Armywife, just this week i went to a 'mothers group' session organised by our community health group. They were talking about ways of helping a baby to settle themselves. I tried it that night and could not believe how easy it was... For the first two months she would have to fall asleep in my arms then put her down but in the last few days she actually wants to be put down when she is tired, she cried if i didnt!
So basically you put them down when they are quiet and calm and walk out of the room. If they fuss or make noises, just leave them. Once they start actually crying, give it 4 cries. If they dont calm or stop after 4 cries then "shhhh" them from outside the door so they cant see you. Once they stop crying, stop 'shhhing'. If that doesnt work then sit next to the crib/bassinet (so they cant see your face) and put a hand on their tummy (some babies like to be patted, my little one just likes the hand placed their) until they stop then take your hand away. If they keep crying i then offer her the dummy and by this point she has normally calmed herself down. She wont sleep straight away but will lay there 'talking' to herself till she falls asleep.
If you walk out of the room after say 'shhhing' and a few minutes later she starts crying again then try the 'shhhing' again.
The whole idea is that they use us to calm or reassure but dont need us to fall asleep
Also, dont talk to them at all, other then 'shhhing'..
I just cant believe how well its worked for us.