Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

No Doubt - Thanks! I was wondering if I could mix with milk if she doesn't like it. Our doctor said some babies like it and others will puke it back up because they hate it. I guess if she hates it I'll pump just a little to mix it with. The doctor also said its not a big deal to do it every day this time of year since its sunny out.
NoDoubt & Rae - Fia is on iron which she likes and multi vitamin which she hated at the start. I was going to mix it with milk but my mum (who is also a doctor) advised me not to because she said the last thing you want to do is put her off her milk if she could still taste the vitamins in it... So we persevered with giving them with a little syringe and now she makes a little face but takes them no problem.:thumbup:
Thanks all:hugs:

Rae when Jasper had the heal prick test first time in hospital they got me to breast feed him while they did it and he didnt even cry but second one at home with know feeding and he screamed till he fed
Two - The nurse did say we could use the room to feed Haylee after the heel prick today so maybe that was to help settle her down.
Anyone else's boobs/nipples hurt when their lo cries? Mine ache so bad.
Yes. Or sometimes even when Leo is nursing on one side the other will start to hurt.

I feel so bad for Leo tonight. He seems to be constipated :( I wonder if it's something I've eaten today.

Has anyone else started tummy time for their LO? I read that we should definitely start by the time they are a month old, but can wait until after their cord stub falls off. I've been giving Leo some tummy time during each of his two awake times. Usually only long enough for him to move his head from one side to the other, since it takes him a while to want to switch sides. He's more likely to lift his head when he's playing 'tree frog' than during tummy time. But I want to avoid him getting any flat spots and tummy time is always the recommendation for that.
My doctor said to just do tummy time while she is laying in my chest and I'm watching her.

Is anyone using gripe water?
Christie my midwife said that what makes you gassy will make lo gassy..

MissA I was told not to use gripe water while bf?? And that its not as affective now they have removed the alcohol

Jasper did 16hour of cluster feeding and managed to put on 120g:happydance:.. top up with formula the next couple of days, express and breast feed should get things sorted as well as a much needed rest for us both
Two - Hopefully you get some rest tonight. I bet you're exhausted!

Christie - I've just been allowing Haylee control of her head when she is on my chest like MissA. She lifts her head and looks all around while burping. The doctor also just flipped her over in his arms today to check her neck/head control and said she's looking strong so I'll probably just continue with this until she's strong enough to control it better. Right now when she's done she just lets her head flop back to my chest and I imagine that would hurt if she's on the floor.

No Doubt - Mine are aching a bit tonight but Haylee has been going longer between her day feeds now so I think I'm getting fuller in between feedings. It is the first day they've actually hurt.

Haylee has been sleeping great this evening, hoping it continues into tonight. My in-laws also brought our dogs back today. They're not quite sure about Haylee yet and I'm still a bit uneasy letting them too close. They're small dogs and very well behaved so I doubt anything will happen but its my protective mommy instinct. We're taking it slow for now but the one keeps barking at her little noises.
After a fussy beginning to bed time, we had a good night. Leo slept in increments of 2 to almost 3 hours. I tried some formula before bed, but he didn't seem to like it. He made a face and only drank an oz, then he wouldn't settle down until he got boob. He seems to be staying on the boob longer since last night, so I'm hoping that's a trend that will stay. He's also very sleepy this morning and has yet to have his AM awake time.

I haven't used gripe water with Leo, I did try some with Nicholas when he was a month or two old. I was never convinced it actually worked for him.

Two I hope your LO continues his gain and continues to give you a break and lets you start catching up on much needed rest/sleep.
Igot some sleep :happydance: and now to try our first family outing..

Have a good weekend all:hugs:
Two - So glad you finally got some sleep. Good luck with your outing!

We went on our first family walk today. Took the dogs out with Haylee in the stroller. It was a nice nice little trip. We're also having a girl's shopping trip tomorrow with my mom and sister.
Rae hope you all have a nice time shopping

Decided to weigh myself today and in 10 days I have lost a total of 25pounds.. I cqn believe how much you can lose after having a baby and with know exercising.. another 15 pounds to go and I will be pre pregnancy weight. I'm sure it can be that hard.

On the topic of weight I can't believe how much my oh family is obsessed with my weight, pre pregnancy I was 121 pounds a slim build and as I got bigger it was all they could comment on and now that Bubs is here it is still top of there topic list.. today going on about how when they popped in the other day they could still see a belly "well maybe that is because of swelling from my surgery and the fact that I just had a baby"!!!! Grrrr there is at least one comment about it everyone I see them.. great way to make you feel good..
Two - I can't believe that they feel it is ok to comment about your weight! Your uterus is probably still shrinking back to normal size at this point. Mine is just now starting to not look so much like a flabby pooch and Haylee had a super latch and gave me the shrinking contractions from the beginning. I imagine those that didn't still have a ways to go. Regardless, it is not they're place to be concerned about your weight! You're right, you just had a baby and besides you can worry about yourself without they're comments!
Two I can't believe they would say something either! I would be pissed! Of course its gonna take some time for things to go down. But who would be so insensitive and rude to say something. I'm just how starting to not have a flab pouch either, but am still watching it in the mirror everyday. I don't think they realize that this can be a very sensitive issue for women. Which how mom really should considering she's been there before. Just ignore them. 25lbs is great and I'm sure you look great too.
Thanks ladies...My oh said that the next time something is mentioned he will be saying something to them as he can see how much it gets to me.. I had also been feeling pretty good about myself as well.

Had to go to the on call doctors today due to bad pain in lower right leg and he thinks it feels like a superfical thrombophlebitis and have to go to gp on monday to get a scan to make sure its not DVT (he pretty sure its not though) so asprin and compression stocking should do the trick till we know.

Its saturday night here so I hope eveyone is enjoying the start of there weekend and have lots of fun time planned.. I enjoyed our family day out, oh took us out for lunch for a late 30th as I was discharged the day before and was not able to do anything (not that i minded).. Jasper was a gem the whole time right up to we got home.
Tomorrow is let oh sleep in and do nothing day ;)
BUMP! Just quickly popping in to say hello-sounds like everyone is doing well and keeping busy with all the LOs. Hope you all have a great day-I am just slammed with homework and needing a nap already hahaha. Can't believe my little man has his second check up Monday already! Anyone have special fathers day plans?! I am not aloud to drive because of my recovering so I can't really go out and get anything for DH without him knowing hmmm...
I tried to make reservations at this new restaurant that hubbs wants to go to, but they close at 4 and he has to pick his mom up from the airport at 3 so that's not gonna work. I did him a fathers day cake from Dairy Queen in the flavor he likes. He'll have to pick it up, and he's ok with that. He always says he just wants to eat. And he was done with ordering in something.

Tomorrow is the two week mark for me so next week I'm gonna try to get out a bit. Go for some walks with Knubia and maybe get to a few stores. Didn't really miss driving, but glad I can again. Besides hubbs yelled at me a couple days ago saying I was doing too much and not resting. I thought I was resting. I'm just such an active person so I thought I was taking it easy. So he's been doing everything the past couple days. That's been really nice, lol.

I scheduled my pp checkup for a couple weeks. Would be really nice if they cleared me a little early to workout, but I doubt it. I'm 5lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight, but I really want to start toning things up. I tried on a pair of my pants yesterday and almost got them buttoned, but obviously my stomach was not how I'm used to and I want to get that back.

Virtue had been really fussy today. I think it's partially what I ate yesterday was a bit spicy and the fact that yesterday he didn't poop all day and finally started going right before bed. He's gassy so I'm hoping it doesn't last all day, but we'll see. It's taken everything to get him down twice already this morning. I nursed him for over an hour before he finally fell asleep at my boob and hubbs snuck him into his bassinet. I finally was able to go back to sleep after being up with him for 3 from 4-7 this morning.

It's nice out today so maybe we can get out for a small bit.
No doubt hope you guys have a nice fathers day, its a couple of months away here.
Is there anything you give him for gass? My lo suffers with it lots as he wont burp properly.
Two - here we have Infacol for gas, contains simeticone (sp?) which helps the small gas bubbles join into bigger ones which then come up more easily. I'm sure you'll find something similar if you ask in the pharmacy. Apparently it can make reflux worse though if that's something Jasper suffers from? Hope you get some sleep again tonight!!

Edit: Lol! Just realised you were asking NoDoubt if she had something for Virtue's gas not asking if something existed for gas! :dohh: Oops!

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