Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

So glad the new daycare is working out for you. Our new nanny is on probation already for her reliability. My sister is basically on call this week, if the new nanny is late one more time in the next few weeks, then I'll have to find another one. Ugh!

Leo uses anything he can to pull himself standing, and like Virtue, is just so damn happy with himself. It's like every time he gets standing he has to make sure I see and he just smiles. I have a bench type thing in the livingroom that is also storage. I've moved their toys into there and when I leave it open it's just the right height for Leo to pull himself up and for him to rummage through the toys. It's much more steady then the plastic bin we were using.

He got himself standing in his crib today and I think he thought he was stuck. He was tired and needed a nap, but was too afraid to let go once he got stood up.

The biggest frustration right now, is trying to change either of their diapers. If they don't have their hands in the way or aren't shoving the clean diaper between their legs (before I've had a chance to wipe them clean), then they are constantly trying to turn over. It's such a battle that half the time I give up putting their pants back on them and they end up running around in a shirt and diapers.


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I ment to attach this to the previous post as well.


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Aww, so cute about him thinking he was stuck. Poor thing...I know he must have been scared and I'm sure being tired didn't help. Virtue is the same way about the diaper. He's so strong I have to remind myself I'm bigger and stronger than him, a little pep talk, lol. Virtue really likes using the stairs to pull himself up. I bought a push toy for him, but he still only wants to the laundry basket...wont make that mistake again, lol. He also tries to use the dogs, lol. I have to tell him to leave them alone cause I don't want him to inadvertently hurt them and then they snap at him or bite him. I would seriously kill of them if that happened. I also tell the dogs to go away when he gets close cause he's recently started wanting to pull their tales. Luckily he listens and is picking up on words and phrases. He knows let it go, leave that alone, come here and of course his name. Like any child he tests us, but he listens on the first go sometimes too. I think he also recognizes the sterner tone we'll sometimes use as well. We only use it when he started wanting to crawl over to the corner and play with all the cords for the tv, Xbox, etc. Don't want him getting shocked.
My dogs, or at least the younger one, are too energetic to keep out loose with the babies. Even through the gate my doberman needs to be reminded to back off. Nicholas has gotten used to the dogs and now that he is steady on his feet, I let him follow me into the kitchen. It's cute to watch him push the dogs out of his way. He does it to my parents dog as well. He also puts his hand up to cover his face or ear when the doberman gets near. She is a licking fool!

My older dog is good around babies, she has let my niece jump on her and let Leo pull her ears, but she would gladly take whatever they offer her and chew it into bits and pieces. Case in point, Nicholas at one time crawled into their bed with the dogs and gave them a bottle, which they gladly ate. He will also throw toys into the kitchen. So to save the toys, for the boy's saftey and the dogs health I have to keep everyone separate most of the time.
Christie - Love the pictures of your boys! I've heard a lot of babies have a hard time getting down once they learn to stand. I imagine free-falling backwards when you're first learning it is pretty scarey. Poor Leo getting stuck standing.

Haylee is still only standing when we help hold her up or if I prop her against the couch so she can hold herself up. She's also nuts during diaper changes. She flails or rolls or grabs the diaper out from under her. I'm surprised we haven't had any major messes yet. It is very frustrating. She also loves our dogs and cat. The cat and one dog steer clear of her because they don't like her grabbing on them. The other dog loves her. They're like best friends. He's a mini schnauzer so he's about her size and the two will lay on the floor together and play. It is so sweet! We also keep a playpen (the plastic stand alone kind) set up in the living room and gate in all her toys so she can roll around and play but won't get into things like the wires and the dog toys (we've caught her with a dog toy a couple times).

She's wanting more and more table food. She loves getting little bits off of our plates but she's still having trouble pooping so I always end up cutting back to baby foods I know help her go. I hope eventually she gets used to it and it isn't such a problem. Now she only goes about every other day and she cries every time she goes even if its really soft. I hate seeing her so upset over it.
Awww...Haylee and her puppy friend. One of our dogs is Virtue's "best friend". Every time he gets in front of her he giggles uncontrollably, til the point I'm giggling him. We were actually tying to find a home for her cause she has so much energy and we don't have the time to drain that energy, but my mom keeps saying we can't let het go cause it would devastate my pup and Virtue.

If we need to close him off from the dogs we put up the gates to either block off the living room or obviously the stairs so he can "travel" freely from his room to ours. The gates serve a dual purpose of keeping the docs at bay and blocking off the stairs when upstairs.
Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing? How's the little ones?

VIrtue is making his way up the stairs nicely. If we don't block it off he's gone in seconds and happily on his way. His daddy has also taught him how to point and shake his head no...perfect! He's starting to take "leaps of faith" as I call it. He's letting go of things and attempting steps, but isn't quite there's cute and he always just gets right back up. Out of the blue one day he just started crawling a few weeks ago, so now he's really speedy. He's also saying the best word ever...MAMA! Really excited about that!

The daycare he goes to is a mom and daughter pair, and her kids are there throughout the day. They call her mom nana, so now Virtue has come home yelling out nana. It's funny, cause I was wondering where he got that from and now I know. My mom is nana, so of course she's jealous now and has said the woman at the daycare needs to change her name...really mom?!?!? Lol...she's a mess.

Hope everything is going well for all of you!
NoDoubt - Is #2 on the way? Congrats!

Leo has been taking steps since he turned 9 months old, then he started crawling up on all fours (instead of the low crawl that he had been doing). He is cute when he is crawling, his poor head is so big and heavy, that he had to put it on the floor and crawl like he is trying to plow with his head.

He does good taking a few steps toward someone and every now and then will randomly take steps on his own while playing. He is quite the motivated little guy...Well I guess not so little, his height and weight are in the 95th percentile and his head...well that is off the charts, so the doctor calls it the 99th percentile, but says I don't have any need to worry yet, since it does seem to be following the curve and and long as the growth levels out, then he's just a big boy.

He does officially weigh more naked than Nicholas does fully clothed with shoes and a toy.

After our first nanny left, I hired another one, but she was a disaster. Talk about unreliable. She used every excuse in the book, from stomach issues, to her cousin dying unexpectedly, to being a car accident, to traffic. All in less than 4 weeks. My sister has been watching the boys the past month while I've been searching for yet another nanny.

Leo's blanket pic this month, just amazed me at how big he has gotten. And then the pic of him in the batman (size 18 month) jammies, he looks so 'grown up', not my infant baby anymore.


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Thanks! Can't wait to meet this little one either!

That's so cute about him "plowing" with his head, lol. But we've always thought that he was just a big boy, so no worried I don't think either. Isn't it funny how they just start crawling out of the blue? Virtue is still coasting along fine and he'll go all the way up the stairs on his own, we're there of course in case he stumbles. But I think it's funny how he's so ambitious to just want to take steps like he's been walking all his life, lol.
Hi all if any of you see this post! I'm so excited because today dh and I had our frozen embryo transfer consultation. I already got the base blood work done and am waiting for cd1 so i can set up cd3 blood work and the saline exam to make sure my uterus is ready to go. We are doing a natural cycle which means no shots woohoo just crinone gel and daily blood work to track ovulation. Feel free to follow me on my second ivf journey. Oh and we have 2 frosties so transferring one and our insurance switches Jan 1st which is a pain will be excited to get all the testing and insurance approval behind us so we can start our cycling in Feb or march.
Good Luck almost! I did a frozen cycle back in August. I wish I had thought to ask about a medication free cycle at that time. If I do it again I will definitely be doing medication free.

I'm currently pregnant with twin girls from my frozen cycle.
Christie that's so exciting congrats :)

Snowflakes I see you have had another belated congrats.

Dh has needed time to finish school so we are hoping to fall pregnant right before he graduates :)
Congratulations ladies!! I haven't been on in here in months but just last week we got a bfp following a frozen transfer! We had three unsuccessful IVF cycles in the last year so we are over the moon to finally see some pink lines :happydance: I spent yesterday evening reading over the early pages of this group, comparing my symptoms then and now! First scan is May 9th...
Getting broody congrats! We also did a fet we went the natural cycle root and it was so easy compared to ivf with icsi cycle we lost one frosty in the thaw which is super rare so I was shocked but out second pulled through thank god and the angels! I'm 12 weeks already I can't believe how fast it all flies by! How are you feeling?
Christie were you due last month? Hope your girlie are well let us know how your getting on! :)
I'm doing great thanks Almost! Just waiting impatiently for my six week can! Time is dragging, can't believe I'm only 5+2 - that's what happens when you test super early I suppose!! How are you feeling yourself? How was first tri? Sorry to hear one embryo didn't survive the thaw. I was so worried about that happening on the morning of our FET...

Hope everything went well for you Christie!!!
Oh my gosh had a huge paragraph it just disappeared the lage refreshed aaaah. Long story short I feel great now the naseau was tough dry heaving and gagging smells got me pretty bad I've rotten some energy back as I was very fatigued this tri was much harder than with ds. I am getting boy vibes too since last week. Gender scan is June 14 it's finally may today so counting down the days already haha.

Your scan will be here soon enough it drags in the very beginning then I feel like it flys by after 8 weeks or so
Girls were born April 13th @38 weeks. Elective c-section (too many scenarios had it turning into an emergency c-section with twin B being bigger and my body not being ready for labor [barely started to dilate on my own]). Twin B was sent to NICU after 24 hours when her glucose dipped, she spent 2 days there then we were all good to go home.

I only have another week and half before I have to get back to work. I think I"m ready for it though. Being a single mom with 4 under 4...I can use the break work will give me for part of the day. I've already had our new nanny watch various combination of the kids while attending various appointments, so I think the transition back to work should be easier than with returning after Leo.


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