Georgia now weighs in at 10lb 12! Heavy lump!
Am a bit disappointed shes not sleeping thru the night anymore, she woke around 4 the last 2 nights. Not sure why. I dont quite kno how to get her into a 'bedtime' either. Now i just stay up till 11 with her as i kno thats when she has her hopefully last feed. Would it be better to put her to bed earlier then let her wake naturally in the night?? Iv been trying to cling onto the idea of her sleeping thru from 11ish. Also wudnt i wake her when i get into bed?
Does everyone put proper clothes on their babies in the day? The health visitor mentioned changing clothes as part of her bedtime routine but when we're at home she usually is in a cosy sleepsuit anyway!
She also does the crying cos she is sooo tired she does it most days - rocking is all that helps, or i sit with her on my birth ball and bounce!