what he needs
Aww two ( hugs ). The lactation consultant told me there's nothing wrong with giving a bottle before bed. Even if you just did it once to get some sleep. Stress and lack of sleep can effect you milk production too. You need to take care of yourself so you can take care of that baby.
Two - I'm considering a formula bottle before bed as well.

Broody - Thanks for the reminder to change my ticker :)

I'm attempting to get ourselves together and take a trip to Babies R Us. I want to look at double jogging strollers and get an umbrella stroller. I'd also like to see if they have bigger nursing bras. The girls are getting out of control over here. I swear they've grown since I bought a bigger bra Tuesday.
Had our 2 week appointment today. Haylee is weighing in at 7lbs 5oz today. The dr said they're happy with any weight gain at this point and she's gaining much better than the minimum so proof that whatever we're doing is working. They also did the heel prick for the metabolic panel and she screamed her little head off. I've never heard that level of crying/screaming out of her and it broke my heart. I guess the doctor is going to be rough for us from now on since vaccines are coming up. We also got the vitamin d supplement to give her each day - guess we'll find out tomorrow if she likes it.
Two hope you yet some rest soon hun. I know you must be exhausted.

Christie I noticed today that Virtue sleeps longer if he eats a little more so you may be right.

Rae, yay for the great appt! That heal prick gets them. I had to be there for Virtue when they checked his bilirubin again and yikes! Mix the vit d in with the milk if you can cause they don't like it. That's what the doctor told us. So that's what we do.

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