Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

No Doubt my doctor recommended trying egg at 6 months as even though some babys have a reaction to it is only a small portion. I tried the egg last night and a side from the fact that he gagged at it he did well.. will try it a couple more times as it maybe the fact its a new food. I also tried mango.Soon I have been told that I can try lightly toasted toast.. he had his first rusk biscuit and love it.. Honestly he is just a pig, we had so many problems with milk that I am surprised at how well he has taken to food. My mum said to try yogurt now that he is pretty much 6months and mix fruit into it for flavor.
I puree food to last a couple of week in small plastic tubs from the baby store and he eats two every meal

Raelynn I think I will try the spoon thing with Jasper, That us a great idea. He know how to feed himself with his bottle as he has done it a couple of times but would rather have me do it.

Oh and he sat unassisted for the first time last night yay I was so happy.
How has the hand printing going? Do any of you go to mothers groups? Its hard bein in a new country and not knowing anyone or having friends yet so I am looking into some groups to join so I dont feel so closed in

Christie I love the Santa pic he looks so tiny in his arms there and so happy. Love it.

How is work going ladies? I think you are all supermums :flower::thumbup:

Cant believe its been 6months in one week and I have been on here for close to two year
I"m hoping to get a Santa pic of the two of them this weekend. We'll see how that goes. I'm sure one, if not both will be cranky by the time we get to the front of the line.

I haven't found the time to join any mommy groups. This thread is the closest I get.

Leo tried carrots this weekend and loved them. He kept sticking his fingers in his mouth and sucking on them, because of course they then tasted like carrots. He also had fun 'painting' his try with carrots.

We went to my parents house for Thanksgiving and Nicholas had a hard time with me leaving his sight. My parent's house is two story, so I couldn't let him follow me when I would go upstairs, unlike our house where he can follow me if I go to their bedroom to change Leo. And I think the room we slept in was too cold for Leo's liking because he wouldn't sleep in the crib, but he would sleep well in bed with me.

I almost freaked out when I left the boys with my mom to run to the store and I get back and she told me Nicholas had peanutbutter and bread for a snack. That's the first time he had peanutbutter. I've been a bit afraid of trying that. She assumed since he was one that he's had it. I've read that they shouldn't try it until 3 (or maybe it was 5?). I'm just glad that the hospital is close to their house and we know how to get there. I still don't know the closest hospital to my house and no idea how to get there.

I haven't had the time yet to try out the handprints, I'm hoping (again) this weekend or maybe after work this week I'll get time.
Haven't got around to trying the handprints here either, must get to them soon! We did go to see Santa though. The photographer was very clever and took a photo really quickly before she managed to get a proper look a Santa and start crying! Haven't got it back yet so hopefully it's a nice one!

Haven't been to any mummy groups but we are going to baby massage classes and plan on going to a baby music group after Christmas. And we go swimming twice a week which she absolutely loves! I also have three friends who are also on maternity leave so we meet up a lot which is great :D I imagine it must be hard being in a new country Two. :hugs: Have you looked into groups in your area?

How is feeding going for everyone? Are you all doing purees or are any of you trying baby led weaning? We have been doing purees the last few weeks but now that Fia is 6 months we are switching to a combination of purees and BLW. It's going well so far although I don't think she's swallowing much! (Edit: of the finger foods that is, she swallows all the purees, I just load up the spoon and she feeds herself - very messily, I must admit!) I find it hard to get the consistency right when I'm cooking it though - too hard and she can't gum it, too soft and it falls apart in her hand... I'm sure we'll figure it out! Today I gave her some brocolli for lunch - she looked so funny chewing on her little tree!!

Christie - I didn't know you were supposed to delay feeding nut products? I thought it was just whole nuts because they pose a choking hazard? That's so cute that Nick wanted to follow you around in your parents house! :D

Any more crawling going on? Fia is quite happy to stay put on her mat still but her sitting is getting very good :thumbup: She still falls over but not as much and mostly just if she's reaching for a toy or something :dohh:

For those of you who are still bf'ing - have you thought about when you might stop? I go back to work in January so Fia will have formula for the two feeds I'm at work and then I'll bf her for the rest of the feeds for another few months, probably until winter is over and the cold/flu season is over... I gave her her first bottle of formula today to see what she'd think of it and she drank 4oz which was relief - I was worried she'd turn her nose up at it!!
I keep hearing different stories about introducing nut products. I would just prefer to do highly allergenic foods when my baby can tell me something isn't right. But some studies say introducing foods earlier will help prevent, other say hold off. I don't really think it makes a difference either way, if your baby is going to be allergic (s)he'll be allergic to it. I just want them to be strong enough to survive an allergic reaction, if they should have one.

Leo is in the up on his hands and knees and rocking stage of crawling. Or the get up on his hands and knees and throw himself forward. Nicholas has become a walking fool this past week. He has been taking steps on his own for a little over a month, but he has it down now and does mostly walking vs crawling any more.

He has also decided Leo is big enough now to wrestle. When Leo gets up on his hands and knees Nick will crawl over the top of him, flatten him out and then flip him over. It's cute until Nick starts pushing Leo's head into the floor, smacking him on the head, or using Leo's face as support as he crawls over the top of him. Leo will have his revenge soon though.

I've given Leo bits of bananas, but other than that it's been all puree foods or cereal. Some how tonight he got a piece of banana peel, that I had already taken away from him (Nick probably gave it to him) and Leo was sucking on that.

Leo is still breastfeeding. I pump enough for him to have 2-3 bottles of BM while I'm at work and then I nurse him when I get home. I hope we can continue until he's at least a year old. When he turns a year I may switch him to whole milk while I"m at work and then just nurse him when I'm home. But we'll see how long I want to nurse him after he gets teeth :)
Geeting, With christmas coming looking at parents groups honestly slipped my mind will be something to look at this weekend when the oh is home to look after Jasper, he is very clingy so I dont get much time to myself.
I am stopping puree food once this lot runs out and just mashing it, Jasper eats toast well and does not have any issues with it, he even had weetbix this morning.What BLW and led weaning?

I have been told to try babys early with peanut butter as there more likely to have a allergy the longer it is left? Thats new studies, I have 6 month injections in a couple of day so I will ask when its recommended. I gave Jasper pureed strawberry's and he came out in a rash, I will have to try again next week to see if that is what it was.
My brother kept trying to put one in his mouth despite me saying not to and we ended up in a argument and now he wont talk to me. If pureed can cause a rash couldnt uncooked be worse? Eaither way I didnt want him to have it and he would not listen till I got angry.

Hope you all are well.x
BLW stands for baby led weaning. It's basically just skipping the purees and mashed stuff and going straight to finger foods and letting the baby feed themselves ( It's very messy at the start but apparently it's great once the baby gets the hang of it!
Broody, how does she eat with no teeth?

I've started using the baby bullet to make Virtues food, but he still gets formula. The doc said they should have formula/brest milk until at least 1 year because that's where all the nutrients are, but to obviously add food in regularly as well.

I'd heard the same thing about peanut butter, not until 3 cause of the allergy. But one day hubbs let virtue suck on a reeses he wad eating and he did fine with it. I'm trying mangos this week to see how he does.

Strawberries I know can be an allergy as well. So that may have caused the rash. But if happens again then you know.

Virtue is still bouncing back and forth when on all fours. Im beginning to think he's meaning to do that cause it reminds him of the jumper which he loves, its just horizontal at that point.
NoDoubt - they may have no teeth but those gums are very hard and do pretty much the same job!!
Interesting! Never would have thought. I'll have try that. I blended some chicken and green beans for Virtue...totally didn't go over well, lol. He kept making a face every time I put some in his mouth so I didn't give him as much as I normally would with soft foods and to add insult to injury when I was putting the top back on he spit up what I had given him, lol. He's had green beans before mixed in with sweet potatoes and he loved it so maybe I should try that next time. I have to get the recipes down still I know...just wish he could have enjoyed this more...or at all, lol.
Getting that looks awesome and so cute, I think I will be giving Jasper a go with that tomorrow as he is on toast so I am sure he can do vege like that to. Love it..
She liked the carrots too but they were harder to hold because they were very well cooked. If you are going to try it look at some YouTube videos first. Search for "Baby led weaning gag reflex" so you'll know what it looks like. It's basically just how small babies learn to move food around their mouths but if you weren't expecting it you might think they were choking! There's not a whole lot gets swallowed at the start but that's normal and they're still getting all their nutrients etc from milk at the moment so it doesn't really matter. Think we're going to try some toast today :thumbup:

NoDoubt - Fia had some puréed green beans a few weeks ago, she HATED them!!
Fia is getting so BIG!

Nick is just starting to realize that taking bites of something is better than shoving the whole thing into his mouth. I gave him a whole grain fruit cereal bar yesterday and he took bites, but then he also squeezed it and it fell apart on him. He wasn't in a highchair, so I needed to do an emergency vacuuming session. He isn't too sure about the noisy vacuum, but he was ok, if I was holding his hand while I vacuumed. I think if I did baby led weaning with Nick, he wouldn't have started solids until 8 months. That's when he really started making chewing motions.

Carrots seem to be a big hit with the babies. Both Nick and Leo loved them. Leo hasn't had greenbeans yet, but Nick loved them pureed. They seem to be a bit of a challenge to him in their whole form. I think he keeps chewing them expecting them to mash up like carrots would, but the skin stays too intact, so he ends up chewing them forever if I don't cut them up small enough. Most of the time I have to hide veggies like peas, beans and corn in with something else. The skin on those will either make him spit it out or he will chew forever. So I mix it with some pasta or barely. We were doing rice, but I've recently read that rice can contain unhealthy arsenic. I didn't realize there was a good arsenic, but apparently organic arsenic is ok.
I think babies like carrots cause even though they're a veggie they are still kind of sweet. Poor Nick and his cereal bar, lol. Was he upset about it? Virtue probably would have lost it, lol. I've given his small bits of vanilla ice cream which he likes and whenever I stop giving it to him he is all up in arms about it, lol.
I had an allergy to strawberries when I was younger. I would get a rash but I loved them so the doctor said they were fine as long as I didn't have trouble breathing.

Haylee had a rough day today. She's struggling with pooping with introducing solids. She's an infrequent pooper on just breast milk and I think she's just not sure how to handle how it feels now that she's not pooping liquid. She screamed all morning and afternoon today just straining. Then she finally went and took a nap and was better. I think I'm going to back off the food a little to try and help her. She also has a little cold so I'm sure that isn't helping. She hates getting her nose wiped :(
Aw, poor Haylee :flower: We don't have the pooping problem here (yet!) but Fia has a bit of a cold too and also hates getting her nose wiped. And don't even get me started on the nasal aspirator! She fights so hard I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her with it so I only use it if I really really have to. She's usually fine during the day but some nights she wakes up crying because she's all stuffed up. How is Haylee finding nursing with a stuffed nose? One night Fia got so frustrated with the whole thing she just gave up trying and cried :-( And then fought me when I tried to clear it. Poor little babies! You'd love to be able to explain to them that you're just trying to help!
I have tried the last two nights with the led weening and I found it a frustrating process for both of us, I dont mind the mess that is fine, First night I thought he was chocking towards the end and ended up vomiting everything back up and today all he did was cry and ate a little. He did have his 6month injections so the crying could have been from that. He does well with toast so I am sure he will get there.
On youtube I was a 6month old eat a demolish a chicken leg lol.

Raelynn thank you thats is good to know. do you still get a rash or dose that get better in time?
Broody - You can hear Haylee struggling with breathing while she is nursing. So far she can still manage to breath it's just very cloggy. She takes a lot more breaks so she can breath but hasn't given up completely yet. She's also super drooly because of all the mouth breathing.

Two - I don't get a rash with strawberries anymore. At some point I guess my body just gave up and got over it :) I would also get a rash with certain medicines since they flavored them with strawberry.

Haylee's had a rash once or twice now but it goes away so I can't tell if it is food related or some other cause. It's always just a few dots on her tummy and it goes away before I can try to figure out the cause.

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