Oh Two, poor Jasper

I'm so glad he's ok. How frightening for ye all. How've the feedings been going since ye got home? Is he taking enough?
NoDoubt - glad Virtue didn't mind the shots too much
Lots of fist sucking going on here too and don't talk to me about drool!! I go through a pile of bibs every day!!!
I seem to be in the minority here but I wouldn't have a problem with a friend or crèche workers (assuming they had a safe adult:child ratio) taking Fia out for a walk etc

Are there a lot of reports of snatchings where ye live? Scary!
Christie & Rae -

to you both being back at work already. It must be so hard...
Almost - when do you go back?
Nat - fantastic photos!! What a handsome boy!
Rae - I'm so impressed with Haylees sleeping! It's currently 4am here and I'm holding Fia upright for a while because she gets a bit refluxy if she's put straight down after a feed. Only one feed at night though and we've had a few nights recently when she's slept through for 7-8 hours so hopefully she's moving in that direction!
Going to a wedding next week so trying to get her used to a bottle so that she can stay with DH for the day while I go to the wedding. She's not hugely impressed by the bottle

She'll take an oz or two but then after being winded she won't take any more. Looks like DH will be feeding her an oz or so every hour!! It's out of town so have booked to stay overnight in the hotel - getting a bit nervous about it now! Going to take my own car and not drink though so that if needs be I can leave at any time and drive home...