Team CD 80+

Not really sure what's going on with me.

Ive had a +opk, or at least I think I have. My temps have become slightly higher, so am hoping that I ovulated. Although I dont feel like I normally do after I ovulate. Not sure if clomid can affect things though. So in limbo really.

Had my cd21 bloods done yesterday, so guess im gonna have to wait and see.

Drakey / Gypsy How are things with you??

hi ladies

... not been on here in a few weeks... im waiting to be refferred to a dietician and been given oralstat to take to help me loose weight... then meeting with the endocrinologist in may time coz he cnt give me metformin or n e thing until i have lost some weight.... so its a bit of a bitch really spesh with xmas around the corner. im cd 40 something now... and havin brown cm, af should be here shortly i hope.. guessing no ov again!

hope ur all ok, u all in the xmas spirit? xxx
Heya drakey - shame that this wasn't your cycle but fingers crossed for the next one.

I saw the specialist this morning and he was really lovely - he said that despite having normal CD3 bloods, they don't rely on them anymore for pcos diagnosis and he thinks thats what I have and that I'm not ovulating at all which is why my cycles have been 40, 87 and 43 so far this cycle. He said because the CD3 bloods were normal and because my BMI is 22 that I will respond well to clomid. PCOS is linked to insulin resistance so he said its probably part and parcel of my diabetes.

So, as I fit his criteria, he will treat me as a nhs patient but I can speed everything up by having ultrasound and my tubes checked (I assume HSG?) while I'm waiting to see him. He said if all that stuff is ok that he will start me on clomid when he sees me in his clinic. Hes going to get the referrals sorted, and the tests booked. Hes also going to get me some progesterone to force a period in order for them to do the tube stuff. Forcing a period also means I can get a smear and chlmadia swabs done (my dr will only do them CD7-14).

I'm a bit gutted as I thought since the bloods were fine that it wouldn't be PCOS but I'm glad that he thinks I'll respond well.
Hey Ladies,

Bubby I'm glad to see that things are moving in the right direction with you hun. Hopefully the clomid will work well for you!

Well It looks like I did ovulate on my first round of clomid :thumbup:

But the witch got me yesterday :cry:

Hope your all doing well. How is the weight coming off Drakey, and Gypsy how was this round of clomid for you???

Hoping this cycle will be a better one!

Lots of baby dust to you all girlies!!!

Hi Ladies

I'm on CD 80 something.. my ticker below will say once posted this message lol..

Anyway i had bloods done and it came back as FSH 5 and LH 15 so at it's 3 times the ratio this is apparently a sign of PCOS.

I'm not overweight, used to have 30day cycles, not in the family etc etc so other than those results and the fact that my periods are irregular since coming off the pill it really looks like i am..

I have a scan in a few weeks time to see. I'm soo nervous and just gutted really as all of my freinds are getting pregnant around me, but it seems like it's going to be a long journey for me.. I thought i saw a faint line last week on an FRER but now getting negatives so it must've been nothing :-(

Sorry just needed to talk to some ladies that understand.

I'm going to see a fertility acupuncture specialist on Thursday so it will be interesting to see if she can help.

Hey hun,

sorry to hear that you are having these awful long cycles too.

similar to you I came off the pill and had really long cycles ranging up to 130 days!!!!

Before the pill my periods were regular, I am not overweight, no history of PCOS in the family either - It really sucks. They seem to think that I have PCOS too, although this has not been confirmed with bloods, only a scan.

after a year of TTC I have now started my 2nd cycle of clomid, so hopeing this will do the trick!!

Keep us up to date, and there are plenty of girlies on here if you have any questions!!

xxxxxxx :hugs:
thanks, it's great to have people that understand.. my family and freinds although they mean well just say relax and it will happen, but it's not that easy.

Good luck with the clomid.. i think that will be the next step for me once i have tried acupuncture :hugs:
thanks, it's great to have people that understand.. my family and freinds although they mean well just say relax and it will happen

I swear that if I hear one more person say anything along the lines of relax to me I may just injure them. No one truely understands how difficult it is with such long cycles until they experience it. I'm really sorry you're having to experience it though!

We're always around even if all you want is to vent a bit to people who are going through the same things as you. I get really disheartened on the main ttc boards because all the ladies over there are ovulating and actually have a chance to get pregnant but I have no ovulation as far as my doctor can tell so I'm pretty much wasting any energy worrying about "signs" etc.

Fingers crossed the acupuncture works a treat!

V xxx
thanks Bubby.. fingers crossed for you too.. i'll keep you posted about the acupuncture, apparently the first session is 2 hours, so should be interesting!

hi every one,

weightloss is coming along slowly, just got no will power at the moment espesh with xmas coming up as well! not heard from the dietician, im guessing thats either out the window or ill hear something after xmas.

my cycle has gone out the window this time round, as expected. knowing my luck it will be here next week!

hw r u all? xxx
hi everyone,havent been on here for a while,im on round 5 of clomid and dont think its worked this time,well it hadndt on or before cd 18, im on cd33 odd i think,but ive past caring to be honest,sick of temping and everything else.

have you all got your xmas shopping done?,i havent,im not organised at all this year,not like me usually very organised.

welcome carrie,we all know how you feel,crap isnt it,hopefully youll get your bfp soon.
Hi Gypsy..

Thanks for the welcome.. sounds like you're not having fun with the clomid.. i hope it gets better for you.. i have my acupuncture session later today.. not really sure what to expect but i guess it's worth a try..

I have all my xmas shopping done now.. and i thought i'd never say it but i'd love AF to arrive just so i can move onto a new cycle :wacko:

Looking forward to a great xmas though, hopefully it will take all of our minds off of everything for a while :hugs:
Hi Gypsy,

Sorry to hear that you've had a gutsfull! It is really hard especially with our bodies.

Not sure why you might not ovulate this cycle after the other ones you have done on clomid.

Could you have missed it, when you didnt take your temps??? Do you feel like you normally would?

Take some time to enjoy christmas, the build up has deff taken my mind off the whole ttc lark! Although I have been an emotional wreck over the last couple of days - Think DH is wondering what the hell is going on with me:blush:

If you want a chat or a rant, feel free! :hugs:

speak soon

Hi Girls

Well i went for my acupuncture it was relaxing a weird kind of way.. When i first got there she looked at my tongue checked my pulse a lot of times and asked a lot of questions, one thing she mentioned was that my hands, feet and ears probably get cold all the time when the rest of my body is warm, and that's 100% right, and also that caffeine makes me dizzy and gives me palpatations, which it does.. She thinks is have a blood deficiancy, which can be caused by taking the pill for so long and makes blood weak even though Iron levels may still show as normal. The needles did'nt hurt at all, just a strange tinggly sensation apart from one that went in my hand and my whole arm went dead. The whole time she checked my pulse to see how my body was reacting. The acupuncture helps to increase the blood flow through the body and strengthen it, hopefully to encourage ovulation and then regular cycles.

Not sure if it will work but i will keep you all updated :flower:
That sounds fantastic!!!

Hope it get's you ovulating hun! I was looking into it, would love to try it. Might give it a go in the new year!

Hey everyone!

How are things going! Very quiet on here lately - would love to catch up with you all

hi nnn im here,finally got finished work tonight for 4 days,:happydance:,have you finished for christmas?
i had to go on the train today because of all the snow,it was ok though i got on for free both ways.:thumbup:
ive got all the christmas presents to wrap and still to buy a few more things but apart from that i think im ready for all sorted for christmas?

hows the clomid going?
dont ask about me,ive given up for this year,new year new start,ill get back into the ttc lark next year.

hows everyone else doing?
Hey Hun, nice to hear from you!

Yep all set for christmas, Pressies are bought and wrapped - chocolate logs have been cooked, and just off into town today to sort a couple of bits out too.

Not sure how this round of clomid will go really - I forgot to take the last tablet and ended up 14 hours late taking it??? Not sure if thatwill have any effect on anything???:blush:

No symptoms of anything yet, so will wait and see.

Here's to a new year and a new start though!!!! :hugs:

Speak soon if not before christmas, Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas.

xxxxxxxx :hugs:
Hi girls

Just got back from my second acupuncture session, this time she did moxibustion, this involves her lighting a herb stick called mugwort and she burns it on top of some needles in my lower back, it is supposed to increase blood flow to the uterus to get everything back to normal there, it can also be known to encourage mensturation so we'll see.

I've had lots of pains in my lower left side since the last session, she said this is normal and is a positive sign that the blood flow through the area is getting better and encouraging ovulation.

I'm off to Essex for 5 days tonight so probably won't have access to the forum.. So i hope you all have a lovely christmas and just remember how lucky we are as we can enjoy soft cheeses and a glass of champagne!! :happydance:

Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing?

Christmas is all done and dusted then - New years next and then the diet begins again!! lol

No news my end, I think Im about to ovulate though OPK are getting positive, or near enough positive! and I had some EWCM today, so fingers crossed.

How is everyone else though? any news?


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