Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Christie o hope you have a great day and your little guys do well.

Feeling better about Jasper's sleeping, he did two 8 hour nights and last night he is coming up to 9 hours of sleep. He drinks 5.5oz every four hours (formula recommended amount) and I feed him 6oz last night before his sleep. Be great if the night sleeping is now a normal thing.. I hope he takes the transition into a new country well.
Leo was his normal self, fussy in the morning until he was able to get a good sleep in. Didn't have any trouble eating. Nicholas ate a lot food well, but refused to take a bottle. I try to make sure he gets in at least 20oz of formula a day for the nutrients. He has only had 12 oz today. I'm going to have to wake him up before I go to bed to get in another bottle. Hopefully he'll take an 8oz bottle.

I hope as Nicholas gets used to the day care that he settles down and will take a bottle and nap. Poor lady had to deal with him without his morning nap today. He only got an hour nap all day, so he went to bed just after 6 tonight, which means I only had 2 hours tonight with Nicholas. Going back to work sucks. I can't wait until this weekend so I can have more time with my boys.
Oh, hun. I'm sorry it was rough emotionally. It will get better hun, just gotta get the new routine down.
Drop off today went as well as yesterday. No fits from Nicholas as I left and he went to Karla willingly. I hope he naps today and takes a bottle. He didn't want a bottle at home before we left, so I'm just worried about him getting dehydrated. He woke up at 1 this morning and didn't want a bottle and after I changed him, he couldn't get back to sleep. He just wanted to cuddle. Made me feel even worse for going back to work. All he wanted was time with mommy.

I wish there was a way for me to work out a reduced hour work week. I hate feeling like daycare is raising my kids rather than me.
Nicholas did much better for Karla yesterday. Took bottles and napped. Though he also cries for her when she picks up Leo as he does when I do. Nicholas is so used to getting all the attention, he still hasn't gotten used to sharing with Leo.

Leo slept the whole time from when I picked him up yesterday until I dropped him off this morning, except to eat. I feel like I didn't get any time with him :(

I had to put on a belt this morning to wear my pre-preggo 'fat' jeans :happydance:! I still have 8 or so pounds to go, but at least things are starting to fit again. Though the girls :holly: are making it hard to find shirts that fit appropriately. All my shirts seem too short now.
Christie glad to hear things went better yesterday. Take it from a girl whose always had big chi chi's, stretchy shirts work best. Nothing that buttons cause then you get that open gape where the girls are. And with stretchy shirts you can still get your size and have them look decent on you.
Jasper still is sleeping through the night up to 9.5 hours and probably more if I let him but should I be waking him in the night for a fed? My mum said boys in our family have always slept lost and always slept through the night.

Christie so happy to hear it was a better day.x Hopefully it gets easier on you all.
Went back to work today and it was so hard! I nearly broke down towards the end of the day because I missed her so much.

Christie - I completely understand the not wanting someone else to be raising your children. My sis was the one watching her today and it was still rough. I'm not sure how long I can manage this so the staying home conversation may be coming up again soon.

In better news, Haylee slept 8.5 hours last night. So nice of her to let mommy sleep before work. She's been sleeping most of the day too apparently. She apparently slept right through her mid morning feed. It might be nice if that continues since that is the only time I have to pump at work.
All of this talk of going back to work is making me nervous. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to go back, especially with Virtue being in daycare.
Rae, I was emotional toward the end of the first day too and on the drive to pick them up. I practically run to my car after work, I can't wait to see them again.

It's a little easier now, seeing that Nick will reach for Karla and smile when he sees her in the morning. At least he doesn't dread being left with her. That was one of my fears. Leo always seems content when I pick them up, awake and not fussing. Yesterday she was playing with Nicholas and one of her other kids, having them roll a ball back and forth, when I picked them up. This made me happy to see. It was one of the things on my cheatsheet for the boys that I was working on with Nick. I'm trying to get him to recognize the word 'ball' and object, along with being able to roll it back and forth.

She has taken a lot of my notes into consideration, so I'm feeling better about leaving them with her. Nick gets his classical music at nap time and she has a swing that sits Leo up, to help prevent him from getting a flat spot. And her son, has already taken to Nick. The second day I picked them up, he gave Nick a hug before we left.

Both boys slept better than me last night. For some reason I just couldn't sleep.


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Hello Ladies, sorry I've been gone for so long. Mommy hood has been keeping me all tied up and we are trying to move soon so lots of planning and organizing. (: How is everyone and their little ones? Isaac has almost accomplished rolling over and has been grinning his head off for almost two months now, he is also holding him self up on his fist now instead of his elbows (: One proud Mama here !! He is wearing 6 month clothes now too O_O Growing like a weed, not even 3 months yet. I dread the shoe stages :P


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Those pics are so cute Nat!

Virtue is doing well! He rolls from his stomach to his back, so he thinks he should be able to roll from his back to his stomach. Its kind of funny to see him try...I'm sure he'll get there soon. He holds himself up pretty good. I thought he was gonna push himself over off the changing pad when I put him on his stomach to lotion his back.

Shots on Tuesday...not looking forward to it. In gonna cry I know. Virtue will probably be fine though and I'll be balling, lol.
Natalie - Very cute! I have that same pillow but in pink :)

Haylee is still an itty bitty bitty thing. She just recently moved up to 0-3 month clothing. She's holding her head up pretty much all the time now and has been grabbing everything lately - toys, clothes, hair... And, I made it to the weekend! I've never been so happy for the weekend before. I get to spend all day with my little one tomorrow!!!

No Doubt - I'm dreading shot day too but Hubby will be dealing with that one since I'll be at work. Don't forget the baby Tylenol!

Christie - Did you survive the week? This week was a short one for me and I barely made it through. I'm not sure how I'm going to get through a whole week at work next week.
Nat...isaac is adorable thanks for sharing! Ugh im currently dreading having to leave liam w grammy 40+ hra a week I feel like I should be there with his mom....I just feel horrible and night he will be in bed and ill only have sat and sunday with him... :( sry for the depressing rant but had to get that out...
Love your pics Nat. Leo has been in 6mo clothes since he was 5 weeks. He is 2 months today and just weighed in at 16.2 pounds. That's only 3.9 pounds less than what his older brother Nicholas weighed in at today.

This week was long and difficult. Especially when I got an email Friday from Karla saying she was taking the kids to the park. I panicked and nearly left work early to get my babies. I told her that I was afraid of someone kidnapping my babies if she had to take her eye of them for a second to deal with one of the other kids she watches. We talked it over and I let her know how I felt and she says she never takes the kids out without an extra adult and that she knew where I was coming from and felt the same way when she left her kids with her sister when she was still working outside the home. I feel a little better, but it still makes me nervous. I wish I could afford a daycare facility where they have more security features for the kids. Maybe once they are potty trained I can find one that is affordable.
They take the kids on walks at the daycare Virtue will be going to. I declined that, so he won't be going ever. I have the same fears, not to mention its alongside a road and a car could jump the road. They only walk by it for a minute til they get to the church, but thank you. Like my mom said, if Virtue is going for a walk I'll take him. Also he weighed in at 13.8 today. I'm pretty sure he is finished with his growth spurt too. That was a long one. Yesterday he was a little constipated...even though he went, it was a bit firm yesterdays evening. This morning hubbs was holding him and he went and it came out the aide of his diaper all over hubbs shirt. Hubbs came upstairs holding him as far away from his body as possible and just said "I need your help", lol. This stuff always happens to him and never to me.
OMG all the photos are just gorgeous...

Christie I know just how you feel.. with all the moving we are doing I asked a friend to look after Jasper at home and she took him for a walk for a hour, I spent most of the time at the end of the driveway looking for them and panicking that something had happened.. never again will I do that..

Jasper spent his first night in hospital as he was sleeping up to 19 hours a day and refusing over half his feeds.. he has a viral infection but is doing much better.. I slept on the floor next to him and won't let him out of sight.

Rae yay for moving on up..

Sorry for those returning to or have returned to work as it must not be easy.. hopefully you all settle into a nice routine
Two, I hope Jasper is feeling better now. Scary I'm sure, but they're taking care of him I'm sure.
Sorry to hear Jasper wasn't feeling well. Poor little guy, I hope he is at least starting to feel better and gets back to his normal self soon.

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