Well I got an early birthday present thearrived today
so must have been a false ov the other day
Oh well we get to start again
its not full flow yet just dark brown spotting but its a start
Yeah congrats Heidi so excited for you, i should start tomorrow so FX I will be right behind you on a BFP too. It feels so good to at least feel like you are back in the running again huh?
NOTE the blood red text...Excellant news hun..I am so jealous..
Now you can send her my way next...Please please please I willl do all your
For a week in return..
Whatdo you reckon is it a deal..:thumpup:
Well I am still waiting for AF to arrive, last time she came 2 days after I stopped the provera but so far nothing, I hope she comes today or tomorrow. AHHHH I hate this waiting game, does it ever end? Done ranting, Congrats Dawny, sorry about not B-daythough, that sucks but it just goes to she you, she really is a bitch!!
I had to take it last cycle and got AF 2 days after last pill at 77 days, I came off BCPs and my body is not working right.
Morning Dawny hows your flow today hun..Morning my girliesxx