thanks for asking kim
her appointment was great, she feels very positive. She is forsure going to have a mastectomy, but only on one breast as the risk of the cancer spreading to the other one is fairly low. She has elected for recontructive surgery to be done immediately following the mastectomy (the cells from her back) used to recreate a natural breast. She doesn't want any implants of any sort obviously. She had her appendix burst right after her last surgery, so they aren't sure how successful this surgery will be given the placement of the cuts from the appendectomy, but the doctor said that we have a bit of time to figure things out and that the hospital will set her up with a consult with a plastic surgeon to determine if she is a suitable candidate for the recontruction.
Overall i feel great that she is settled in her decision, as it took her a long time to come to it, and that she will only need to be in the hospital for 1 night if all goes as planned. I am praying for her daily and appreciate that she was in your thoughts.
Good news with your mom. My mom had a single masectomy too, she didn't have reconstruction and so it was day surgery!!! crazy!! i would think if nothing but for the emotional side that they would keep her at least 1 night... My mom has the implant that she wears in her bra and it's worked really well for her.
Does she have a surgery date yet?