Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I knew the carseat was until 2, but I didn't know about the bassinet. Good to know...thanks!
Jasper has grown 5cm in a week and a half and 7cm putting on 200grames a week so he should be 12lbs in just under 3 weeks. He to has grown out of his bassantt and 8 have had to buy a porta cot till our gear arrives but I dont like it as he shimmys everywhere and ends up in strange positions so hurry up shipment.
How are you little ones with sleeping? I am finding Jasper sleeps from 6.30pm till 6.30am with a dream feeding just before 10pm, he will stir about 1am and all I do is give him his dummy and he continues to sleep. I hope he keeps it up..
Virtue still likes his small naps during the day though he's not sleeping as long through them. He's also not sleeping on car rides like he used to. He sleeps 10-4,dream feeds, then back til 8. He went til 9 the other day, but if he can stay on this schedule that would be perfect. I can feed him at 4, workout, get ready for work, then hubbs can feed him at 8 and take him to daycare. last week next week. I'm dreading it. How is everyone else with daycare?
Must be hard for you with your bubs in daycare, I got nervous leaving Jasper with my sister for a hour.. I hate not been able to see him.

Jasper is on a 4month waiting list to see a eye specalist as his pupil isreally funny shaped, constanly dilated and sits lower than his other pupil, I just hope that his site in both eyrs are fine as I dont want him restricted in what he wants to do..

Hopr you all have a great weekend
Two, I hope the tests show Jasper's eyes are good and that he just has some growing to do.

NoDoubt, Leaving the babies in day care seems to be getting easier for them, but I still can't wait to pick them up everyday. Especially when I get smiles like this from both of them.

Also a picture of Leo napping all stretched out in his crib.


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Christie how gorgeous and what a happy wee man.

Jasper is back in hospital again as by he was refusing to feed at all and the only time he would is if was dreamfeeding so they are now trying to find out why and why he is so tied all the time as they say he sleeps to much.. my niece also jumped back into the seat next to me a couple of days ago and her elbow came down on his head and they were talking about giving him a scan to see if it did any noticeable damage.. freaked me out.. he didn't cry when it happen so I assume he would have been fine. Maybe there been extra cautious with his sleepiness
So cute Christie. I know it's gonna be terrible for me. Virtue will be fine though I'm sure. He is great with other people, though I would like to hear that he's a bit more difficult for them cause he misses me so, lol.

Two I hope all is fine with Jasper. Yesterday I was trying to smack hubbys hand away and ended up popping Virtue on the top of his head. Then I was trying to swat a wasp away from him so he wouldn't get stung and did it again! I felt so bad, but luckily neither time was hard. And he is fine, so I'd think everything would be ok with Jasper.
Any good news for Jasper yet? When Nick was less than 2 weeks old I whacked his head on the door frame in my parents house. They have a half door between the dinning room and kitchen and while I was trying to manipulate our way into the kitchen I turned and hit his head on the door frame. I was so worried and felt horrible, but he was fine. Babies are more resilient then we give them credit for.

Today is shot day for both boys. Nick is already not feeling well due to teething and now shots, I'm going to feel terrible making him feel even worse today. He didn't sleep well last night either. Leo did good the last time, I'm hoping he does just as well today, but I'm going to feel bad either way.
Jasper was diagnosed with reflux disease and has been starter on losec, he had a bad day with refusing almost every feed or screaming through some as he was so hungry, by the evening he was doing better and drinking again. I hope that he does better today so we can both go home. The big wig was not concerned about the knock on his head but got a ultra sound on his soft spot to see what was happening at the back of his eyes as they constantly point down and with his constant sleeping is a little concerned, if all comes back fine then he will get a eye guy to have a look at the back of his eyes to make sure all is good as on eye has coloboma but both look downwards.

Sorry about and giberish as on my ph..

Hope Nick feels better Christie..
I had to yell at the tech at the pediatrician today. And by yell, I had to tell her she was not helping the situation. So then I ask her what she doing in a not so nice manner. Poor Nicholas has gotten to a pretty painful teething stage, he was tired, and she was just making things worse. She was supposed to be getting his weight, but apparently she can't read a digital scale because while Nick was naked lying on the scale, crying, shaking (from being upset, not cold, the room was WAY to F'ing hot), and reaching for me, she just stood there trying to decide what the scale said. Then she thought it would be a good idea to measure his head while he was crying and reaching for me. I picked Nick up three times to comfort him before she finally decided on a weight.

The pediatrician on the other hand, Nick loves. He was smiling at her as soon as she walked in the room. It's the tech who I don't like.

Doctor told Leo he has to go on a diet. He has essentially doubled his weight already at only 2 and half months. Something they don't look for until 4 months. His height and weight are in the 96th percentile and she said he looks like a 4 month old. Told me not to feed him more than every 4 hours now.

Leo is 16lb something and Nick is 19lbs 11oz (37th percentile). And Nick is only 3 or 4 inches taller than Leo. There was way too many numbers today.

Nick only had one shot but didn't cry at all. He made one little peep, but then just cuddled into me. Poor little guy was just too tired to care. Leo had to have three shots and then an oral vaccine. Of course he enjoyed the oral meds, but the shots upset him. And one of the bandaids the tech put on wasn't even over the spot where she gave him a shot. You could see the bubble of vaccine on his skin and she totally missed it. I had to reapply.

Sorry for the long post. Glad to hear Jasper is starting to feed again. I hope he keeps it up.
Christie..liams length was of the charts ans weight in the 75th percentile...he is bigger than 6 month okdsbive seen! He eats every 2 hrs still aside from in the middle of the night...wonder if a diet is in order soon!

hope all are well...liams baptism is sunday then I go back to work monday full time...say it aint so :(
I go back to work Monday as well...not looking forward to if at all, sigh.
I told daycare that the dr ordered a diet, but that I wasn't telling her to not feed him if he's obviously hungry. I'm not worried about his weight since his height and weight are both in the 95th percentile. If he was short and still weighed that much, then sure, he would be disproportionate and maybe we should try harder to get him to eat less, but I think he's fine.
I agree Christie. I think if he's hungry feed him. I don't agree with not feeding him and letting him scream his head off.
Do any of you who are going back to work and still breastfeeding have any programs at work for nursing mothers? I just joined the one at work. There is a specific room available (it's extremely small for the number of us who use it) for nursing mothers to go pump and they supply hospital grade pumps you can use if you bring your own attachments. My sister said she didn't have a private area at all and she would go out to her car to pump.
My work doesn't have a program. Sounds nice Christie! I can go pump down in the health rooms but I just use one of the private bathrooms. Had a disaster there today though when I dropped the cap to the bottle I pumped into and it rolled all around the bathroom floor. I was in mid letdown during it too so I ended up dripping all over while I tried to catch the rolling cap. I didn't have a backup cap either so I just ended up dumping the bottle and sticking it all in the dishwasher when I got home.
I won't be pumping obviously, but when I asked before I went out on leave I was told by law they have to have somewhere for you pump. Not sure on the size or availability of the facility though.
I know this is going to happen to me one day, but your incident yesterday Rae reminded me of this cartoon I've been seeing around. Knock on wood, I haven't had an incident yet, but luckily I have enough stored up where it wouldn't affect Leo's feedings, it would just make me sad to lose valuable milk.


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LOL I love it Christie! I felt terrible dumping the bottle even though I have plenty of extra frozen since I replenish her feedings with my pumping each day. It still felt like such a waste though.

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