fuschia - Glad you are having fun in Scotland! Sorry to hear that AF decided to join you on the trip

I have a friend headed over there this summer....she has been talking about it for years! The SA is a good idea as it would be good to know if your DH has an issue with his swimmers. Sometimes its an easy fix!
Laura - Yay, for early ovulation! And so happy your donor can make it! You and Amy must be so excited this month.....I so hope this is your cycle
Carly - Anything on this mornings test? Your chart looks really good!
Molgold - How are you feeling? Any thing new to report?
I just wanted to say that I really love the fact that I can still post in here with you ladies. I really like this little group we have....I feel connected to each of you and I really cant wait to start seeing your BFP's appear

I know they are not far away!
AFM - I had my first appointment yesterday. I really like my midwife

She is from Guatemala and is super friendly. We didn't get to hear baby's HB

She said she could see the HB pop up on the doppler but it would disappear just as quickly as it showed. Should be nice and clear next appointment. I have the choice to deliver in the hospital (choice of 2) or in the birth center. I am leaning towards the birth center but will tour all my options before I decide.