Surprise induction.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016
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I'm 40+1 and came in to hospital this morning because I've not been happy with baby's movements since really last night. Could only get proper movements by poking and prodding my stomach, feel bruised this morning. Came in with my DS who's off school today because he was sick there yesterday and now out of the blue they're telling me they think it's best to induce me today.

They're going to put the pessary in and wait up to 24 hours and see what happens, could potentially be here until Saturday. I want to be thinking about the baby but all I can think about is my son, my mum has taken him home to be with my SIL until my dad can get there (he works in another part of London) I'll feel better once my dad is there because he has a really good time with him.

But this was so unexpected I just feel like I've been hit by a truck. I was augmented with him so I know pretty much how it goes, in terms of the drip etc, and I had a pessary after my mmc so I kind of know how that is too (although of course I realise this is different). The doctor said the induction *should* work okay because I've had a baby before, but obviously he can't say.

So I'm terrified of potentially needing a C section because of failed induction, also scared I'll be here until maybe even Saturday and my baby is at home poorly, confused and scared. Saying bye to him was so horrible, couldn't even give him a really big hug and kiss because I knew it would feel too much like a goodbye and scare him.

Has anyone got any experience of an induction at 40 weeks, is there a chance it could be quite quick? I have zero clue about the state of my cervix, no one has checked it or anything. I'm just sitting in the hospital sobbing into my son's batman hat which he accidentally left behind. Want my baby, well both of them, and right now so worried for both of them.
I'm 40+1 and came in to hospital this morning because I've not been happy with baby's movements since really last night. Could only get proper movements by poking and prodding my stomach, feel bruised this morning. Came in with my DS who's off school today because he was sick there yesterday and now out of the blue they're telling me they think it's best to induce me today.

They're going to put the pessary in and wait up to 24 hours and see what happens, could potentially be here until Saturday. I want to be thinking about the baby but all I can think about is my son, my mum has taken him home to be with my SIL until my dad can get there (he works in another part of London) I'll feel better once my dad is there because he has a really good time with him.

But this was so unexpected I just feel like I've been hit by a truck. I was augmented with him so I know pretty much how it goes, in terms of the drip etc, and I had a pessary after my mmc so I kind of know how that is too (although of course I realise this is different). The doctor said the induction *should* work okay because I've had a baby before, but obviously he can't say.

So I'm terrified of potentially needing a C section because of failed induction, also scared I'll be here until maybe even Saturday and my baby is at home poorly, confused and scared. Saying bye to him was so horrible, couldn't even give him a really big hug and kiss because I knew it would feel too much like a goodbye and scare him.

Has anyone got any experience of an induction at 40 weeks, is there a chance it could be quite quick? I have zero clue about the state of my cervix, no one has checked it or anything. I'm just sitting in the hospital sobbing into my son's batman hat which he accidentally left behind. Want my baby, well both of them, and right now so worried for both of them.

I bet you’re in shock, I have had reduced movements on/off and have been monitored a couple of times but the trace always look good. I thought if everything looked okay they just let you go? How was your trace?
Trace was ok but both the doctor and the midwife said induction is best because this is the 4th time I've had reduced movements and "next time we don't know how it will go". Obviously put the fear of God into me. I'm not against being induced. I've been so so anxious about this baby and it's only increased over the last couple of weeks so I'm happy to just get her out, but I didn't know it was going to happen like this.
Ahh Talia hang in there! I think inductions are just so dependent on how the baby feels at the time. Some people it seems Togo swimmingly and others not so well but you are in the best place to be looked after so do try not to worry. Take this opportunity to rest and relax and hopefully the pessaries will do their thing soon. I know it's not probably the birth you had planned but your little one will be here safe and sound before too long and that is the main thing. I'm sure your little boy will be fine too, it's just a shock for you and you will Ben home back together as a family before you know it. Good luck and keep us updated! X
Thank you. I feel a bit calmer now. To be honest this feels like a dream, I'm gowned up and waiting for the pessary.
Absolutely bricking it but I think that's the same for every woman and every birth...
I've probably got a long slog before anything happens so I imagine I'll be bnb'ing most of today...!
Good luck. I went in with reduced movements on monday at 39+3 and because it was my 6th episode they offered to induce me and told me they'd been doing a study the last year which has shown no change in rates of 'nasty things happening' with induction or without so I declined. I have to go back to clinic next week so they can review. Really hoping for labour this weekend.
I hope things are going well. I totally understand the mix of emotions. At least you get to meet baby soon! Let us know how it goes.
Good luck! I hope it's all going well for you xx
I was induced at 39+5 with my son. I had a low bishop score so was not an ideal candidate. I started the evening with a folley bulb and then in the morning started pitocin about 10 am. I had him at 7 that night. So I feel it was a good process and fairly quick.
Thanks for your replies and input ladies.
I hope my experience is positive too! I had the pessary nearly four hours ago and so far nothing's happened...
She did say my cervix was posterior, high and closed BUT soft (?! Didn't even know that was possible) which she said was pretty much what she expected considering I've had no contractions. So we'll see what happens with that. If my cervix can just open enough for them to break my waters they'll do that, I'm going to be really downhearted if that hasn't happened by like tomorrow morning :/ ... (it's 6:30pm now).
I've been here with my mum all day, thought it was best for DH to stay with DS as much as he could and since absolutely nothing's been happening here he wasn't really needed! They're coming in now to see me so I'm happy that I'll get to see DS.

Pretty much just wait and see and hope at this point :shrug:
I was induced at 39+5 with my son. I had a low bishop score so was not an ideal candidate. I started the evening with a folley bulb and then in the morning started pitocin about 10 am. I had him at 7 that night. So I feel it was a good process and fairly quick.

Glad to read this too as what she said about my cervix made me feel like this is doomed to fail or at least be extremely long and drawn out! Even though that's not what she said would necessarily happen. Guess we'll see!
Oh that’s stressful, Talia! Try not to worry too much, you will be okay. :) Definitely best to get baby out if you think movements aren’t good, you’re past 40 weeks so she’s definitely fully cooked now!

I understand worrying about your eldest too, but he’ll be fine, he’ll be receiving so much special attention from your OH and anyone else around. He’ll probably think it’s awesome, I hope!

How are you going now? Has anything got started? I was induced with my first so I’ve been there, it is scary, but most women get through it just fine and don’t need extra interventions. Glad you have your Mum with you - stay calm and focus on the fact you’ll get to hold your little girl soon!! Exciting!!

Thinking of you, let us know how you go.
I was induced on my EDD (40wk) with #3 but i was 3cm dilated. I went in around 7am, they gave me pitocin and i had her at 9:33pm. Shes a happy 10yr old playing with her sister right now.

I had a 2 and 1yr old at the time.... it was rough leaving them but they were in good hands.


PS- Here in the US, you can tell the hospital/DR NO to a c-section. I dont know about across the pond.
I had pretty much the same experience, bar having one of my other children with me when I went in to be checked. I went in in the evening for reduced movements and spotting. Got checked out and they wanted to induce. As it was late (10pm) they said I could go home, get my bag packed and come in in the morning which I did. I was soooo upset about being induced (for a bunch of reasons, most of them silly in hindsight) but it turned out to really be for the best (in my case the placenta wasn't up to scratch which was likely causing the reduced movements and some growth tail off) and I had a good labour experience. It did take a while before labour started but when it did it was very quick (51 minutes) and smooth. I hope the same for you (but without the wait ;))! Hopefully you have delivered LO or are in labour now but if it does take a while you could call your DS and read stories over the phone, do a little hospital tour over facetime, stuff to help you with missing him?
Thanks for all your replies! Helps to read other people's experiences too.
It's 8:30am now and not really much has happened although I had some contractions this morning while on the monitor, I did feel some back pains and tightening but thought it was wishful thinking until the midwife said it was very visible on the monitor. Then fell asleep again and they've tailed off but I was just heartened that anything happened at all. She said it might not be enough to put me into labour but hopefully will dilate me enough for them to break my waters. To be honest I will be quite crushed if this hasn't happened when they check in 5 hours time. But I guess it'll be cross that bridge if we come to it.
Have talked to ds loads on the phone :blush: he seems ok but was tearful without me at bedtime, sure that's normal. Bet he wasn't half as tearful as I was after we got off the phone, haha. :blush: what can you do, right...
I'm going to get up soon and walk my arse off round the hospital to try and encourage things to happen. Going into labour without having the amnihook would be great but they don't seem to think it's likely as I had the pessary so long ago now, so I'm clinging to dilation having happened while being terrified it might not have.
Glad all ok there Talia! Yes get moving my and bouncing as much as you can, anything is good! Hopefully they will be able to break your waters soon. Do you get another pessary if not? I ended up having 4 over 3 days! Fingers crossed that getting moving around works for you, keep us updated x
I just walked all round the hospital for 40 mins, up and down stairs where I could find them! Totally knackered now haha...come back to sit upright in bed for a while. Yeah I get another pessary but not until 48 hours after the first one!! So 24 from when they check me! So just seriously praying there's enough dilation.
Please send me dilation vibes ladies! &#128591; <3
Fingers crossed! I had a pessary though my waters went and I was contracting regularly but it was 12 or so hours until I even started to dilate and it did take ages for me to get anywhere so it can be a long process but hopefully things kick start for you soon!

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