Wow, lot of news. I am still thinking about you Joy : )
And Cecelia and MiniMe, what a ride you've had. Are you both able to work? Or are you stay at home? I hope something can find you comfort soon!
I had a cyst a few years ago, that went away on it's own. I'm not sure how it can affect pregnancy, so I hope it's not a big issue for you or anything.
I am really wanting to sched an u/s. At the office I go to, they say 18 -20 wks for the only scan . But for my 1st pregnancy I had 4 u/s, so I don't get it. I have good insurance, so I am going to ask my doctor on Monday.
Hey ladies, hope everyones had good weekends! I'm a raspberry as well today - yippee!! On a weird symptom note I started itching yesterday.... My scalp, neck, chest, back, under my arm pits and bikini line madly itch, worse at night and a bit like prickly heat rash. Had my 1st drs appt over a week ago and haven't heard from the midwife yet.
I had my 8 week us and everything looks good! Hb is 156 and the tiniest lil peanut ever! I was super excited. My husband has never seen an us so he was extremely happy. I think it makes it more real for him. Anyway all is good here!![]()