I agree with the above advice. You need more data than a few days, and it is completely usual for temps to go up and down. It also depends on a number of factors as well like whether you temp orally or vaginally (orally leaves more room for rocky temps because you may sleep with your mouth open one night but closed the next, for example), how much sleep you had, whether it was particularly hot or cold that night, I suspect taking paracetamol late at night may affect your temp since obviously it is used to lower fever, whether you drink alcohol, the time you take your temps, whether your hormones are balanced and how much activity there was immediately before taking them.
The app requires three temp increases above what you see during your follicular phase for it to confirm ovulation, a clear increase unlike what you have seen at the start. From there, after ovulation your temps should stay increased until close to, or the day of af but it isn't unusual for them to dip and increase through this time, they just don't usually go below the coverline (or not in my experience, anyway).
Also, it is possible you may ovulate early and have a shorter cycle this month, this happens sometimes.
Here's one of mine, I temp vaginally and my sleeping pattern is generally rubbish