Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Another clean up after a spill this morning..
He also loves to shower with dad..


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Another clean up after a spill this morning..
He also loves to shower with dad..
So cute two! Virtue likes to shower with me too, that's when I feel most bonded with him, but unfortunately that's coming to an end. He's rolling onto his side then his head pulls him down and he starts to roll off the thing he's on. I put him on the little mesh thing that came with the tub. I just take it out of the baby tub and put it in the shower. He loves the shower and so calm. Hubbs said he was gonna record the shower and play it for him while he sleeps.

Our lo's are growing up wo fast already. It makes me a bit sad to be honest. Even with the worst sleepless night I still want my little baby boy. He's started smiling at me the other day. Normally he only smiles when he's drifting off to sleep, but this almost seemed intentional as I was playing with him and he was looking directly at me and smiled three times. I just want him a small forever, but I know he has to grow up.
Great picture Two! Fia loves the sound of the shower too. I just put her on the bathroom floor in her bouncer and as soon as the water is on she's happy out! Although once or twice I've left the water on afterwards to keep her quiet while I was getting dressed ... - not very environmentally friendly!! :blush:

Do any of you use white noise apps on your phones? I've downloaded a good few in the last few weeks and have finally found one that works for Fia -

She absolutely loves the ocean waves option. Yesterday evening she was very overtired and got very cranky which is so unlike her. I tried everything to calm her down and then thought of putting on the app - she was calm within 30 seconds and asleep in 3 minutes!! Magic!!!

Good luck to anyone with the injections coming up! Fia got her second set last Fri. She was so upset, screamed her little heart out. Fed her briefly in the nurses office afterwards and she was fine then! She's 8lbs 3oz now so still gaining steadily :thumbup: She ran a bit of a temperature the day after the vacc and we're in the middle of a bit of a heat wave here so that didn't help :nope: Sponged her down a lot during the day and that cooled her. Gave her a tiny bit of calpol too to bring down the temp even though she's still under the weight requirement for it but the dr said it was ok and to just give her less.

NoDoubt - I know!! It makes me sad too! :-( Fia's smiles have just recently turned into deliberate smiles as well and while I'm obviously thrilled that she is progressing I'm sad that the time is rushing by. Really have to treasure every tiny baby cuddle - they'll be big so soon...

Congrats to the babies that have started reaching out to/grabbing at toys! :thumbup: Fia isn't doing hat yet but the other day during tummy time she figured out how to roll over onto her back! Made tummy time a bit impossible cos she's kept flipping over! :dohh:

Christie - fantastic that you got a long stretch of sleep! I think you're amazing to be managing two! Fia is an easy baby (I think!) but she still takes up all my time and attention!
Oops dont no why that posted twice..

No doubt.. let me know if it works been recorded as it would be something I would do.

Fia is becoming a lovely size broody and a gorgeous baby girl.. so happy all is going so well for you

Broody I would play jasper white noise on my pad and tried lullabys but he seems to prefer going to sleep to ed sheen lol
For those with injections coming up, our pediatrician told us to bring Tylenol along so we can give it to Haylee ahead of time to prevent getting a fever and pain afterward.

I feel like time is flying by too. While I'll miss the little baby cuddles, I can't wait to see what she is like as she gets older - what she talks like, her personality, what our relationship will be like. I'm already loving her smiles and reactions to me.
Will do two!

Broody, so glad Fia is still doing wonderfully. She is gorgeous!

Rae, I know what you mean. I see Virtues expressions and wonder what they will be like later. Then I remembered being out one night and this young guy took his mom out for her 50th. I wonder if me and Virtue will ever do that.
Hi ladies-I feel horrible not coming on here anymore! I am still healing-and not well according to my dr-my stitched area in the perineal or however you spell it haha it tore open and it burns whenever I urniate-it is closed back up but the skin is red and raw-I just want to feel back to normal down there again! Liam is doing fantastic-waiting 6 hours between his overnight feeding which is great for dh and I. I can't believe how big he is getting-he is def. keeping me busy along with my college course and my house cleaning-hardly get on bnb-hope all are well including your beautiful sons and daughters!!! =)
It's been a hectic few days around here. Had my post op today. Doctor says everything looks good and I officially have his OK to resume exercising, but I still need to hold off a few more weeks before doing any ab workouts. At least I can get back to running. (Don't tell the doc that I have been running for a few weeks now :winkwink: ) Nothing hard or long, but I wanted to start getting back up to speed.

Doctor was surprised when I told him how big Leo is now. He jokingly ask what I was feeding him. My sister jokes my breastmilk has steriods in it. My family is all tall, but I'm wondering how big Leo will get.

Well tomorrow is our big road trip to NY to have the boys meet their great grandma. Normally a 6.5 hour drive. I'm guessing it'll be at least 8 hours tomorrow. I hope they don't over heat or get too much sun driving in this heat wave. I plan on leaving before the sun is up to take advantage of the coolest part of the day.

Sorry to hear your not healing well almost.
Getting, sorry to hear you are having such a ruff time and hope you feel better soon.

Christie once leo starts running around he will turn into a wee little thing, I do love nice chubby bubbys.. Jasper is just starting to get the cute baby rolls.

9lbs 7 at 6 weeks, another 300 grames in the pass week, im so happy he is doing well.

My breast milk is slowly decreasing and not giving him what he needs and spitting up lots still so I decided to do a day of just expressing and feed jasper on formula, he was a lot more settled and slept much better. I only managed to express 280mls for the whole day and his first feed the next morning on breast he screamed for more food after almost 2 hours of trying to drink and took 100mls of formula so I am weening off breast feed but I will still breast feed him at night before bed as a comfort for us both as I love the closeness and not ready to fully lose that (it was an emotional decision for me) I just can't feed him 24hours and still not be able to give him what he needs..

For all that have had a c section have you found sex painful? I find it stings like hell and is so painful even with lube (sorry tmi) we have tried twice and I cant deal with it, its worse than my first sex experience. Something I would have expected from a viginal birth.
Almost - So sorry you're having a rough recovery. Hopefully you start healing up and things get easier soon.

I just recently got cleared at my postpartum appointment too. My doctor said my incision will end up being barely visible because it's healing so well. He also said they'll do a c-section for any future pregnancies. Next week is my last week of maternity leave. I'm dreading going back. I've built up a great freezer supply of breast milk but I'm so enjoying my time with her I just don't want to miss anything.
No painful sex hear. My doc said if I wanted I could have a vaginal birth next time, obviously labor and delivery permitting. Hopefully that will be the case. I've been working out since last week. Its been working well as I work out in the morning while Virtue is napping after his morning feed. Most days I can get in a 40 min workout, but today I only got 20, but it was 20 of zumba and I was sweating so I got a good burn. Slowly but but surely things are tightening back up. It's just gonna take a while for the muscle tone to come back is all, but im working on it. I want to go on walks so bad, but it's just too hot...we'll both be passed out somewhere, lol. I bought that damn jogging stroller and I want to use it. Guess it will have to wait till the fall and I'll have to keep working out inside. I don't go back to work for another 5.5 weeks and I already want to stay. My mom was saying how I should really try to figure out a way to stay if we haven't already tried that. But that would mean hubbs getting a second job on top of his full time job and the gigging that he does, which also means he would miss a lot of Virtue growing up. Maybe after he is done with school and starts counseling, but we'll see. I don't think I could sit at home all day though. I'd need a little something to break things up.
I was told that I can op for a c section or vbac for my next delivery but I had such a horrible labour and left to push for over two hours and he was back to back so the epi didnt hid any of the pain and has scared me from having a natural but will see if we can get pregnant again and see how the pregnancy is for me..

Im finally wearing all my pre pregnancy cloths and about 2kgs off my weight I was before.. starting to feel really great.
Time for a walk as its a beautiful day to day. Hope you are all well.x
Two - from what I've read painful sex is strongly linked to breastfeeding (it's been very painful for me too) It's to do with low oestrogen levels but should be absolutely fine once bf'ing stops... It better be!!!!
I hope so "getting" my oh has been waiting for a romantic night since I was 18 weeks and its just not happening. Would be hard for the long term breastfeeders that it affects
Christie - good luck with the road trip - drive safe! It's hot and humid in WNY this week for sure.

Almost - it took me a long time to heal because they cut me and I tore. The part that tore longest to heal. Did you get the episiotomy, or did you tear? Did they give you a sitz bath to use? I found I got a lot of relief from the hurricane gel as far as pain. I am taking college courses online too. Def harder to concentrate.

Rae - that sucks your leave is over next week. Sounds like you've been building up a great supply!

Broody - Awe - poor little Fia. That sounds awful - Allie has her injections on August 2nd. I Usually have to nurse her to calm her down after a check up so I am dreading her shots.

Two - good for you! I'm afraid to try my pre-pregnancy jeans lol

Nodoubt - wow - that's great that you are working out! You'll be back in shape in no time.

No working out over here. I got a second period less than a week after my last one ended. Allie is going through another growth spurt and is cluster feeding. She nursed for 2 hours before bed last night. Between the period and the nursing I am feeling a little run down. My ob didn't seem concerned that I've had 2 periods already. My hormones are out of whack - needless to say I havn't been doing any bd-ing or exercising besides walking.
Allie is still colicky and has her fussy period in the evenings. No one else can comfort her and she cries the whole time gramma or hubby try to give me a break and ends up getting herself so worked up. Her Dr. said she is totally healthy and there isn't anything wrong with her, so that's the main thing.
I wish this heat would break so we could go for a walk soon!
We made it. The boys were very good considering. Leo was a little difficult because he didn't fall asleep until an hour and half before we arrived, which is his usual schedule, but he wanted a pacifier the whole time and needs help to keep it in his mouth at times.

But he is fast asleep now. Neither boy ate very well during the drive. I think Leo gets a little car sick. Hopefully after his nap he'll have a good feeding.

We've been doing our walks early in the morning, like 7am and we are done by 830. I've been weaving through our neighborhood where they have newly paved some of the roads. I run the nice and smooth roads and walk the rest. I don't want to jostle around Leo too much yet and I figure it's a good way to build up my endurance.

I don't fit into my pre preg clothes yet. I have another 15 pounds to lose (I gained A LOT!). And that will put me at my heavy, no exercise weight. I'd like to lose another 5-10 after that, but that's after I get going full force back into my routine and with these two, I don't know when that'll happen.
I still just have there 4lbs to lose, they are being stubborn. I fit into my clothes, but my tummy is still soft so I have that flub effect going. I just want my abs back tight, but i know it will take a while.

I bought a scale today and Virtue is 11lbs! My little chunky butt is getting so big. He is so long, almost as long as the bassinet.
I fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes too but I only gained around 20 lbs when I was pregnant and the diabetes diet had me losing weight at the end. I'd still like to lose about 10 more lbs though and my tummy is definitely not back to its original state yet.

Haylee slept through the night last night. I got 7 straight hours of sleep. Amazing! I'm hoping it becomes a regular thing and not just a fluke.

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