Hi, how is everything going?
Hope your keeping well.
I had my third appointment with the gyno today - It went better than I thought it might - we actually spoke to the main specialist and not her registrar which was good, and she was lovely!
DH 's second SA came back today and there was a huge improvement, she actually said that it was all in normal ranges - so we are chuffed with that
My bloods didn't show high enough results from the clomid, so I have to have another blood test on the 3rd of Feb, and if that comes back the same, then my dosage of clomid will be increassed. Apparantly, they didn't give me a higher dosage of clomid last time, because my blood levels were quite high, which increassed my chances of multiples??!!! but as they stand now, they will just increase the dose anyway as long as we don't have a problem with multiples.
She also started the ball rolling with IVF and ICSI - We go back in June, and if there is no joy we will start the ICSI then, and we are being put on the waiting list for IVF which can take up to a year. She was pushing more for the IVF basically making out that that was the best and 'the golden ticket' as she called it! but they will do both, as we wait for IVF.
Am really relieved after today, and hopeful again that clomid may do the trick for us as DH's sa was normal.
So fingers crossed for that light at the end of the tunnel!
Sorry for the rant, but it was a lot to take in today, and really good to put it down in writting.