Taboo subject - Drugs


Love Bunny

I don't want anyone getting on their high horse or demeaning any other members and their comments or views! I am just curious to other teens perspectives! Mothers, pregnant, not pregnant - whoever! Your reactions if you found out your child had taken them or experimented? It'd be good to have some experiences too - but anyone who shares shouldn't be taken advantage of and ridiculed, it is your own choice as to what you choose to do or not do!

I myself have a had a pretty open up bringing about them i've never been lectured against drugs and i've never been encouraged to do them either by my parents or friends! I experimented when I was a bit younger and if i'm honest none of my experiences were bad (although I know plenty of horror stories from other people i know) and after seeing what it was all about it didn't really interest me majorly! I've always been pretty sensible and mature (though some people would say trying them is immature?? Personally I don't agree unless your sending yourself down a slippery slope and lack self control and don't know how to look after yourself) and the fact that I like to be in control i guess i don't like letting myself be taken over by chemicals and losing that control of myself. Hence why now it doesn't bother me in the slightest that everytime i go out i'm stone cold sober! My friends are always asking "doesn't it piss you off that you can't get messy when everyone else is?" and can't understand why it doesn't bother me :dohh:

I suppose all people are different :shrug:

I have a feeling this could get controversial..
Ive had a pretty open upbringing with them too.My dad and his family dabble in them (ok maybe a bit more than dabble) and I've seen a lot of people with problems and addictions..
But yes,I admit I have tried a few myself.Never really had any bad experiences with any drug :shrug: but at the same I've never liked anything so much that I've been tempted to do it every day or use them more than socially.

I guess if I found out Ophelia or bump was using drugs when they were a bit older I would be a bit worried but my plan is to educate her as much as I can so she can make her own informed choices.
I deffinatly agree with that as obviously experienced myself I would want my babies to know what they are letting themselves in for as you can't force anyone to not do something. And to be honest in 15 years who knows where the drug culture will be? You can buy research chemicals (mainly 2C's and MDXX brothers and sister drugs) over the internet as they aren't yet illegal so its clear they are becoming more widespread. Its worrying but i wouldnt be hostile if they asked or were curious i would just hope they they could talk to me about it and we could discuss things so that they made informed choices

I think whether you do them or not, or whether you even tell them about them they're gonna be faced with them at some point and there's nothing you can do to stop that, its there choice whether to take them. The more you push them not to, the more they will. I think its probably best to tell them you wouldn't be happy if they took them but your not gonna tell them not to. xx
That's what scares me the most about having a baby. Some day it will grow up and become it's own little person and then I can't protect it.

I don't know how I would respond to them trying drugs. I personally think that drugs are stupid and a waste of time and resources, and I'm going to try and instill that in my child. If that makes me "closed minded" then I guess so be it.
I have never took any drugs before, but my boyfriend has experimented with a few diff drugs and used to take them regular at weekend with his mates :/ ....he has ditched all them mates now thank god!!

My boyfriend made a very good point, he said hes glad that he took drugs as he will know if our son comes in and is acting abit odd etc...said he will know exactly what he has taken by his reactions and stuff...give him a good tellin off and tell him some horror stories about drugs and hopefully he wont ever do it again?

It does scare me about drugs etc though, my boyfriends best mate died from abusing drugs...I always think it could of been Matt and it really scares me!!

Drugs used to be a big part of socialising when i was at school. From about year 9 onwards me and a few friends where having a smoke on a daily basis, more harder drugs at the weekend, Ive tried most things, and tbh im glad i did id never do them now and i dont think i ever will again. Ive seen too many people die and get ill from drugs. It was when an older friend of my brothers died from a bad batch of pills that i never touched anything again. Its too easy nowadays to fall into things like that x
The idea of her trying drugs that I haven't tried really scares me, because I don't understand what to expect if that makes sense.. I will not be a parent who allows their kids to drink underage at home with their friends or who lets them try drugs at home so I can monitor it.. to me, that isn't right. Instead I will just do my best to explain to her what drugs do/can do to you, discourage her from using them, be available to pick her up or get to her if she ever gets into some kind of trouble, and be observant of her behaviour.

I've tried a couple things and they just weren't for me. I liked to smoke pot with my friends but wanted to be skinny, and I got the worst munchies ever when I was high, so I stopped that.
i tried weed, but thats as far as it goes, i dont see a problem with weed as i know a couple of people who use it for medical purposes and to help them feel like them selves, but i dont see the point in the others, if bump (when grown up) did try i would like to know, as i dont what him.her, doing stuff behind my back like id id to my mum, at least i i know what they are up to, i can help, encourage or disencourage and educate them on as many aspects o that subject as possible...
I have a feeling this could get controversial..
Ive had a pretty open upbringing with them too.My dad and his family dabble in them (ok maybe a bit more than dabble) and I've seen a lot of people with problems and addictions..
But yes,I admit I have tried a few myself.Never really had any bad experiences with any drug :shrug: but at the same I've never liked anything so much that I've been tempted to do it every day or use them more than socially.

I guess if I found out Ophelia or bump was using drugs when they were a bit older I would be a bit worried but my plan is to educate her as much as I can so she can make her own informed choices.

I agree. I am going to educate her and not just say drugs are bad end of.

I used to do it quite a lot never had any bad experiences, never felt the need to do it other than socially. Its not as if you try something once and then become addicted. Also depends what it was as well, if my daughter came home and said shed been doing crack and meth obviously Im going to be majorly upset and try and never let her out of the house again! I hope that I have an open enough relationship where she can come to me and talk about stuff.

OHs best mate is addicted to K and hes away with the fairies so Im going to try and teach her the consequences and that they arent something to be taken lightly. I think alcohol is a worse problem amongst young people. I would much rather Meadow did a few pills on a weekend than drink the same amount as some young people do and be falling out of clubs being sick on herself.
i wouldnt mind my baby trying them as long s he/she doesnt get addicted (lets face it we all like to experiment) but will tr my best to educate him or her

I've never been told not to take drugs, i just knew right from wrong. My dad has been smoking weed since he was 16, he's now 53 and i never knew until i was 15. I smoke weed, not on a regular basis and i quit when i found out that i was pregnant but it doesn't meen that i won't be doing it again on the odd occassion when i've given birth.. I don't drink and i honestly believe that weed is just like drinking alcohol.. Just without the hangover.. It's natural if you buy if from the right place and it's used as a remedy. It should therefore be legalised :) but that's just my opinion..

I'm obviously concerned that my children are going to "get in with the wrong crowd" but i can't stop them, if i do then they'll only want to rebel.
I'm a very open minded person and so is my OH & my child is going to be brought up a Christian, knowing Church and knowing God but that also doesn't meen he/she won't take drugs. All we can do is try our best, but i honestly believe that drumming something into a child will only make them want to do the opposite.. It's like asking a child not to open a draw.. They're only going to WANT to open that draw.

Like i said, i smoke weed and i have done for quite a long time (doesn't meen i'm addicted!) but it doesn't meen that i'm a thug and wreck head, i just enjoy it.. Just like some people enjoy a pint of beer or a few glasses of wine.
I've done some rediculous things in my teenage years, climbed out of windows to get drunk in the middle of the night, got completely wasted and rolled down a hill, slept in the middle of town all night because i thought it was cool, got into boy racers cars and turned the music up full blast because again, i thought i was cool but only the level headed people will grow out of it.. Hopefully, that'll be my child.

I would like to say I'm open minded myself
but I will be very disapointed if my child grows up to do drugs
To be honest I have done drugs and I regret it.Drugs are bad...(at least I believe so)
I know alot of people who have gotten into drugs and have a hard time getting out.
I would like to explain to my child I was young once as well, but you could die from one bad pill ,or too much of that, or doing something dangerous while high.
I will not let my child come home high or drunk but I will be there for him or her in a heartbeat if they did do a drug and need me to come get them from a party.
I guess I want to be understanding but strick. lol
I agree with an earlyer post! Alcohol is waaaaaay worse than alot of drugs that are illegal. I've never heard of anyone dying from ket and the only people i've ever heard dying from taking pills don't know how to look after themselves and have mixed the drugs aswell ie with alcohol or coke etc etc... I would much prefer my girl to have popped a pill or 2 at the weekend rather that drink so much her stomach has to be pumped or wake up down a ditch having been raped. Me and my OH have both experimented with all kinds of drugs so at least we know what its about and can spot a problem when we need to which is the main thing. I think alot of parents who have never tried drugs will never understand why their child has done them and would probably be upset and angry but i like to think that my kids will be responsible enough to understand they arent there to control your emotions and that they arent an escape from real life! I'm glad I took them cause i've had some of the most amazing experiences and felt the most extreme of emotions, witnessed some insanely undescribable visuals that will stay with me for the rest of my life! And although it is a cliche they have opened my mind and influenced my perspective of this world and they make you percieve and think things you were blind to before. My thoughts have always been : How many people who've been on pills/weed/acid/ket - have you ever seen be so blindly out their faces to shout and be leary, get argumentative, hurt someone or stagger about causing trouble have i seen in my life??? NONE. But I haven't enough fingers or toes to count how many pissed people i've seen like that. Drugs don't make people violent - they'd rather dance the night away, talk someones ear off or stare at the patterns in the wallpaper!!! xxxxx
You'd prefer they popped a pill - Im shocked! You don't know where the drugs come from nomatter who the seller is and the crap that can be laced in all drugs! I'd rather my children knew how to control any alcohol intake ... than pop a pill *truely shocked*

Fact drugs are illegal alcohol isn't ...

I think some of the posts are shocking and immature I do not need to have taken drugs to see that my own father is dying slowly because of them and also know that drugs are often used to assist rape ...not booze (despite either situation or none of them theres rapiests out there) ....why would they bring out the likes of them stoppers for bottles in clubs if its not a dangerous issue?

And drugs do make people VIOLENT - FACT ...I have a) witnessed it b) been a victim to it (nearly drowned in the bath and kicked in the head unconcious and left there in blood).

Your not always in control of your self and alert if under the influence of drugs - thats bollox!


Legal controlled enviroments and understanding over drugs that are illegal any day!

I prefer a vodka and despite being round drugs all my life I am proud to say I *never* once touched them apart from hands up tried that stinky smokey stuff :winkwink: it makes me ill.
Sorry if I offended you wobbles! I agree drugs are illegal for a reason but in my experience I've had far far worse a time from people on alcohol. In comparison though it differs from person to person not the drug (as a collective not a particular one) in question - legal like alcohol or illegal like many other drugs. There are drugs out there purly for evil purposes (date rape etc) which is wrong but on the other hand there are drugs that are manufactured for pure entertainment (hallucinongens/uppers etc). I honestly don't think party drugs have ever been made to kill people otherwise wouldn't that be a kick in the foot for the dealers/manufacturers losing custom? I myself haven't seen anyone act badly on drugs I've only ever witnessed it when people have drank too much and like you, i have been the victim of violence and abuse but from alcohol. Your right that some drugs can turn people nasty but I don't associate with people I don't feel safe with or go out places I don't know and trust - if something/somones dodgy i will leave - which is why I guess I've never seen the bad side. Like I said I think it all depends on the person - legal or illegal drugs can unlock really nasty sides of people and i've only ever felt threatened by drunk people - which is the reason I don't drink. There are plenty of drugs I don't agree with for the fact that they are purely nasty and made to fuck people up (highly addictive/extremely sedative/memory blockers etc) and me being the control freak I am have never ever brought anything off anyone who I don't know very well or taken in a place I don't know with people I don't know and haven't marquis tested before trying - simply for the fact that no, you are right! you don't know whats in it! I'm a firm believer in the fact I'll try anything once (within reason! no thanks heroin & crack!!) but thats only because i'm a curious person by nature :) Obviously now I'm pregnant and having a baby, have a house and big life commitments and responsibilities, my relationship with drugs is over and I don't intend on going back on that! While drugs are around people will always abuse them illegal or not but the main thing is that you look after yourself if you do chose to take them. I'm not going to specifically tell my girl to go out there and take drugs because I don't like people drinking! If she asks me about them I won't lie I will tell her the good and the bad points and everything I know as you can't stop anyone from doing something they want to! And If she's anything like me and my OH then the more we say don't then the more she'd want to do it. I have a stong personality and when I say no I say no. Before I was pregnant I was a smoker - not out of addiction but because I enjoyed it and it was social but when I got my BFP I packed up that second and didn't find it hard in the least as it was never a need and the same goes for drugs. I hope you understand my point of view - I know it must be difficult as we both obviously have had very different experiences but I can see and understand why you must be against them :hugs: xX
haha wow! I didn't realise that was such an essay!! Sorry ladies! xxx
I only read the first post from Love Bunny after what i said, & i agree with you all though i really don't like the idea of pills.

Weed, on the other hand, is completely different and it allows you to open your mind. I'm a song writer and i've wrote some of my best work when i've been high lol & it's a known fact that artists produce their most famous lyrics when they've had a good dose of weed. I don't see ANYTHING wrong with it what so ever apart from when somebody abuses it and can't handle it. But again, only the level headed people are able to get themselves out of it and know where to draw the line.
You'd prefer they popped a pill - Im shocked! You don't know where the drugs come from nomatter who the seller is and the crap that can be laced in all drugs! I'd rather my children knew how to control any alcohol intake ... than pop a pill *truely shocked*

Fact drugs are illegal alcohol isn't ...

I think some of the posts are shocking and immature I do not need to have taken drugs to see that my own father is dying slowly because of them and also know that drugs are often used to assist rape ...not booze (despite either situation or none of them theres rapiests out there) ....why would they bring out the likes of them stoppers for bottles in clubs if its not a dangerous issue?

And drugs do make people VIOLENT - FACT ...I have a) witnessed it b) been a victim to it (nearly drowned in the bath and kicked in the head unconcious and left there in blood).

Your not always in control of your self and alert if under the influence of drugs - thats bollox!


Legal controlled enviroments and understanding over drugs that are illegal any day!

I prefer a vodka and despite being round drugs all my life I am proud to say I *never* once touched them apart from hands up tried that stinky smokey stuff :winkwink: it makes me ill.

It really does depend what it is. They are all so different. Im not going to get into a debate about it. All drugs dont make people violent.

No one is saying they agree with habitual use of nasty drugs.
It not alway the drug that turns people it the 'NEED' for it *now* that can also cause that ituation of violencen ...the pure addiction alone is just as dangerous therefore drugs can be the cause of violence and tempers flying even if its not apart of the effect.

My ex got nasty when his addiction needed his buzz ...or whatever people call it.

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