Slowly going Insane!!!
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I am new to the forum and wanted to say thanks as I now don't feel so isolated. Just over 4weeks ago dh & I got a suprise of a BFP. It wasn't planned but much wanted. A week after I started spotting and cramping, an early scan showed a sac but no HB, and we were told to return in a week. 3 days later my HCG levels dropped and we were told to for another scan but to prepare for the worst. Imagine our suprise when seeing a strong heartbeat and told everything looked fine. We were over the moon! A few days later I was cramping again an started bleeding heavily - so up to A &E on a friday night where I was examined an told to go home and let it happen and return for a scan on the monday to make sure I didn't need a D&C. I bled fairly heavy for a few hours and then it was like a light period for the rest of the weekend. Over this time we also grieved for our baby. When I went in for the scan I was told the baby was alive and well and there was no reason for the bleeding and all was fine - again we were over the moon. Then 2 days later I started to bleed heavy again and within 2hrs I was in A&E flooding. I was told I was going to m/c but havin heard this b4 was hoping all would be ok. Sadly the bleeding increased and I was kept in and my darling 'Bubble' of 8 weeks was taken by the angels. We are absolutley devestated. Sorry for rambling but this has been a few weeks of rollercoaster emotions and it is good to share with people who have had similar experiences. My heart goes to every women that has ever had to experience a m/c.