Nitengale How exciting that your appt. is right around the corner. I don't have many symptoms either...except sore bb's. I didn't have any MS with my other pregnanxies either.
Mrs_P I am afraid to run as well...I don't want to get my heart rate up. So I just take brisk walks. =)
klsltsp I have an u/s on the 10th...YIPEE!! I will be 6 weeks 1 day, how exciting foe us. and im so sorry to hear that your news was almost revealed on FB...I would have been pretty upset myself. =(
Kim Thinking of you and your mom..((hugs
me..I got some bw done today...they wanted to know my beta levels..and they came back at 2460!! YAY! I was so worried that they were gonna be low because last week they werent rising as much as I would have expected, so there is some relief there.
Have a great night ladies hope to catch up soon.
Hey Joy
wow those are great levels!! i had bw done wed.. nothing yet
