Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

Two - have a look at these two pages on There's great advice on getting started with BLW - what foods to pick and how to cut/cook them to make it easiest for the baby. They advise that you don't do it when the baby is hungry because it can take a few weeks for them to actually get the hang of it so it can be really frustrating at the start if they're hungry but can't figure out how to get the food into their mouths and keep it there! We tried chips yesterday and omelette the day before - great success! They were much easier for her to hold then the fruit/veg which tends to be slippy. I saw a crinkle cutter recommended somewhere so that the food is easier for babies to grip - must go buy one!
Leo tried peas the other night and litterally threw they up. Apparently he's not a fan. So far carrots are the only veggie he'll eat. Green beans are next on our list. We tried broccoli, but that just fell apart and he didn't like that either.

He did finally get his first tooth last week. The day before he found a piece of one of Nicholas' cookies on the floor and had a good time sucking on that. He gets around so quick any more. He's not full out crawling on all fours but he is still quite the mover.

A fore warning on stuffy noses. I think I've mentioned this before, but be sure you aspirate as often as needed to prevent pneumonia. My niece has had it twice already (she's turning 6 this month), once when she was 2 and once this year because she still won't blow her nose and the fluid affected her lungs.

We did get some handprints made this past weekend. I'm not sure they 'cooked' enough. I feel they are not totally dry. I only had to redo one of Leo's once.

The boys also went to see Santa this weekend. It went about as expected. Except they didn't get smile out of Leo. Probably because Nicholas was crying the whole time. This picture came out the best. At least Nicholas doesn't look terrified in it. Leo had the same expression in all 5 pictures. He looks like he has no idea what's going on. He was probably wondering why the crazy lady was waving a rainbow duster at him.


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Christie - Haylee likes green beans so hopefully they'll work out for you! I was surprised. I've been staying away from peas so far since I've heard from tons of people that they're babies hate them. It sounds like you had better luck with the grandparents than we did. I've made two good ones so far but I need more. I had to cook mine a long time for them to dry out completely. I also had to flip them once the top was done to dry out the bottom.

We had our first snow here yesterday and Haylee was fascinated. We bundled her up in her snowsuit and took her and the dogs out to play in it.
I cooked up some of peas and carrots (frozen) for Nicholas and Leo tonight. The carrot pieces were a little bigger than the peas. Both of them just ate them right up. Apparently whole peas taste a lot better than pureed peas. Leo enjoyed them this time around. Though he was not actually able to pick any up and feed himself, as hard as he tried to grab at them.

My little snow person. He wasn't very impressed.


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Those pic are so so cute..
Wish we got snow here.

thanks getting, Jasper is doing much better with feeding himself. I found doing everything as chips heaps better but half way throw he packs a poo and throws everything everywhere so I give him whats left over of the puree in the freezer.

They are testing Jasper for cystic fibrosis as he continues to vomit up large amounts of mucus daily even when he is not sick with anything and he is also very tied and can sleep between 15 to 18 hours a day.I hope to find out tomorrow if not then I have to wait till Monday. I really hope it comes back clear. If it does he will then be referred to a specialist to find out whats going on. I took a pic of it to the doctors and she was shocked to see the amount he brings up.. Finally someone is taking me seriously as before it always got shrugged off. If it comes back positive that will be the end of having any more children as its not worth passing it to another child.
:hugs: Two, I'm so sorry to hear that ye're going through this. It seems to have been one thing after another for you. I will keep everything crossed for you that the test results come back clear. I'm glad that you are being listened to now - there must be nothing worse than being fobbed off when your gut instinct tells you something isn't right. When do you think the testing will happen? :flower: (edit - just reread your post. Good luck tomor, will be thinking of ye :hugs:)

Christie & Rae - aw, first snow!! So cute! What did they think of it? We're having a very mild winter here so no chance of snow I don't think :nope: Rae, we need to see a pic of Haylee in the snow!
Two, so sorry hear this. Hopefully everything will comes back clear. Does it mean for certain that it will be passed to future children, or you just don't want to take the risk?

It's snowed here a few different times. I don't think Virtue cares so much about the snow either way.

Last night my boss did a holiday happy hour in the restaurant downstairs in my building and the hubs came out and brought Virtue. I thought we'd only be there with him for a few mins or so...people always want to see him. But "pass the baby" turned into an hour so. I wasn't going to have him come up, but then people kept asking if Virtue was coming so I said ok and asked hubs to bring him.

Last round of shots for Virtue this morning. He had about two tears and then was happy again and wanted to jump and bounce. I didn't do the flu shot though...I don't believe in them. I think I'd feel differently if it was like other vaccines where it actually prevented the illness from ever happening, but with this there's no guarantee and people always seem to get sick right after getting a flu shot.
Two I hope the test is negative and if so they are able to find out what is causing all his mucusy spit is.

Leo didn't really give the snow much thought. Nicholas liked crawling around in it though and would have liked to stay in it longer, but I was afraid he was going to get too cold.

Nicholas had the flu shot this year, he didn't get sick afterwards. I have never gotten the shot, but since his cousin, who we spend time with a couple of times a month has started school, I wanted to take extra precautions against him getting sick. Leo will probably get the flu shot next month. They delayed his 6month apt so I could have one apt for both boys.
NoDoubt - I am funny about the flu shot too! I am very much pro vaccinations in general but dubious about the flu one for some reason. Last year was the first time I ever got it (only did so because I was pg) and I was so sick afterwards - had to take time off work, was definitely the flu and not just a cold... Could have just been a coincidence though :shrug:

Two - hoping for good news for you today :hugs:
Thanks ladies :) (sorry for the TMI pic just thought I would show how much he brings up and often)
Jaspers results came back clear :happydance: and now I have to wait to see a pediatrician.. I have a appointment when he is 8 months and am trying to see if they can bring it forward. All doctors have said he is bringing up more than he should but are unsure what to do. He has had a lot of respiratory issues that can contribute to it. I wonder if allergy's could do this


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Getting I asked about the flu injection and why people get sick after and she said its not the flu but it can be from the injection its self when its the first time having. I know so many people that swear by it and with so many new deadly flus I wouldnt be without it.. I will never use it in pregnancy though..

No Doubt people with the cf gene have a 25 percent chance of passing the condition onto the kids.. Im just happy we now dont habe to be worried about it
Two - So glad the tests came back ok! Hopefully they can find something to help him out soon.

Here is my little munchkin in the snow and a picture of our handprint/footprint final products.


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Hay she sits up great.. I still have issues with Jasper sitting as he an only do it a few min at a time with assistance..

Are you babies crawling yet? No interest in it here but am hoping he will by Christmas. He pulls himself along a couple of times but would rather roll to where he wants to get
She's only just recently started to get good at sitting. She's still wobbly though so I usually stick a pillow behind her when she's on the floor so she doesn't wack her head. Haylee doesn't crawl yet but she uses a combination of rolling and wiggling to get across the floor
Same here with the crawling...Virtue rolls and wiggles. He'll pull himself up on all fours and then wiggle back and forth. I think he likes to do that cause he always giggles. Virtue sits up fine. He only falls over if reaching for something and that's rare, or he intentionally does it so he can lay down and get to where he wants to be. He fell over the first time reaching and started to cry and as soon as I picked him up he started giggling and jumping. There weren't even tears, lol. Now he just rooks himself over and keeps on playing wo I think he's figured out how to get to a laying from sitting position. He's currently working on getting from a laying to sitting position, which he does well if slightly inclined. If he's flat he tries to pull on whatever's around him to sit up...and if I'm in his face playing that's usually my hair!
Merry Christmas all hope you have a wonderful Christmas

Jasper started crawling today and says bubba over and over we have also had mum as well. The best thing you could hear .

Enjoy your day xxx
Leo is still doing his low crawl, pulling himself all using his forearms. Nicholas was saying Santa or 'Tanta' all day yesterday while playing with all his new toys. I think he became a fan of Santa when he opened his Tonka dump truck.

I think the boys enjoyed Christmas. We went to my sisters house and both boys wanted to nap at the same time, so Nicholas got to use the porta crib and Leo ended up in a laundry basket. He was too big for it so he was all scrunched with his butt up in the air, but he was relieved to have some place to nap.
Christie - A laundry basket is great! I never thought of that but its all walled in.

Haylee enjoyed Christmas too. She had fun ripping into the paper. She is thrilled with all her new toys and loved getting attention from family all day. She's a little exhausted after all the excitement the last 2 days though. She also says dada and nana. No mama yet but we keep trying!
Hello all! I hope everyone had a great first Christmas :)

Doing good over here. Still staying home with her. I'm still nursing. I bought some Gerber teething biscuits about a month ago and the second one I took out of the box had a plastic clothes tag baked into it, so I decided not to buy and baby food. Probably one in a million chance it would happen again, but it put me off of it. I give her a little mashed banana or avocado mixed with my milk. Berries, cooked squash, sweet potato - stuff like that. About twice a day - she just takes a few bites to try things other than that it's just bm. She's sitting when she feels like it and also been doing the mamamamama and bababababa. Sounds like all our little ones are hitting their marks around the same time. No crawling here yet - just rolling and wiggling everywhere. She's in the 90th for her length at 28" and 70th for her weight at 18lbs She is in 9 and 12 month clothes now and out grew her 9 month one piece pjs already! The time is flying by! I enjoy being a mom so much :)

Here she is in her Halloween costume and her picture with Santa :)


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