Hibiscus - omg, Jack is such a sweetheart! I absolutely love the video with him and Alfie. Harrison is only just discovering our cats, but they tend to ignore him. I think they're generally jealous of him so they don't want to acknowledge his existance!
Aurora - those are such sweet pictures of Amelia, the one on the swing especially is fantstic, it looks like a professional ad! Honestly, she is just a beautiful girl.
2016 - the seat we have for Harrison is Summer's 3 in 1 infant seat: https://www.amazon.com/Summer-Infant-3-Stage-Super-Seat/dp/B000YZAG7I It's really good and unlike the bumbo, it can be used for a toddler as well. The only downside is whilst we're trying to feed Harrison, he likes to chew on the toys as well, so last night, we got avocado all over the bumble bee! haha - it's easy to clean, but we will need to clean it!
GG - that's awesome that you're doing pediatric nursing! What a great profession that will be for Libby.
Britt - I can't believe you're nearly 30 weeks! my gosh, how time flies!! So have you got your nursary all set up? Any pics? How is DH feeling about it all?
Harrison has been doing really well on solids, he has had carrots, sweet potato, avocado and today he grabbed a banana off my plate at breakfast - so I let him do some baby led weaning and he gummed the banana, spat out the chunks and swallowed what he could manage. It does make him sleep slightly longer at night, only to the extent that he now only wakes up once at night rather than twice. He's getting so good at being outside and taking things in. He's always gurgling to himself, it's just wonderful. Work is still a challenge, especially without more than 4 hours sleep straight in the last 6 months, but I'm coping. Harrison is worth it - I'm smitten all the time