Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Rae - Fia is awake more and more every day too. I'm very lucky if she goes down for a nap during the day! She'll often fall asleep on me following a feed but as soon as I transfer her to her basket she's wide awake again...

Two - all doctors visits during pregnancy are free and routine check ups and vaccinations for the baby are free too but because it wasn't one of the routine visits we had to pay for it :-(

Good news is that Fia hadn't had a dirty nappy in the last 12 hours so looks like we're nearly at the end of it! Dr said to bring in a sample on Monday if she was still bad so fx'd we won't have to do that now...

Are any of you keeping track of the wonder weeks? All our los are in the middle of their first mental leap about now!

Decided to try Fia with one of those sleep bags tonight because this morning she pulled/kicked her blanket almost up over her face! :shock: She seems to like it so far. :thumbup: Put her to bed awake and she fussed (but didnt cry) a small bit but settled quite quickly... We'll see how the rest of the night goes!
How was everyone's holiday weekend?
My af came back on the weekend. I was looking forward to not having that for awhile :(
Allie was crying and cluster feeding yesterday evening but then she slept from 11-5:30 then 6-9
I kept waking up to check on her. Too bad I didn't just sleep thru too! I just pushed back my pp visit to Thursday because of af.
I've had a little spotting but nothing like af...and a little cramping. My holiday was nothing major, just relaxed and went to BBQ.
Nothing exciting here for the holiday. My sister and her family went up to NY to spend time with my parents. So, it was just another day with my boys.

I haven't heard of the wonder weeks, but Leo has been much more observant today. He even 'talked' with and smiled at Nicholas today and was relaxed and awake during our 3 mile walk. Though he still needed cuddles to nap.

No af here yet either I still have some spotting every other day or so. My follow up apt is next week. My incision isn't painful, but there are times when parts of it feel sensitive still.
I still have spotting now and then too. My appointment is on Friday. We've had a rough last couple of nights since Haylee decided she doesn't want to settle down for bed. We start the bedtime routine around 9:30/10:00 and she hasn't gone to sleep until around 1/2 am. Trying to keep her awake longer today to see if that helps.
I found this site today while looking for different things to entertain my babies. It's been too hot outside to spend much time outside, or even driving anywhere, so I was looking for indoor things.

I just got some clip on fans for the stroller and some breathable seat liners, so hopefully we can get out and walk more. I'm thinking of ordering more fans for the car for the kids and one for me on the stroller. We got in a 3 mile walk early this morning. I'm hoping with the fans we can start making it a daily walk. Leo gets overheated really easy, so we've had to stay home and inside a lot.
How is everyone?

Jasper is becoming more and more settled now, he is five weeks tomorrow and sleeps 5 to 6 hours at night the pass three nights, I'm still adjusting to it and panic a little when I see how long he has slept but my midwife said if he want to sleep up to 8 hours to let him, easier said than done as wake him at 6 hours but end up dream feeding him as he won't wake till morning.

How are all your los? Hope you are all well.
That's great Two! I meant to tell you that Allie loves her swaddle up! Really helps to settle her when she is fussy. Allie slept from 11-5:30 the other night after a fussy spell. I feel like we just got into a good grove last week and she was sleeping well and generally happy. Taking 1-2 poops a day - for sure one good one at night then bath then bed. My dr perscribed her iron and vitamin D drops and she hasn't pooped since she started them on Friday. So, now he said to stop the drops and give 1oz of prune juice a day, but she wont take a bottle. Poor little thing has been extra fussy =/ I am taking an online class that started on Monday and it probably was not a great idea it's hard to concentrate and to find the time.
Leo is eating every hour and half to 2 and half hours during the day and then 2 and half to 3 hours at night. We haven't been able to get a 5 hour stretch yet. He has had a couple of 4 hour stretches, not consistently, after fussy periods and cluster eating. But now that we've settled into some what of a daily schedule, he doesn't get fussy or cluster feed at night, he just falls into the 2-3 hour sleeping schedule. Then without fail it seems around 4:30am he gets fussy because he hasn't pooped all night and seems to be trying extra hard to poop in the morning. It doesn't really make sense that at that time of day it would be more difficult than other times, but it usually takes an hour to an hour and half for him to finally have his morning movement.

I'm thinking of driving up to NY (from MD) next week with the boys. My grandma will be up there (from FL) for a couple of months and since I"m still on leave it'll be easiest now for me to visit. It'll give my boys and her a chance to meet (she's turning 90 this year), and for my parents to get some time with Leo. They didn't get much time with him while they were down here and he's grown so much already.
Christie that's how Virtue is. A few four hour stretches but otherwise its three. He was doing a two hour thing when going through his growth spurt. Thank God that only lasted a week. And he's definitely gotten bigger. His onesies are getting tight, harder to button, and putting it on him is beginning to be a fight. I was wondering what was going on today when I had to change him three times, once after his bath, once after a big poo, and immediately again cause it took me so long to clean him he peed on the onesie I just put on him. But all of the onesies felt tight, then I remembered he went through a growth spurt last week. He's also started reaching down and grabbing himself whenever he goes poo. And its always with a big poo that's all over so it gets on his hand. Never when he just pees.
MissA. I am happy to hear the swaddle has worked well. I find them wonder and my mum has sent some more as Jasper was going through them like crazy with his spilling..

Jasper got weighted yesterday a day before five weeks and he is now sitting on 9lbs, we are so happy to finally start to see some good weight gain, he still looks small and all his new born cloths are still to small. I think he is just a little guy

Sounds like we are all getting into a nice routine with out lo
Two glad to hear Jasper is growing nicely.

I think Virtue is trying to get into a decent overnight routine. The past couple nights he's eater at 7:30, then taken another once or two again at 8:30, then around 9:30 he'll go down and won't wake for a while. The night before last it was 1am when he woke, tonight it was 2am. Hopefully the stretch will continue to get longer. This had eliminated the 11 o'clock feeding which obviously provides us with better sleep. And he's happy with it too as he just seems so hungry. I've decided to not worry about how much he eats. When we had the two week checkup the doc said at this point he really can't overeat and to feed him when he's hungry so that what im gonna do. If he takes 6oz within an hour then so be it. He's been oohing and ahing for about a week now and I love "talking" to him. We've also started play time and he will lay on his under the sea play mat and look at all the little items hanging overhead. I obviously talk to him and tell him what they all are, and he will grab onto things and look in the direction of music coming from one of the item. And we play music for him when he goes down to sleep. He's growing up so fast already.
Don't have time for a proper post but just had to share the lovely smiles I got this morning!!

Have a great day everyone, will try and catch up later!
Lovely pics broody.

Leo isn't grabbing onto anything yet, but he is looking around and being more and more alert. He recognizes Nicholas' voice and will smile and coo to him when he hears or sees him. I'm still trying to get Nick to interact with Leo more, but he's still too jealous and would rather me play with him solo. Hopefully in a few months when Leo can play a bit more with him, that will subside.

Leo is still growing faster than a weed. He gained another pound this week and is now 14 pounds 3 oz. and wearing size 6 months and fits into a size 3 diaper (same size diaper as Nicholas). If he keeps this up, he'll weigh as much as Nicholas does next month at their doctors apt.

I am starting to get a little longer stretches at night at least three hours, not quite four hours yet though, but hopefully that length is on it's way.
No Doubt - Haylee has been playing on her play mat too. It has a tiger that jingles when she hits it so she does that a lot and she talks to the butterfly toy.

Christie - Leo is getting so big! He's a fast grower! Haylee is just 9 lbs and still in newborn everything. She was little to start with though.

We have our little "talks" every day where she coos at me me while I chat with her. She's also smiling a lot. She likes to sit in her little pillow or bouncer and watch cartoons too. We're getting a great night routine down too. Bath time around 10pm and then I feed her right after and lay her down when she's done. She gets herself to sleep around 12:30-1:00am and then sleeps until 5-5:45am. I am loving the 5 hour stretches which we've had the last 3 nights.
Ours is a sea creatures play mat, so the big animal is a whale. And it has Spanish and French and I've tried to pronounce them to Virtue, but who knows if I'm saying right, lol. I like the longer stretches too. I kind of wish our schedule was later like yours Rae cause I lose about 3-4 hours sleep after that 2/3 o'clock feeding. Its fine on the weekends when hubbs is home, but during the week it sucks cause its a bit draining, but we make it work with a nap during the day...though the long nap isn't happening really anymore as Virtue is staying up during the day. He was up from 5:30-9:30 with hubbs this morning, had a quick cat nap, then up all afternoon. He loves looking out the window and at this one painting on our wall. Ah well, im rambling. Gonna finish our movie...yes I have time for a movie, lol.
I got a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night, Leo slept for 4.5 hours. I can't remember the last time I got that much sleep all at once! And Nicholas sleep for 12 hours straight. His second top tooth came through so I'm guessing it was a pain free night for him.

Our playmat has a safari theme. Leo hits the hanging blocks, which rattle and crunch, but his movements are still involuntary. He will turn his head toward different sounds, whether my voice or the musical giraffe, or his brother's voice.

I'm lucky I find time to eat between these two. But they did both take a nap at the same time today, so I did get a shower!
I don't know how you do it with two Christie. I'm lucky to find a chance to run up and grab a shower with just one. She's been napping most of the day today. Hopefully that doesn't mean a sleepless night since we've been doing so well with the nighttime schedule lately.
Christie you definitely have your hands full but how much fun its going to be..

Jasper is getting more and more settled by the day and even though he spits are more after a feed it does not bother him at all. He did a major power chuck at me the other night, it was his whole feed all over me and all he did was smile...
Almost injection day :/

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