looks like we've got some girls with some progress in the FS relm huh? That's great!
Caz has her ICIS appt in april, Leila is going in June, and Bizy is off to IUI land!
I am going to schedule my DH's SA for next month, and I should be joining you ladies with a FS shortly after! I hope to have my HSG scheduled for my 22 cycle in May, and I pray to god it will reveal, and hopefully fix whatever is preventing us from getting pg.
I am scared to think about what will happen if the HSG shows something... What if they have to do surgery to reverse scarring? or what if I have to go on further for ICIS or IUI? Private insurance does little for fertility issues...
So right now, af's on her way out, this cycle is gonna be a blow off and we are just gonna do whatever we want whenever we want. And then DH will get his test and we will go from there!
hope you ladies are doing well!!