Support thread for all the atheist,agnostic,non-religious and secular humanist TTCers

Thanks, pbl!

I feel your pain with the teeth. My dentist assures me the prescription toothpaste is a miracle, though. :haha:
Tested at 9dpo and got a BFN. I didn't really have a feeling either way, so not really disappointed. Actually sort of relieved. I'm starting another juice fast cycle this weekend (did a 7 day one just before I ovulated) and am happy to have another month to work on self improvement through daily yoga, juice fasting and a playing with a raw/vegan diet.

Had a massive dip in my chart today which makes me wonder if AF will come today?? Could my I have actually Oed at the dip on CD 17? It would make sense! I that case we couldn't have caught the egg anyway. Oh well, maybe next time. I actually want to try next two cycles as I really would love an Aquarius baby.
Hey girls,

Just wanted you to know I'm still here quietly lurking in the background, still following the thread and hoping (not praying!) for good things for you all. It doesn't always feel appropriate to join in as much but it doesn't mean I stopped following your journeys or caring, I just know some people in TTC don't like it and feel like their noses are being rubbed in it or something.
As far as I'm concerned, our preggos are welcome here always! I know there's a pregnancy version of this group, but my understanding is that it never took off. So you are welcome here! How can we be excited for you if you're gone? :happydance:

AFM, I'm afraid I have bad news. DH's work is really bothering him to the point that he wants to quit before even finding another job. With his skills, I can't see him being unemployed long, but I might have to drop down to WTT. He is going to talk with someone today, so we'll see. The thought of going to WTT is really sad, especially when I'm so close to getting Clomid (probably today), but if he's really unhappy, then that is of course my main concern. I like the company he works for, so I hope he can work it out. If not, I'm behind him 100%. :hugs:

But it is hard to put something you want so much aside when you're so close.
Hi Bubbles! I hope your pregnancy is going well. I've stuck around, but try to hang back a bit.

Viet, good luck with the juice fast and new food plan. I love dairy too much. Also I'm not organized enought to plan meals accordingly.

Ginger, I hope your DH can work it out at his job. Hopefully talking to someone will help.
I could really use some positivity right about now, ladies.

DH turned in his notice. He immediately said he felt like it was a mistake, but when I told him just to talk to his boss about it, he said there are some things you just can't take back. So I called my old place of employment and got rehired. I'll be starting back to work next week.

I think we're now officially WTT.

DH's count of "normal" sperm was low at 5%.
My doctor also told me I have mild PCOS, even though all my tests are normal.
He wants us to try for three months more, but we're not trying right now.
He said after we start trying again for three months longer, that he would want to retest DH, then recommend us to a FS to look at doing AUI. :cry:

Today really sucks. I just feel like we got kicked when we were down.
Aw I'm so sorry Ginger. I really hope he finds a job quickly. If it were me, with mild pcos, sperm problems and 9 months of ttc I would continue trying normally anyways or ntnp and if it happens then figure out the soloution then but I understand the money stress that would follow him quitting. I really hope things work out and he gets a job he likes quickly.
More hugs & love, Ginger.

Ugh. I think we have a dilemma that's maybe only sort of a dilemma. I get preggo pretty easily (without depo sticking its evil little hand in LOL)- the problem is staying that way. But we've ALWAYS said we don't want one from September through March-We have *at least* two immediate family birthdays every one of those months. Except November and February, and that's a pretty tight window. Plus, November's usually still so busy with holidays. And those are only immediate family ones that we do things for. My cycle thingy said that if we catch an egg this month, it'd be due January 4th. :( So.... Do we wait two more months to really try and *hope* we catch a sticky one so our timing can be the way we want it? Argh. I don't want to wait. BUT a January baby would be especially bad since it's not only our birthdays (not a big deal), but BF's first kid, which would be a big deal. March is his second kid's birthday.

The irony? The date I (theoretically, if all is back to normal) will ovulate, is also the ONLY date this month that BF will be home for several days on either side. Bah!
Ugh, Ginger. :hugs: So sorry to hear all your bad news! Sometimes WTT isn't a bad thing (I'm spinning positive here). If your OH is the kind of guy you could give vitamins to, you might be able to improve his SA. There's lots of info on here about that--does he do the bad things, like drink, smoke, eat poorly, wear tight undies, or etc? At a minimum you could try giving him some vitamins. I know women here who have snuck into their OH's food. :rofl:

And I'm sorry to say it :blush: , but they way you described your charts always sounded a little like PCOS to me. Mostly the fact that you would get bleeding when you didn't expect it, in a way that didn't seem to follow the usual rhythm. I'm sensing from you a reluctance to temp (I just gave up :haha: :rofl:), but you too could do some diet thing to address PCOS.
If yours is a mild case, it's possible some changes in how you eat could make a big difference. :thumbup:

So, my positive spin is that you could use a few WTT months to optimize for both of you, so that when you're back to TTC you could be in prime FERTILE form! :thumbup:

How was that? Bossy or helpful? Sorry if it's the former. :blush: In the meantime, I hope both of you get the employment situation worked out quickly. :hugs:

Viet, looks like AF came. :hugs: Did you ever hear back from your friend?

:hi: to SB and Bubbles! We love our heathen graduates!

Hope you O soon, Baby!

Biblio, I can't speak for anyone else, but we gave up on trying to schedule the TTC stuff. When we first got started we were trying to be conscientious about the academic calendar. I find that sort of optimism hilarious now. In a kind of sad way, of course. Btw, how many chemicals or losses have you had? Have you ever had any of the testing done? Sorry if I'm forgetting. :shy:

Hope all of you are doing well and preparing for a great weekend! :hugs:
Pbl, the only thing we're really concerned about are his 2 kids. Since we're far away and being 8+ months pregnant or due within 2 weeks of a birthday would prevent us from being there for their birthdays, it's a big deal. Otherwise, I've given up on the rest. Everyone else can deal. Lol.
I had 2 m/cs 5 years ago. They did a lot of blood tests then & didn't find anything. I have no idea which tests they ran- I wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind and there was a lot of other crappy stuff that happened that year. One more and then they'll check out my uterus, etc. Me, I'm hoping it was genetics on the sperm side since it was with my ex. Which is mean, I guess. Oh well.
Ginger: Life has a way of kicking you when your down! Sorry girl, but thungs always have a way of sorting itself out. I bet DH lands an even better job, and maybe less stress (plus some vitamins) will help that sperm count! Like plb said, there are many ways to treat PCOS with diet. Look into it! It can really help!

I have to say that I am reluctant to WTT, maybe you should go with NTNP, as if it happens it happens, and maybe when the time is right, that lucky sperm and that little egg will meet, and it will have all been meant to be! Just an idea! That's what we're doing these days!

Biblio: Screw other birthdays! Who cares! I sure don't! Basically all the holidays/anniversaries/birthdays and everything special in my life falls between December first and Valentines day. I want my baby right in that special time too! My whole life the month of feb has been so special (we always traveled to New York) because of my birthday, my moms and valentines day - Love day is bigger than Christmas in my family! (I really hope if I have a daughter she is born in Feb too!) And now with my husband and his family, December and January have become big months of love as well! I look forward to that time of year so much! Plus it's nice to only have to remember a few birthdays that don't fall during that time! We are actually going to try the next two cycles, because having a baby that's Aquarius is really important to me!

AFM - LP was only 10 days last cycle, a bit short, but I'm not going to worry about it. My O date might have been off a few days. Busy over here with school and the end of the year! So much going on! We're actually going home to the states for the first time in nearly three years! We'll be there for 7 weeks! Eep! SO many gifts to buy and so much to do to prepare for the trip!

As for my friend: Turns out she lost her phone! Whoops! No wonder why she wasn't calling back! Lucky I only bitched about it on here and for a second to my best friend! I guess it's all on still and no need to worry! Sorry for the freak out!
Ugh, Ginger. :hugs: So sorry to hear all your bad news! Sometimes WTT isn't a bad thing (I'm spinning positive here). If your OH is the kind of guy you could give vitamins to, you might be able to improve his SA. There's lots of info on here about that--does he do the bad things, like drink, smoke, eat poorly, wear tight undies, or etc? At a minimum you could try giving him some vitamins. I know women here who have snuck into their OH's food. :rofl:

And I'm sorry to say it :blush: , but they way you described your charts always sounded a little like PCOS to me. Mostly the fact that you would get bleeding when you didn't expect it, in a way that didn't seem to follow the usual rhythm. I'm sensing from you a reluctance to temp (I just gave up :haha: :rofl:), but you too could do some diet thing to address PCOS.
If yours is a mild case, it's possible some changes in how you eat could make a big difference. :thumbup:

So, my positive spin is that you could use a few WTT months to optimize for both of you, so that when you're back to TTC you could be in prime FERTILE form! :thumbup:

How was that? Bossy or helpful? Sorry if it's the former. :blush: In the meantime, I hope both of you get the employment situation worked out quickly. :hugs:

Not bossy! Helpful! I do have a reluctance to temp. Mostly because of a couple different issues, among them being I don't wake up at the same time every day (especially now that I'll be going back to work and be on mixed shifts). But also there are some more personal issues with DH. I could probably work around it, but it would be a MAJOR pain.

I never suspected I might have PCOS because I've had all these hormonal tests and even a trans-vag ultrasound to look for any potential causes to my wonky periods, and was told that everything was normal and that they didn't have any explanation for it. Now we run the same blood tests again, they all come back normal (with a hcg of 0), and suddenly he says I have PCOS like he knew it all along, and I should have known it to. My uncle's wife has PCOS and was never able to have children (they adopted one son), so when I started freaking out and asking questions, he just kept poopooing the problem. He said it was mild, and that we would conceive naturally. That it would just take longer. But that I'm not ovulating on my own... So how can I conceive naturally?! He prescribed me Provera, but wants me to wait after two weeks of protected sex and a negative pregnancy test before I take it. Even though I'm not ovulating. :dohh:

I was going to just take it anyway, but I forgot to fill the prescription yesterday. And last night I had a dream that I got a BFP so dark that you could barely see the control line. So now I guess I'm going to wait just in case, even though logically I think there's no way I'm pregnant.

But PCOS does kind of make sense. I've always been heavy for my height, even when I was hardcore exercising every single day. Since I graduated high school in 2007, I've gone up almost 7 pant sizes and can't seem to loose the weight no matter what I do. I'm also having problems with some facial hair. And I don't know if this is related to PCOS, but I never had acne in my teens, but now I break out ALL THE TIME. Not just on my face either. I'm getting it on my shoulders and back too. It's painful and gross. A real confidence-killer. :wacko:

I did get DH a men's multi-vitamin, and he is taking it so far when I take my pre-natals before bed. Previously, he was a bit of a diet pop addict, and would drink several a day, and he also had more than the occasional round of alcohol. I think that might have something to do with it. He didn't provide nearly the sized "sample" he usually does for the test, so maybe that too. He does wear boxers and pants that are loose in the crotch. He take hot showers, but they aren't long. Hoping that gets better by the time we can try again.

Ginger: Life has a way of kicking you when your down! Sorry girl, but thungs always have a way of sorting itself out. I bet DH lands an even better job, and maybe less stress (plus some vitamins) will help that sperm count! Like plb said, there are many ways to treat PCOS with diet. Look into it! It can really help!

I have to say that I am reluctant to WTT, maybe you should go with NTNP, as if it happens it happens, and maybe when the time is right, that lucky sperm and that little egg will meet, and it will have all been meant to be! Just an idea! That's what we're doing these days!


As for my friend: Turns out she lost her phone! Whoops! No wonder why she wasn't calling back! Lucky I only bitched about it on here and for a second to my best friend! I guess it's all on still and no need to worry! Sorry for the freak out!

We have found several job opportunities right up his alley that could be awesome. Several here in our back yard, but also a bunch around the country. (Including one in Honolulu, Hawaii! :thumbup:) So we might move, who knows. There are a ton of jobs in the Seattle area, so I might even get to see the West coast for the first time.

We can't really NTNP, since I don't seem to ovulate on my own. And I wouldn't consider using Clomid to be NTNP. Also, knowing our luck, I would finally ovulate and get pregnant at the worst possible time. :haha: We'll be waiting until things are stable before trying, especially since we'll lose our insurance.

I'm glad you got in touch with your friend!
Ginger, I hope everything works out and your DH finds a job soon. Who knows, maybe it will be a chance to move somewhere fabulous. Sorry abut the pcos! At least you know what's going on though and when it's time to try again, you'll be prepared.

Viet, glad you got in touch with your friend! Hope the shower goes well!

Biblio, I wouldn't worry too much about other birthdays and holidays, but if it's something you're both concerned about do what's right for you.
Well, since we only see them a handful of times a year, it's really important that we don't put even more obstacles in the way of that. Or have it turn into BF deciding whose birthday he misses THIS year. That's not fair and kids are sensitive to that kind of thing (rightly so). They may not be "mine" but they are "ours" in many ways and I wouldn't to that to my own kid.
(Seriously.... Can you guys imagine the spin that would happen if we were having the baby while one of his kids' birthdays was going on? "Daddy can't come to your birthday because he's having a *new* baby." And that would only be the beginning.)
Ginger: We have a lot in common... I also have had really bad skin for the past two years or so. I had thought it was the heat here, but I now think it is all hormonal. Like you I get it on my shoulders as well, some times back or chest. Really hard when you live in the tropics and wear short sleeves or tank tops everywhere! Part of my juice fasting/going raw/cutting out gluten is in hopes of clearing up my skin. I totally can relate and feel the pain!
Sb: It is possible that we could get to move somewhere fabulous. DH just applied to a job in Honolulu! :shipw:

Bibliophile: I can see how that would be a problem! I think I agree with trying to plan around that. I think if I was in that situation and got pregnant at the wrong time, if my baby was healthy I would ask to be induced like two weeks early.

Viet: I hope your diet helps! I've been trying to exfoliate my skin more. So far it seems to be working!
Yep, I think that's what I'd do, Ginger. But we are going to be careful and try to avoid it if we can. We've got this one to see what happens and then just skip two & we're home free for quite a while.

Hawaii! Nice! :) As long as it pays enough to cover the crazy cost of living there. :)

My face has been breaking out TONS in the past year. It's been awful- worse than I ever had when I was a teenager. Not sure if it was the depo or what. I haven't had any trouble with weight, so I'm hoping not PCOS. Though I did have a cyst last year. Anyway. African black soap. It's awesome stuff. I have some with shea in it. I wash once a day and if my face feels dry 20 minutes later, I moisturize with regular commercial moisturizer. That's it. It controls it. And it's not expensive at all. :D
African black soap? Hmmm. Do you order it online or buy it in a store? I might have to give it a try!

Yeah, I looked at the cost of renting an apartment, and they're all $2-3K/mo! And those are the ones that don't allow pets. :wacko: I think it would be cheaper to buy a house! Amazing that it costs so much, when minimum wage is only $7.50/hr. How would you live? Sheesh.
I found mine in Walgreen's, actually. But I've seen it on Amazon and lots of Etsy shops. My local health/vitamin store has it, too.

Houses might be cheaper but probably not as much as you think. ;) We paid $1200 for a 2 bed apartment in Cali and a mortgage on a 3 bed condo would probably have only been $100-200 less. And Hawaii's even worse.
I actually looked on Craigslist and found much better prices. Like a 3br/2ba pet-friendly HOUSE with 2-car garage for $600/mo. :thumbup: Only a pic of the outside, though.

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