Hi all
Yeah TMB I'm hoping cd18 was ov day guess we'll see. I'm not temping from this point on until my cycle ends

Glad you had a great time with your mom

And good luck with the wine rack...something to enjoy once bubs is here eh? Hehe
Hope everyone is doing ok!!
Emma fx for you hun, hope you are having a fab holiday and hope you get your bfp!
Shaz hope you are doing ok hun?
Mol sorry about all the work/travelling. ..so not nice, especially when early pregs! Exciting about the scan in 2 weeks!
Barbie not long til lil miss is in your arms

Hope you're enjoying this time before your world is turned upside down (in a good way lol)
Desi hope all is well with the pregnancy

Fx all goes smoothly with the move, then you can relax for a bit.
Laura hope you enjoy the last bit of your holiday! Safe flight and hope you don't get the holiday blues when you return