(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Hey Joli, good to see you on here. How are you and Harrison doing?
Yes I had my 25 week check up last week, all is very good- measuring great although I have gained 10 lbs since my last 4 week check up :shock: I am up a total of 20 pounds for the pregnancy, yikers!! My belly is huge and so are my boobs but thats about it I think.....oh well will have to get back in shape after the baby.

Ladies I really need your help with something. Having some serious name drama in the household. I hope everyone logs on at some point to give me some advice.

NAME DRAMA- HELP I am not sure if its hormones or mother's instincts but I have had some serious doubts on the name we picked for our little girl. Dont get me long I still absolutely love it but I worry if she will get made fun of or picked on for it and if she will grow up one day to hate it. I have had these reservations for awhile but I made the mistake of telling DH yesterday that my dad absolutey hated it and thought someone might call her Pipe for short. Now he thinks I have changed my mind because of what my dad said and he flipped out this morning and said he is not welcome in our house anymore ect... He is mad that we have been calling her "Piper" for 5 weeks now and now I am changing my mind.
I told him it does not have anything to do with my dad or picking a cool name for our daughter, I need to protect her and provide a good life.

For those of you who forget the name we choose was:

Piper Yvonne Marie (last name is with an R)

the other problem is not a lot of other names appeal to me and if I do like it DH hates it. He refuses to discuss other names right now and is acting like a child.

as an FYI, the other name I like right now is

Carys (pronounced Care iss)

please give me your honest thoughts and advice.
2016 :hugs: having a child is a huge strain on your relationship, you dont know how much until baby is here, we have had our ups and downs too, sorry u feel dh isnt pulling weight, u know u can always open up in here we dont mind.

britt - I changed my mind numerous times and libby wasnt named 2 days after she was born and well, you know how long stewart was still sqiggle as its such an though, important decision and you have to be 100% happy with it. I love both names btw and its enevitable children get nicknames at school whatever their name so I wouldnt worry too much about that now...

we have started libby on soliids and she is loving it and want more! so far she has had rice, squash, parsnip and sweet potato I have pureed and froze 2 trays of stuffs and she is just having about 1/2 a cube at the moment as her first tastes, ofc her milk is main source of food. xxx
Britt...both names really are lovely and I would tell you if they weren't. I really like the middle names too. Yvonne has always been a favourite name of mine. I don't really think people would use the nickname "Pipe" for Piper, but if they did it isn't a bad name at all. I used to get called Jobo the hobo at school. Any name can be turned into a nickname and if it can't they will just make up something altogether! My sisters used to me "Double-headed disconnected Kalahari bushpig" :haha:

DH and I spent months trying to agree on names and came up with a shortlist of about 6. We didn't use any of them. The name Stewart wasn't up for consideration at any point right up until the day he was named at 1 week old! Once your daughter is born, you will just know the perfect name for her. That is why it took us so long. I kept waiting for that "just right" feeling and kept losing faith we would ever find the right name.
Oh and my other tip is don't tell people the name beforehand. Someone somewhere is guaranteed to say something and ruin every single name you might pick. If you only tell them once she's born, however, all you will get is "Oh how lovely". :happydance:

GG... thanks for the support. I saw the pics on FB of Libby eating. She was really into it! I get so frustrated with all the conflicting advice about weaning. Feel on the one hand some people are constantly trying to push me to feed Stewart "to make him sleep longer" which I don't believe it will. On the other hand I feel some people look down their nose if you start a day sooner than 6 months. Then there is the whole TW vs BLW debate. All I want is for people to butt out and let me and Stewart decide when it's time. As it stands I don't think I will wait until 6 months - his paed recommended 4.5-5.5 months because of his reflux and being a high percentile. I would probably give rice/porridge for a while then some veggies but hold off the fruit until his digestive system is much more mature.

Got DH to look after Stewart today while I went for a horsehide in the sun. Did wonders for my mood and he then realised it's not actually that easy to do anything when left in charge of a grumpy teething baby. He hadn't eaten lunch when I got home at 3pm. Welcome to my world...:smug:
haa 2016, so glad you were able to get out and ride and let DH take care of Stewart, so nice for your well being and of course a serious appreciation for your DH in what you do every day!! :)

thanks for the name advice, you are so right. I think we will likely narrow it down to 3 names like you said and name her when she is born

oh the latest name I like is Sienna. For those who know my last name on FB. it sounds absolutely gorgeous together (and no baby will just have the second last name not my maiden name)

jo I know Iv held back putting on the pics as people tend to judge, its obvious she was ready and has proved me right, but she has always been ahead of her time! I think people need to butt out and not be so cut and dry about the whole 6 month thing, afterall it was only the last couple of yrs its been changed and their is talk amongst hcp of it changing back, at the end of the day you have top do whats right for your baby and your family and you need to do whats right for you all. I find the people who tend to judge more are those without kids or those who had kids who are all grown up and work within the nhs and seem to forget how different every baby is (as u can tell Im talking about specific person :haha:)
GG...ready? She was positively licking the spoon! :haha: The paed said to me the more important guideline was that milk should be the main food for the first year. I think many people make the mistake of wanting to cut out milk as they introduce solids (not you obv). I think the very word "weaning" is old fashioned and apparently in the old days it was almost a race to see whose child could STTN and be fully on solids first. Doc said that food can be treated as a sensory play experience - same as you would give them textured fabric to explore...so with food. Although at least with food you are teaching them to put something in their mouth that's meant to go in there!
well, introducing solids has not made the blindest bit difference... it would of been nice but it seems iv created bad co-sleeping habits and she wakes the same time 11ish (like now) for a bottle and to come in my bed :grr:
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in so long. Daniel won't sleep during the day. He hates to be put down. I kept saying when I was pregnant that I was never going to put him down, guess he heard me. Some days I get him to sleep for a little bit and then I clean. He will fall asleep at the boob and then wake up right when I put him down even if I wait for him to be in a deep sleep. He normally won't sleep until midnight and then I go to bed. For some reason he fell asleep tonight at 9:30 so I have some time before bed! He needs a surprisingly little amount of sleep. Ben sleeps way more. Ben is in a big boy bed now but refuses to hear anything about the potty. I started giving rice cereal, the dr. wanted me to so he would get some extra calories, he's not gaining very fast. I have no idea if I ever answered Joli and Britt about ttc again. We're going to start trying in January I think, we're not using birth control but once I get my period back we're going to do natural family planning until Jan.

2016: I'm sorry that you've been having a hard time. I can't believe your husband is being so unsupportive, I really hope he starts being nicer to you soon. I wish I had something more helpful to say...I just hope you can start feeling better soon. I am glad you're enjoying Stewart though, he's so sweet. I have a friend who had pnd and she found medication very helpful. I'm not sure how you feel about that but it might be worth looking into if you think it might help. I really do like your status updates, you always have interesting things to say. I am trying to do more...I think I'm up to 2 in 4.5 months, a new record.

Britt: I like Piper but love Sienna, so pretty and it does sound perfect with your last name. I can't believe how far along you are, time has been going so fast since Daniel was born. I am excited that I get to see some newborn pics soon! It's such a special time. Are you enjoying your pregnancy so far?

gg: I haven't put any pics on fb of Daniel eating in fear of the judgement. There are some people I know would say something so I've been waiting. Libby is so cute! I love seeing her new pics, such a sweet face!

joli: glad that Harrison is doing so well, he's beautiful!! I love that pic of him reading. You look amazing, you have a glow in every pic! Does he roll both ways? Daniel only rolls from front to back and I'm not sure at what age they normally do that.

tink, love that you're so determined to lose weight, you look great. I am having trouble staying motivated. Hope you and the boys are doing great!

ladybird: How's Zach doing? Those pics were so cute! I'm just really behind in commenting. How have you been?

Devi: Arjun is adorable!!! How are you liking India? (I really hope I am remembering right and you did move to India...)

I was wondering if anyone else has trouble losing weight when breastfeeding? I'd lost my pregnancy weight and 10 more lbs but gained a few back now but even when I am eating healthy and excercising it seems to be really slow. Much slower than after Ben. Just wondering since so many people say breastfeeding makes them lose it so fast. I think I need to post more often so they won't be so long!
Hey Nic, great to hear from you!!!!!
sorry little Daniel wont let you put him down, little bugger :winkwink: he is so darn cute meant to say- say some pics on FB, man you have gorgeous little boys!!
so you are still bf but find the weight is creeping on again? hmmm....interesting, I am sure you look great and are just hard on yourself.

Pregnancy is going great thanks for asking, loving it, little hormonal at times but thats about it right now.

thank you, I really LOVE Sienna too and especially with our last name...its a name I would feel confident signing off on her birth certificate. DH was initally very upset and wouldnt discuss another name, he thought I changed my mind because of my dad but thats not true. I brought it up once and said the full name together and he said "yah" and didnt disagree....so I am leaving it alone for a bit (let him cool off) and then I will bring it up again. If he is really set on Piper, maybe we can use it as a middle name.

so OMG Nic,I remember you said you guys would stop at 2, how exciting that you are going to be trying for #3 soon!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
that is cool. I have been thinking about #2 already hee hee, we will see- it would be a career killer for me, but I think I would like 2. We will see how I do with the first one

haha nic ur brave I want no more after this monster! :haha: thing is too is im going back to uni and have a year left then want to get sorted with buying a house and by the time we do all that it may be too big of an age gap to want to start all over again LOL!

lovely to hear from you xx
Wow Nicole! TTC No 3 in Jan? I'm impressed! Looks like several of us might be TTC together although in my case it depends on if I have sorted things out with my OH by then. To answer yours and Britts suggestions about Anti-Ds, while I am sure they have helped a lot of people, but I see them as evil. Like BCP evil. I got put on them once back in 2001 and they had a dreadful effect on me. I trusted the docs and kept taking them but they turned me manic...so they changed brands/the dose and I became depressed, then manic, then depressed again. Then they go diagnosing me with bipolar disorder because of the swings MEANWHILE THEY WERE DRUG INDUCED SWINGS. I got put on stronger and stronger stuff until I didn't know whether I was coming or going. I needed pills to fall asleep and pills to wake up. In 2005, after years of hell, I took myself off everything (slowly of course) and have been fine ever since. I'm just trying to feed myself properly, exercise every day and count my blessings. If it werent for DH I probably wouldn't even be so miserable! I'm working on him though and hope he's getting the message.
Oh and Stewart is 4 months old today! :happydance:
Happy 4 months Stewart!! :thumbup:
Yeah 2016, stay off the meds then for sure- maybe try some naturalistic approach, meditation, some yoga and some good old fashion counselling perhaps with DH. I hope he comes around soon, men can be such dicks sometimes.
It seems I have timing off with you ladies if you are going to TTC :dohh: oh well, only 14 weeks or less to go with my LO, cant wait!!
i dont want any more children... no more ttc for me :haha:

Stewart is a real handful. I had a couple of mums look at me wide eyed when he threw a tantrum at playgroup. It takes all my strength just to cuddle him when he gets upset about something...which is a lot these days. Sure he sleeps a lot, but God help you if he doesn't get his sleep. Since about 3.5 months he's been waking a lot more so needs even more time trying to sleep to get his full quota. Anyway, I just keep telling myself the next one will be easier! :rofl:
we have just ordered an amber teething knecklace - hubby thinks its a load of "hippy shite"
we have just ordered an amber teething knecklace - hubby thinks its a load of "hippy shite"


Oh GG you are cracking me up today! Stewart has worn an amber anklet since about 2 months (didn't fancy a necklace for a boy). I am convinced it does something but my hubby either calles it "hippy shyte" or "gay". He is not homophobic btw! :haha:

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