Great picture Two! Fia loves the sound of the shower too. I just put her on the bathroom floor in her bouncer and as soon as the water is on she's happy out! Although once or twice I've left the water on afterwards to keep her quiet while I was getting dressed ... - not very environmentally friendly!!
Do any of you use white noise apps on your phones? I've downloaded a good few in the last few weeks and have finally found one that works for Fia -
She absolutely loves the ocean waves option. Yesterday evening she was very overtired and got very cranky which is so unlike her. I tried everything to calm her down and then thought of putting on the app - she was calm within 30 seconds and asleep in 3 minutes!! Magic!!!
Good luck to anyone with the injections coming up! Fia got her second set last Fri. She was so upset, screamed her little heart out. Fed her briefly in the nurses office afterwards and she was fine then! She's 8lbs 3oz now so still gaining steadily

She ran a bit of a temperature the day after the vacc and we're in the middle of a bit of a heat wave here so that didn't help

Sponged her down a lot during the day and that cooled her. Gave her a tiny bit of calpol too to bring down the temp even though she's still under the weight requirement for it but the dr said it was ok and to just give her less.
NoDoubt - I know!! It makes me sad too!

Fia's smiles have just recently turned into deliberate smiles as well and while I'm obviously thrilled that she is progressing I'm sad that the time is rushing by. Really have to treasure every tiny baby cuddle - they'll be big so soon...
Congrats to the babies that have started reaching out to/grabbing at toys!

Fia isn't doing hat yet but the other day during tummy time she figured out how to roll over onto her back! Made tummy time a bit impossible cos she's kept flipping over!
Christie - fantastic that you got a long stretch of sleep! I think you're amazing to be managing two! Fia is an easy baby (I think!) but she still takes up all my time and attention!