Surprise induction.

I just walked all round the hospital for 40 mins, up and down stairs where I could find them! Totally knackered now haha...come back to sit upright in bed for a while. Yeah I get another pessary but not until 48 hours after the first one!! So 24 from when they check me! So just seriously praying there's enough dilation.
Please send me dilation vibes ladies! &#128591; <3

Really?! I had 4 in 3 days, maybe because I was much earlier and nothing happened! Oh fingers crossed it hurries up for you, it's a long time waiting while you're in there! X
Ugh yeah it really is such a long process and contractions keep starting up only to ease off!

I just walked all round the hospital for 40 mins, up and down stairs where I could find them! Totally knackered now haha...come back to sit upright in bed for a while. Yeah I get another pessary but not until 48 hours after the first one!! So 24 from when they check me! So just seriously praying there's enough dilation.
Please send me dilation vibes ladies! &#128591; <3

Really?! I had 4 in 3 days, maybe because I was much earlier and nothing happened! Oh fingers crossed it hurries up for you, it's a long time waiting while you're in there! X

Do you know if that was propess or the gel? Yes it's forever! Plus my ds came to see me and he got really sad leaving as he didn't understand I wasn't coming too, that was my mistake for walking him to the hospital entrance to say bye, thinking it would be a good walk for me. :nope: lesson learnt, next time I will say bye at my bed!
Aww I wanted to cry reading that. Bless you. I have not read through the replies but wanted to say I felt so emotional leaving my daughter and worrying she was happy and understood. I remember kissing her on the cheek and saying see you later and thinking that's my last moment of it just being me and her.

I hope you are Ok and baby has arrived. Soon be home with both your babies xxx
P. S I was in labour an hour after my first pessary and baby was born six and half hours later xx
:hugs:. I found it really hard to be away from my DD when I was in labour with my 3rd (my eldest understood what was going on and was fine about it, DD was very attached to me and I felt like I'd abandoned her!) and the hormones don't help! This time away is a drop in the ocean though, soon your DS will get the gift of a little sibling and his mummy home :hugs:
Can't believe you're still waiting! Any updates since earlier?

I was induced with my first but didn't go the pessary route as I was already 1cm and contracting mildly when I went in, so they just broke my waters and stuck me straight on the drip. I can't believe they let the pessary situation go on for so long!

I hope something has started for you now and you're feeling okay! Your little boy will be okay, I know it's hard to be away from them but it's all an adventure when you're 4, he'll be absolutely fine. :)
Thank you everyone for your replies <3
Well contractions continued the same yesterday, on and off, very mild and irregular but a consultant and a midwife both reassured me they were probably causing dilation. Well, when I was checked 24 hours after the pessary, they hadn't.. there was almost no change to my cervix. Waited until the midwife had left before I burst into tears ha.

They told me I needed a 24 hour rest period before the next pessary and that the next one was likely to work. I didn't and don't want to hear that because they all got my hopes up the first time and I'd rather they didn't tbh... my mum came to see me and didn't have to ask how it went since I was sobbing in bed. She whispered come on I'm taking you back to your flat. I wasn't due any more tests/CTG for another 5 hours and they'd encouraged me to walk around the hospital so she took me back to mine - in my gown!! - where I had a bath and spent some time with ds and dh. Then came back, back in my stupid gown, and no one was any the wiser. So thank God for my mum helping me cope with the hospital stay at least, although she can't help with the actual baby situation.

The contractions have completely stopped now although I expect they will start up again when I walk around (just woke up it's 6am). But they are non productive contractions so what's the point? Yesterday on the CTG I sat stock still watching the mild contractions on the screen because otherwise I'd end up thinking I was imagining them.

SO. Not going very well. One things for sure this baby was not going to come soon for all the raspberry leaf tea in the world. I've got 8 hours to go before the second pessary goes in and I'm desperately trying not to get my hopes up and to accept c section NOW instead of being devastated later. I would never ever say no if they said I desperately needed one, but what I can see myself saying is can you give me a little bit more time if the baby is not in distress. So we'll see what happens I guess. I will still walk/bounce as much as I can today, before and after pessary, but only because I know I'll regret it if I don't try - I don't actually think I'm going to dilate. All they need is 1cm...!

Cervix was still high and posterior but soft yesterday. Midwife said there's a lot it has to do before dilation. I just need ONE CENTIMETRE and they could break my waters...

I read a lot of women online saying if they could go back they'd just go straight to c section instead of wasting days in hospital on a failed induction. I completely understand this however I know myself and know I'm not like that and I'll be better psychologically if I know I did everything I could and never have to wonder if I could've tried a bit harder. So, just got to try as hard as I can. The thought of baby is keeping me going. And all of you (I do mean that) so thank you for reading and responding!! It's so nice to know that others have felt the same way leaving their older children <3
Aww bless your mom! Things must be so different there, I'd never escape here.

:hugs: I think leaving my son for multiple days is giving me the most anxiety. I hope you're home soon.

It sounds like such a difficult process. Hopefully you progress soon.
Aww bless your mom! Things must be so different there, I'd never escape here.

:hugs: I think leaving my son for multiple days is giving me the most anxiety. I hope you're home soon.

It sounds like such a difficult process. Hopefully you progress soon.

It was a bit crazy. When she let me out in the street gowned up I said I look like an escaped mental patient and she said well you are literally an escaped hospital patient! Haha..
Completely understand. Rationally we know we're only leaving them for a few days but it feels like forever. Hope it goes quickly for you when it does happen.
Oh Talia I was hoping for better news for you! Completely understand your point on the c section, that's where I was after 4 days and 4 pessaries still no cervix change so I didn't really have much choice but I was so done with being in hospital! And though it's not the birth I wanted we were both healthy and safe. I hope it doesn't come to that for you but if it does it's not the end of the world, you've still got time to get there yourself though! Keep moving and bouncing and hopefully things will start, it's rough being cooped up so try and keep your mind as active and occupied as possible. Like PP said it won't feel like any time at all once you are back home as a family :hug:
Oh Talia I was hoping for better news for you! Completely understand your point on the c section, that's where I was after 4 days and 4 pessaries still no cervix change so I didn't really have much choice but I was so done with being in hospital! And though it's not the birth I wanted we were both healthy and safe. I hope it doesn't come to that for you but if it does it's not the end of the world, you've still got time to get there yourself though! Keep moving and bouncing and hopefully things will start, it's rough being cooped up so try and keep your mind as active and occupied as possible. Like PP said it won't feel like any time at all once you are back home as a family :hug:

Thank you hun, I'm not going to let myself get really down about the prospect. Just do what I can for now and see what happens I suppose. I can't wait to hold baby. I hope you get your date soon and everything goes perfectly!
Ah hun I bet you are so fed up. If it's for reduced movements youd think they would do more like th drip wouldnt you. It's so hard being away from home. Just impossible to sleep isn't it. Especially when you are waiting to go into labour. It's hard. But your baby will be I your arms by the end of the weekend I'm sure. Things could suddenly start and I hope they do. It's horrible being away from our partners. And medical staff are so busy they can leave you for hours waiting which is frustrating too. Really hope you get sorted soon.lots of love to you. Hope the foods not rubbish lol I know I couldn't wait to be home and eat my own food lol xx
Thank you hun that's really sweet. It really is the worst being stuck in hospital, last time I was was nearly 3 years ago I had meningitis and, same as now, had no idea when I'd be going home. The food is crappy of course haha. But I eat it anyway and buy myself nice snacks in the hospital shop - have spent an absolute fortune! I bloody need the cheering up tbh..!

I'm about to have the second pessary in like half an hour. Had a couple of pathetic contractions this morning then walked for a full hour then they completely stopped. Sigh.
Let's hope this second one works xx
Good luck Talia! I hope baby is here soon. It is so hard to leave your little one to go into the hospital, I was exactly the same. Just think positive thoughts that you will be home with both of your babies soon&#10084;
Good luck with the second pessary hun. Will be stalking for updates x
Thank you everyone. Update while I mess around on my phone to calm me down - not long after the second pessary went in at 4pm I started having mild contractions again. Then I had a BM and when I started walking around I had insane burning pain in my vag and the contractions stopped, I became convinced the pessary had slipped downwards - I had a similar burning feeling after the first pessary on Wednesday and asked the midwife to check to see if it had slipped. All she did that day was look between my legs, she didn't look inside, and said no it's still in. Well yesterday while on my 24 hour break, I had none of that burning pain. So I am now convinced the first pessary slipped downwards which is probably why it made no change to my cervix. SO. Earlier when it happened I called for my mw who is new to me today and is such a sweetheart and she checked and immediately said yes you're right it's slipped down. Hurt so much by then she gave me gas and air to put it back up by my cervix - burning pain went away and contractions started up again. Still mild/infrequent/irregular. That was at around 9pm.
They've very slowly worsened since then (it's now 2:45am) to the point where I had to keep putting down my book to breathe, but still not so strong that I was crying out or anything. Decided I would wait until 4 before calling my dh and a midwife. Couldn't bear the thought of being disappointed by yet more unproductive contractions that did nothing to my cervix. So I've been breathing through it on my own, even when some have been pretty bad.

Went to the toilet about 15 minutes ago just to pee, did it standing up over the toilet in order to avoid squatting and potentially pushing the pessary out. Straight after that I had the biggest strongest contraction I've had so far and immediately felt a gush into my knickers which were still round my knees. Looked down, saw blood, fucking crapped myself and pressed the emergency button. Midwife came in and said it's your waters don't panic. She calmed me down (contractions are back to being bearable), got me on the bed and checked me, then said I'm now not sure it was your waters because it's not still trickling, it might have just been your bloody show. I called dh and told him to come in, while he was getting up ds woke up and started crying. Because I've now calmed down and contractions aren't very bad again, I told him to get him settled back to sleep before coming (SIL is sleeping in the spare room, don't worry I wasn't suggesting dh leaves ds by himself in the flat, haa...)

So the midwife has stuck me on the monitor and gone somewhere, not sure where. Obviously I'm praying this is my waters. Once she comes back and I have a steer either way, I'll call dh again and my mum if necessary.

Right...typing that out through a couple of semi-bad contractions has brought my heart rate back to a normal level! So I can say that SOMEthing is happening. Let's see what.
I'm glad something is starting to happen! Fingers crossed you don't have to wait much longer now! :)
That&#8217;s great news that something is finally happening! I hope you&#8217;ve made lots of progress since your last post! Can&#8217;t believe the pessary fell down, that&#8217;s something I never even considered. Hopefully if it stays put you&#8217;ll dilate enough to get your waters broken.

Here&#8217;s hoping today is the day!!

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