Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

We've had a busy day over here. Drove North an hour and half to meet my parents to pick up Nick. After handling Leo for two weeks and not getting to pick up Nick, Nick feels HUGE to me right now. I had to weigh him to make sure, but he is only up 2 lbs from his 6 month checkup so he didn't have a big weight gain while I've been on the mend.

My boobs get in the way when holding him now though. The drive up and back tuckered out Leo completely. He's been sleeping for 2.5 hours now. I'll have to wake him in a few, hopefully Nick will go down for bed by then.

Here they are sucking on each others fingers.


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And about the whole weight issue, that's just rude. My sister is the only one who has asked me how much I lost, but it was because she wanted to emphasize how fast the weight comes off, not because I still have weight to lose.

I read somewhere that your uterus should be back to per-pregnancy size between weeks 4 and 6. I can still see the pouch shrinking, but I still have a lot of weight to lose. I think I must have gained the most here, or at least had one of the highest gains. My first goal is to get to my 'non working out' weight, which is still 23 or so pounds away. Then to my fit weight which will be another 5-10 pounds more. I've been noticing around 2.5 pounds a day in loss so I'm hoping that will continue, for a while at least.

I just found out my cousin is in her 2nd tri with her second. She had had a first tri miscarriage a few years ago so we are all excited she's made it to 2nd tri. She is due in December.
Christie congrats to your cousin!

Those pics are so cute! I fan see though how it feels like Nick is huge compared to Leo. He's not big, but there's obviously a size difference there. I'm sure you will get used to it though. Maybe that's why the docs didn't want you picking him up just yet.
Two, nothing I gibe for gas. He doesn't get it often, he usually burps fine. It was just this morning which is why I thought it was what I ate yesterday. He was really gassy in the beginning so we switched the formula to the easy version, for gas and fussiness and that seemed to help.
Almost - the more advise the better, I am finding this all very scary as what to do and what not to do..

I eneded up going to the pharmacy and got a natural ginger remedy that he loves the taste of and since taking it there is a increase in his burping and wind and was able to do a bowel motion after not going all day as he could not remove any wind. I hope it continues like this..

Christie your two boys are very cute and congrats to your cousin, what great news for her and her partner..

No doubt I wonder if the top up with formula is causing some of his problems.
It was just the one day. He burps and poos just fine. It was like there was a 12 hour period where things stopped for him and then his world was good again.

Pretty sure Virtue is having his growth spurt. He's how feeding 3oz every two hours and honestly overnight that hurts, lol. Hoping it will level out soon. I just keep feeling like I am over feeding him cause his feeding has increased to me what feels like rapidly in the past week. But the doc said to feed him what he wants so I do.
Christie. I live the pics! His adorable are they? They are going to be best friends for sure:)

Two. I give Allie gas drops every now and then when she is unexplainable fussy

No doubt. Allie has hot a growth spurt too. Sometimes nursing every hour for up to an hour! We are supposed to go to a cookout today and I feel like I'm going to spend to whole time in the other room nursing!
Christie - how cute!! Is Nick ok with sharing you with Leo? Love your new tickers!

MissA - I felt like that at my uncles party last week! The first time she was hungry I fed her in the other room but it took nearly an hour so the second time I just stayed put...
I would have stayed put too. I'm sure people will understand. Do you have a cover up?
No. It is at my in laws house. My in laws make me uncomfortable. I tried to show my mil my baby book and she was put off by my pregnancy test under plastic. My fil wouldn't look at ultrasound pics because he thought it was gross. I have a feeling i will be stuck in the other room the whole time and they will complain. My mil came here last week and i was nursing the whole time and she was complaining to dh that i dont like her. Duh. Anyway I don't think it's going to be fun.
Sorry missA. There were people put off by the fact that I just said I was going to save my pee stick, but I don't care. I did save it. I look at it every morning. Hopefully your visit won't be too terrible, but look at it this way, if you are in the other room the entire time at least you get to spend it with someone you like, your lo, instead of being around people you don't.
Well said NoDoubt! Bring a good book MissA and enjoy the break away from your inlaws with your beautiful baby!!
I think our shopping trip the other day may have been a bit too much for little Haylee. That night she discovered she can scream cry and when hubby went out to pick up dinner she started screaming any time I tried to set her down. I had to let he just cry it out for a few minutes so I could go to the bathroom. She finally fell asleep but started scream crying again for the first middle of the night diaper change and up until I fed her again. She seems to have finally settled back down to just fussy cries today.

I also did my first in public feeding but I don't have a cover so I was using a towel. It was pretty awkward. I found this cover up pattern on pinterest to I need to go out and get some fabric soon and see if my mom and I can figure it out. I'm sure my mom can since she's a great at sewing. I appreciate my mom so much more now that I'm a mommy. I've been asking her a million questions too so I'm so glad she is close by and can help me out when I feel lost.
Rae I know what you mean. Me and my mom recently had a huge blowout last year and are on our way to making it better and I totally appreciate her. The other day I called her balling thinking something was wrong with Virtue cause his lower right back was wet. I thought he was sweating then I thought it got worse when his entire back was soaked. I called the pediatrician and I finally realized later that his penis was pointing up and to the side so all the pee was running around do his back, lol. She had told me that she didn't think it was sweat as it would be odd for him to only sweat in one spot and she was right. Looking back it was a funny ordeal, but at the time I was freaking.
I'm really surprised I haven't had any issues with Leo peeing all over/through his diaper/clothes as I had such a problem with Nick. But maybe I learned well from Nick and am instinctively positioning Leo correctly, because I don't even think about it when I diaper him.

A gross problem I've had with Leo though is him pooping mid-change. I swear he could set distance records :) I haven't been fast enough twice now.

I had to do a sudo public feeding yesterday. When I was picking up Nick from my parents, we were making the switch in the parking lot and Leo decided the bottle I gave him wasn't enough and he wanted boob. So I climbed into one of the back seats of my parents van threw some baby blankets over us and nursed him. Sort of awkward since my dad was in and out of the van getting Nick's stuff into my car, but it worked out ok.

I had my first solo outing with both boys today - to Walmart for some necessities. They were perfect in the store, Leo slept the whole time and Nick pretty much just gnawed on whatever I put in the front seat with him and was just observing everything around us. They waited until we got home to lose their minds. I think Nick is teething and so he needed some meds, then calmed right down. Leo wanted to cluster feed before nap time.

But in the end we had a two hour nap time and that's just what mommy needed :)

Picture of us taking on Walmart.


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Leo has gained another pound this week. He's now in the 98th percentile for weight at 10lbs 6oz. I asked the doctor if he can gain too much weight too fast and she said yes, but with breast fed babies it's not really a concern. I wonder if I can change my diet to make my bm less fatty? While his body seems fine weight wise, he seems a little heavy in the face/neck. I don't know, the doctor may not be concerned, but for some reason I am.

My boys will probably hate this, but I love that I can shop for them in the same clothing section. Their doctor calls them my Irish Twins since they are less than 12 months apart.


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Hi ladies hope all are well!

missa-sorry to hear of your in-law troubles-my husband cant stand his mother in law =( and I really don't blame him! my mother has made dh and mines first weeks as parents a living hell when she is at our house or when we are at hers- unfortunately. She is a control freak and is pissed off from the get-go that she wasnt in the room for the birth of my son when she already knew she could only be in the room while I had my labor and contractions then had to leave for the final moment so dh and I could have our own special time with our new family (she actually left the hospital minutes before he was born then was pissed she found out about the birth through a friend via txt message but that would not have happened if she stayed! Then just today she stopped by without letting us know and before I could get off the toilet-i was peeing-she left because i shouted out to her that we had to leave for liam's pediatric appt. I am just so sick and tired of my mom taking everything so personal like we are against her-I swear she thinks we are trying to keep her grandson away from her when we are trying to do the opposite!! ugh sorry had to rant and thats not even the half of it.
MissA that does not sound nice at all, hope that it gets better for you.

Christie very cute pic

Jasper has constanly been unsettled and I am finding a am lucky to get two hours of sleep, the hubby had to take him at 6 this morning so i could get a hours sleep and the same this avo. We took him to the doc and he said that he has colic and could be like this till he is 4 months.. I feel for him as he is so tied and constanly pushing from the pain in his tummy and the wind.
We took him out today to try and settle him and he did good half the time and played up the other half... nana sent him a whole lot of $$ to spend on him and found it perfect time to take advantage of it.

Hope you are all well and your los.

I maybe tied but im still l Ioving every moment.

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