(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Britt - I would have loved to have taken more time off, but you're right, it's tough being career women. I would have to give serious thought to my job if we had #2 also. DH has a great job too, but I'm further on in my career than him, he's still a junior lawyer (even though he's older than me!) - he took some gap years off after uni. But maybe when #2 comes along, he'll be further on and I can at least go part time (here's hoping!).

Your milk just might be coming in! If you have a good squeeze, you might find colostrum coming out - so strange when it first happens! My nips killed whenever I went into airconditioning - it all eased up after I had Harrison though. What's the prediction on how big baby britt is going to be?
thanks Joli.
i guess the other option if you wanted to do it all is to get a full time live in nanny, but I know you really want to be the one to be there for your kids...
We would probably get a nanny if we had 2 kids but I am not sure I would like someone living in my space you know...

Okay my prediction on baby mini-Britt is 8 pounds :) (I was an 8 pounder myself ha ha and DH was nearly 8 pounds)
what is your guess? I am getting mat photos done next week, so you can look at my bump then if you want

Happy 2nd last box Brit!

Ladies I am getting to the end of my tether here. Stewart is on day 10 of his nursing strike. Have been pumping all daytime feeds, supplementing one formula feed a day for the shortfall but it's exhausting! I have consulted so many people and tried everything and nothing to get him to feed again but he just won't! :cry:
And now tonight for the first time he has refused a feed while sleepy. He started to stir, I offered the bewb and he just went ballistic arching back and screaming - seriously screaming with tears running down his face. I really want him to carry on but how can I exclusively express? Just don't feel like I have it in me. I'm sore from my 3-4 sessions a day as it is. And how can I do something, keep offering, when it makes him so distraught? Feel like I am doing more harm than good.

Problem is I love BF him and don't want to stop. I could accept it if he was a bit older but he's only 5 months. What have I done wrong? :hissy:
2016 - I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time with the bf... do you think Stewart is teething? I've read that some babies when teething totally go off their food and won't bf cause it hurts their gums. Alternatively, Stewart might just be getting used to the faster flow of the bottle - I know that when Harrison is particularly hungry, he sometimes has zero patience for my breast, as it takes about 40 secs to let down and he gets impatient. When that happens, i change the hold into eg. too a football hold. Even now, Harrison prefers my right boob to my left, so after 1 min of the left, he comes off and so I flip him so that he's feeding form the left boob, but thinks it's the right. It's hard cause I hold him way out on my left, but it works. I pump 3-4 times a day every day, since I'm working full time, it's really tough, I know. What pump are you using and how long do you pump for each time?

You have to remember how well you've done - 5 months of bf is so much more than most women are able to get to, please try not to be so hard on yourself. Maybe this is Stewart's way of telling you he wants a younger brother or sister, time for AF to come back! :) This is nothing that you have done wrong, all babies are different and they have their own reasons. I saw your photos on fb, and Stewart looks like he's coming on so well, he's happy, growing well and looks gorgeous - you've been doing an amazing job! I would suggest to keep bf if you can and you enjoy it, but maybe do it 50/50 with the formula milkshakes to ease the pressure off yourself.

Britt - I think 8 lbs is a perfect weight. Harrison was 7.1 lbs, but he was born 3 weeks early, so he was on target to be 9 lbs! Lukily for me, he was long and skinny, so it all wasn't too bad! lol How exciting that your getting bump pics done! yeah! I'm so excited to see them!! We're taking Harrison this Sat for some professional pics for his being 6 months old. We're using the same lady who did my bump pics and his 10 day old pics. Will you get pics done of your little girl?
Thanks Joli...yeah Stewart has been showing teething symptoms since 8 weeks but things have really ramped up the last 2 weeks. I think his refusal has to do with that, supply problems after his hospital stay and slow let down. If I try distract or move him to wait for the letdown that is the end of the feed as far as Stewarts concerned. If I so much as breathe he starts arching and screaming.
With the bottles I've purposefully kept him on the slowest flow teat bf it takes him longer with harder work to have a feed...but I think he likes the teat which is harder than the nip.
Last night was such a disaster with me only having 90 mins sleep total in 3-4 bits. OH and I had a blazing row in the middle of the night and I just lost it. :cry: The stress and heartache of having ones babe refuse is unbelievable. :nope:
I decided this morning that the whole scenario had become way too unhealthy. After a lengthy chat with a BF counsellor, I have decided to pump just 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes (I have a Medela Swing and can't afford to buy a double but I'm happy with it. I will be giving him 50% EBM and 50% formula (Hipp Organic) and we shall see how we go. I'm not even going to offer the breast to him until tomorrow night at the earliest or until I feel I can do so without anxiety which is putting him off.
DH is going to do all the night feeds tonight while I try catch up on sleep.

Speaking of which, Grandma has taken him out in the pushchair so I have 1 hour to sleep now so best go...
2016 - it sounds like you're really having a tough time with this. Maybe you can try stimulating your nips before a feed - maybe use your pump for 45 secs or so, and as soon as you feel the letdown coming, get him to latch on. If he still fusses, then you can rule out the problem being slow let down; if he's happy, then maybe it's a temporary solution. The advice from the bf counsellor is really good - I think 50/50 is a good approach, it'll take the pressure off, and that just might be all you need. It's also great that DH will help with a night feed. I have yet to get my DH to do a night, but it is difficult whilst I'm bf. Let us know how you get on with the formula. Have you started Stewart on any solids? That might help ease off some pressure as well, and it's a fun way for you to keep bonding with him!
Happy mother's day ladies!! Hope you were all spoiled (though I know those of you in the uk will have celebrated in March). DH surprised me this morning by giving me my gifts, which included a home made card with pictures of Harrison, and a DVD he had made of photos of Harrison from when he was born up to now, to Louis Armstrong's "what a wonderful world". He also bought me a lovely maxi dress and took me out to brunch at a lovely hotel here. I feel so spoiled!

Harrison has finally been going from 11:15pm - 6:30am without a feed! Unfortunalty he is still waking around 5am when he rolls over in his sleep then wakes up crying as he's not sure how he got there! He is doing well on solids, his favourite is spinach and pear. We got some professional pics of him done this weekend to mark his being 6 months old. Britt, how did your photos turn out? I can't believe you're so close now! How are the rest of you ladies doing? It's been terribly quiet on the thread!
Hey Joli, wonderful mother's day surprise, your DH sounds very thoughtful
so glad to hear Harrison is doing well with his solids :thumbup: and that he is a great eater. How often do you BF now that he is on solids?
how is work going?
mine is crazy busy, but I am hoping last week's business trip was the last one....my goodness that was nuts, I'm still recovering from it

my DH surprised me this morning with a new bracelet from Links of London and beautiful mommy to be card :hugs:
I know cant believe I am nearly 33 weeks, still feeling quite good and enjoying pregnancy although I am huge, I have gained nearly 30 pounds :wacko: oopps, but I am very swollen, so I am assuming a lot of it is fluid. I do watch what I eat by my goodness some days I sure have a sweet tooth
Doctor says my weight gain is fine and everyone says I am all belly but I know I am bigger elsewhere too
anyway, got some bump photos done, will post them on FB when I get them from the photographer
Hi Britt - so you're just about at the 33 week mark! Aw, just one more week and you'll be in the final ticker box! It's amazing isn't it, when you think about all our heartache and hopes and dreams when we were ttc... and it's about to all come true for you :hugs: Lovely that you got a Links of London bracelet - I love their stuff! Don't worry about gaining 30 pounds, for someone who is on the slimmer side, normal weight gain is 35 pounds, even 40 pounds, so you're perfectly on target!

I've attached a preview of some pics from Harrison's photoshoot last weekend!


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OMG Joli what gorgeous pics and what a gorgeous family. He seriously looks like the happiest baby! I will say it again, I see a ton of you in him in these photos, more so than your hubby. His features are all you..ahh so cute

yup, 33 weeks tomorrow and a GP apt tomorrow! I hope LO isnt early or late actually, ha ha I hope she is right on time
Happy 33 weeks Britt!! woohoo!! awww, you're so close now, it's exciting!! How are you feeling about the birthing aspect? Have things slowed down for you yet with work? Have you got any nursery pics? So may questions, it's such an exciting time! We loved getting Harrison's pics done, he is a happy baby and he has the funniest expressions. I think he has a lot of my features too - but with hubby's colouring. I always wondered what a quarter Chinese baby would look like! haha.

How are the rest of you ladies? it seems like everyone has dissapeared... ?
ahh Joli, he totally looks like a ginger too....love it :hugs: its a really nice colour his hair is
yeah mixed babies are always gorgeous, by mind you I can not see the 25% Asian in him at all, I bet when he is older people will be like really?
anyway, he is adorable, a little Joli with light coloured features, too precious

yes getting VERY excited, just wish i had more time to get stuff down, we are still finishing renos and everything is still chaotic.

this morning kitten had her leg right up at the top of my stomach by my rib cage, I think she has long legs in her 19 week u/s they were measuring in the 97 percentile :winkwink:
I have a doctors apt today so looking forward to getting updates, I am pretty sure she is head down again, so yeah!!
Hi Ladies!
Just checking in--looks like we haven't been active for a while...

Britt--congrats--the baby should be here soon!
Joli--LOVE the pics. So adorable. We need to get some professional family photos soon, before Jack gets too big. He had his first official school picture taken last week, but we haven't seen the picture yet. I'll share it once we get it.

So, I'm trying to think if there's anything new with us. Hmmm...Jack's finally sleeping in his nursery and I think we're ALL sleeping better. Oh! This is actually something I need to ask about--have any of your LOs gone on nursing strikes?? Jack absolutely refuses to nurse about 90% of the time now (for the last 10-14 days). I have to pump (and he's willing to drink from the bottle), so I don't think it's my milk. He just hates being on the breast. I have no clue what's going on and I'm thinking if he doesn't resume VERY soon, I might just call is quits. It's been 7 months and even though I wanted to go a year, at least I got this far with it. This is making me insane, and my breasts are killing me almost all the time. SO sick of pumping. And what's the point, if the kid's not even interested? I would say about 50% of his bottles are formula anyway. Thoughts??

I guess in other news, I'm now down about 40 lbs from my last weigh-in while I was pregnant. YES! I've been doing weight watchers and have lost about 10 since starting 6-ish weeks ago. So, I feel better but I honestly feel like I could lose another 35. I can't believe how much I weighed. Ugh. At least it's coming off now.

Hope all is well with y'all--TTYS!!
hib...don't have much time but just wanted to say Stewart has been on nursing strike other than at night when he's sleepy for the last month. I am so sick of pumping and have to take Domperidone 3 times a day because it's wrecking my supply. :cry:
I have to give him 1 or 2 formula bottles a day to keep up with demand and I also half wonder if it's time to stop....but I love feeding him so much I just don't want to. :shrug:

Oh and happy 7 months to your LO! :flower:
hib...don't have much time but just wanted to say Stewart has been on nursing strike other than at night when he's sleepy for the last month. I am so sick of pumping and have to take Domperidone 3 times a day because it's wrecking my supply. :cry:
I have to give him 1 or 2 formula bottles a day to keep up with demand and I also half wonder if it's time to stop....but I love feeding him so much I just don't want to. :shrug:

Oh and happy 7 months to your LO! :flower:

Thanks for the b-day wishes to Jack--I'll pass it on to him :D

That is interesting re: Stewart's strike. What the heck is this all about?? I really like nursing Jack, too, and I feel a noticeable difference in how close I feel to him when I'm bottle-feeding vs nursing him. I don't want to give it up, either, but I think I'm clinging to the way it was rather than the way it's been lately. He actually just nursed about 30 minutes ago, which was surprising. It was the only time today, so we'll see if he continues (probably not, since he actually only got 2/3 of the way through it and then started freaking out and screaming, refusing to re-latch). At first I thought it was from his ear infection, but I'm pretty sure it's gone and it was the other ear, so I have no explanation for this....Argh

How are you guys doing otherwise, 2016?
Hey Ladies - good to see a little bit of chatter.

Britt - congrats on reaching term!! woohoo!! I had Harrison at 37 weeks, so things could happen so soon for you. I love love LOVE your pregnancy pics on fb, just gorgeous!

Hibiscus and 2016 - sorry I can't help on the nursing strike front. I do know that Harrison gets frustrated to feed from me if my let down is slow or I don't have enough milk for him. I was worried a week ago that my milk supply had dramatically dropped and was only pumping 50ml each side, but my mother gave me more chinese soup and within 3 days, I was back to pumping 6-7oz. I hate that I have to drink this stuff every day, but it works.

Harrison is doing really well, he can pull himself up now from a sitting position and he is loving his solids. We've cut down to 5 milk feeds a day (though he would rather have 6!) and he now doesn't feed between 11pm - 6:30am (though sometimes I have to give him half a boob at 5:30am). His tooth finally popped out a couple of weeks ago. We seem to have bonded on a new level, it's such an amazing feeling - he recognises me in a new way and I'm just loving every minute of it!

How are the rest of you ladies? Send some updated pics of your bubbas!!
Hey y'all-
Haven't had much luck with Jack's nursing strike. He's nursed 1-2x since I wrote my last post. Ugh.
Interesting that your soup helps with your supply so much, Joli. Keep it up!

Jack had his follow-up with the ped on Tuesday--his ear infection seems to be gone. Woot. And his weight is up to 18 lb, 2 oz. Still below avg, but he's at a higher %-ile than the previous several visits.


Here's a new vid from this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oOvoVrsBNQ

And recent pics


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I just noticed the comments about Will looking ill or half-asleep next to Kate--HAHA! Poor guy. He used to be such a good-looking kid. What happened?? He's looking more like his dad, for sure. He seems like a nice guy, though... :)

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