Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Jasper came home but is still not taking his full feed of 5oz and will only have 1 to 3oz and will refuse any more so I am to record how much he has and to brake his feeds down so he can get the min required for the day of 18oz where he normally will have 27oz.. hopefully he gets the min.
Poor little guy! Hoping Jasper starts feeling better and you can get some food in him!
Today was shot day. Virtue did well. He's more fussy but only about the stuff he's usually fussy about. He's 12.14lb and 23.5 inches. The doctor said he's doing really well holding his head up and everything, and not to leave him alone on the couch or whatever now that he's rolling over...duh, lol! Also he finally slept through the least what I consider to be through the night. He ate at 10...fell asleep about 10 mins into it, lol...and slept until 5 this morning. If he can stay like this that will he good as I wake at 5 to get ready for work
Virtue sounds like he's doing well. I'm glad the shots didn't bother him too much.

Leo has gone from sleeping 8:30-3 to getting up at 11:30 the past few nights. He was feeding more the end of last week during the day, but has scaled back this week, but now is up more at night.

Yesterday he seemed bound and determined to suck his thumb. He kept sucking his hand (any part of his hand) when he was trying to relax. This morning while I was getting ready for work, he was at it again, but finally got his thumb in his mouth and fell asleep that way. It's not really a habit I want him to get into. I was a thumb sucker and it was a hard habit to break.

The boys will go in for their next dr apt a week from this Monday. They will both get shots. I'm not looking forward to that, especially Nicholas. I can just imagine the look he's going to give me. Leo was pretty good the last time, I'm hoping he is the same this time around.
Virtue sucks his hands a lot and has recently started drooling a lot too. The doctor said yesterday its most likely because his teeth are coming down. He said he could see them in his gums and that they are starting to move down. They may not break the gums yet, but they are moving down there. Maybe that's what's going on with Leo.
Haylee does the same thing with sucking her hand if she doesn't have a pacifier. She's been sleeping from about 10:30-8:30. She's been having a rough week with gas but otherwise is doing good. She's growing like a little weed :)
Oh Two, poor Jasper :hugs: I'm so glad he's ok. How frightening for ye all. How've the feedings been going since ye got home? Is he taking enough?

NoDoubt - glad Virtue didn't mind the shots too much :D

Lots of fist sucking going on here too and don't talk to me about drool!! I go through a pile of bibs every day!!!

I seem to be in the minority here but I wouldn't have a problem with a friend or crèche workers (assuming they had a safe adult:child ratio) taking Fia out for a walk etc :shrug: Are there a lot of reports of snatchings where ye live? Scary!

Christie & Rae - :hugs: to you both being back at work already. It must be so hard...

Almost - when do you go back?

Nat - fantastic photos!! What a handsome boy!

Rae - I'm so impressed with Haylees sleeping! It's currently 4am here and I'm holding Fia upright for a while because she gets a bit refluxy if she's put straight down after a feed. Only one feed at night though and we've had a few nights recently when she's slept through for 7-8 hours so hopefully she's moving in that direction! :sleep:

Going to a wedding next week so trying to get her used to a bottle so that she can stay with DH for the day while I go to the wedding. She's not hugely impressed by the bottle :nope: She'll take an oz or two but then after being winded she won't take any more. Looks like DH will be feeding her an oz or so every hour!! It's out of town so have booked to stay overnight in the hotel - getting a bit nervous about it now! Going to take my own car and not drink though so that if needs be I can leave at any time and drive home...
Honestly broody...any and everything. Where my daycare walks is next to a main road and people drive crazy here. It only takes a second for someone to jump for the curb. Also its only one worker for 4-6 kids. If there were someone to attack...God forbid...she certainly wouldn't be able to protect all of the kids and herself. And they walk along the main road until they get BEHIND the church and walk around there. Just not comfortable with the entire scenario.
Weighed Leo this morning at 16.8 pounds. His weight gain is slowing a bit, but he's still my lil chunker :)

He's sucking his thumb more and more, but hasn't started drooling yet. Nick is my drooler and has been since he was a few months old and doesn't show any signs of stopping. He didn't cut his first tooth until 6 months, but started drooling at a month old.

Between Leo spitting up and Nick drooling, I'm doing bib laundry every day. I send them to daycare with 10 or more bibs and there are days they all come back dirty!


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Lovely pic Christie!! Nick has a great smile!

I swear that from now on whenever I am giving baby gifts I will make sure to include a packet of bibs!!! Its one thing you can never have too many of, I've discovered!!
Wow christie that is a nice weight..

Well we made the big move from new zealand to Australia last week and Jasper has settled well.. he is drinking better and a lot more awake. He still has his moments of refusing to drink and is still spilling lots so we changed his formula to anti reflux and still not made a much of a difference so time to head back to the doctor and see if there is medication he can have.. we are having him weighted tomorrow to make sure he is still gaining well to.

How is everyone doing?


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Cute pics ladies!

Nice weight Christie...he's almost as big as Nick!

Two, glad Jasper is doing better!

Here's a few pics of my peanut!
Haylee made it through her injections today. Daddy took her since I was at work. She slept most of the day today. She's 11 lbs now. We go through bibs like crazy too just from the drooling. It gets everywhere since she sucks her hand. Poor thing kept gagging herself with her fingers tonight. Hopefully she learns quickly. I had to keep pulling her hand away tonight. And she's sleeping pretty consistently 9 hours or more a night. I'm slowly moving her bedtime earlier too since she keeps passing out on her pillow we put on the couch with us each night.
I love baby pics! Jasper's and Virtue's are so adorable.

Nick chokes on his drool sometimes too. His hand is constantly in his mouth lately. I'm waiting for the next round of teeth, though they haven't begun to show yet. Poor babies, teething last so long before the teeth actually come through. I feel bad that they are uncomfortable for so long.

Leo only took an hour nap at daycare yesterday. I was afraid he wouldn't sleep through the night, but he slept literally from when I picked him up, until I woke him up this morning to get dressed. I woke him up twice to eat, and the third time he seemed back on schedule since he woke me up by sucking on his hand.

Poor little guy was too tired to have his nightly conversation with me. I look forward to it since I don't get to see him all day. I hope he's not too tired tonight to spend some time with mommy.

Is anyone else still giving their LO vitamin D drops? When I was taking the boys for walks every day I stopped since Leo was getting some sun, but now that they are inside all day, I've been trying to get him back on schedule with them. Only problem is whenever I do give him the drops, he tends to take in a lot of air afterwards and even if I burp him, he still spits it up. I've even tried feeding him afterwards hoping it will settle his stomach or at least get that awful taste out of his mouth, but he doesn't seem to keep it down.
I'm still giving the vit d but I put it in a bottle. He doesn't even notice its there.
I put Leo in his crib last night for the first time. He has outgrown the bassinet. Both his and Nick's cribs are in the same room, so I was little nervous about them waking each other up. But neither woke up more than usual last night and both seemed to stay on schedule. I'm worried I won't wake up for Leo though, he's quiet when he fusses at night. Probably because he's never had to be loud for me to wake up. I did move the monitor right next to his crib, but I think I only heard him this morning because I was already half awake and when they got up in the middle of the night, it was Nick who woke me up.

I did miss hearing Leo breathing last night, which has been a comforting white noise for me at night the past 10 weeks.
Think Fia's having a growth spurt! She's been cluster feeding all evening which she often does but usually she's finished and ready for bed by half 10 or 11 and its now nearly 1am and she's still feeding!!!! :wacko: Really hope it's only a 24hr one cos I'm going away to that wedding on Saturday and she's still only taking an oz or two at a time from the bottle so DH could have a very cranky hungry baby on his hands!!! Every time I think she's finished and go to move her to the basket she wakes up ready to go again! :dohh: Think I'm just going to let her sleep on me tonight instead of trying to move her again the next time she drifts off - I need to sleep! :sleep: Usually it doesn't matter if she wakes in the move, she goes straight back to sleep in the basket but the rules seem to be different tonight....

Two & NoDoubt - lovely photos!! All the babies are getting so big! Delighted Jasper is feeding a bit better Two. How'd the weighing go?

Rae - glad Haylee's injections went ok!

Christie - aw, you'll have to post a pic of Leo asleep in his cot! I'd really like to keep Fia in our room until she 6 months corrected but I don't think the cot will fit so not sure what we'll do once she gets too big for the basket... She's still on the multi-vitamin supplement that she was on in the neo but the dr said we can switch to ordinary vitamin D whenever we like.

She's still feeding! Go to sleep little baby!!!!
Virtue's almost outgrown his bassinet. I wanted to keep him til at least 4 months, but I don't think that's gonna happen unfortunately. It makes me sad honestly. And I really don't know what I'm gonna do at Christmas cause I we have a lot of family coming in and I was gonna give up the crib for my twin niece and nephew as they are two and it converts to a toddler bed. But if Virtue is in there then that won't work obviously as no one will fit in the bassinet obviously. He'll have to sleep with us most likely.
I'm worrying about the switch to crib too. I love having Haylee right next to me at night. Her breathing soothes me too Christie

Bloody-Hope you get through the night and the growth spurt!
Has everyone read the new requirement for keeping baby in a rear facing car seat? I know it used to be until they turned one, but I've read the new recommendation is until they are 2, or have reached the limits of their car seat for facing backwards.

Reading this also led me to check the limit of the bassinet and the max weight recommended is 15 pounds. My little chunker is well over 16 already, so we tested that limit.

Leo is starting to slow down with how much he eats. He only has 2 5oz bottles at day care now. He had gotten up to 4 4oz bottles. Which is good for us because he was going through our frozen stock of milk pretty quickly. I think I can keep up with him now with what I pump during the day.

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