Team ProveraStart'R'uS

hi girls Thought I would just shed alittle light on my situation...As I am not sure if you no as I dont keep a diary..well first pregnancy was my son Fraser who was Stillborn at 38wks, They never found out the reason why..:cry: Then came ..
2nd Pregnancy, scarlett born about 1 year later, then 3yrs later came Sebastian, then after convincing DH for number 3 I had a M/c at 6wks. Then I fell pregnant with Theodore who is now 3 yrs old. well I have breastfeed them all till about the age of 2 1/2 but Theodore was really hard to wean, so he stopped part time B/ feeding at 3 1/2 and since then I have not had my :witch: so this is basically me...:shrug: but today I am getting bad pains in my left side and really bad backache..:muaha: But I just dont no any more...:hug:
Oh emie hun - i so know how you feel !!!

I just dont know either ---> I feel so:hissy:

I have to say thou that last info bit - doesnt make sense .... I'll tell you why ..then you girls tellme what you think!

If provera doesnt work because of lack of estrogen and clomid fools the glands into making more estrogen , then i would say if Provera didnt work offcourse Clomid would work. Just that you would OV without "cleaning" your system.....

So i am thinking I WANT CLOMID!!!! :rofl::happydance::rofl:

Just waiting for Tuesday 17th next week ,if no AF i am calling up the doc and asking for CLOMID !!!!

Then atleast i would either fall pg or have an AF ....because if the egg doesnt get fertilised it will come out .....

Right? I do have this right girls ? Dont i ?
Oh i also found this for you girls going to tkae clomid - i know it sounds gloomy - but as i said - you girls probebly wont need to even read this....

"Here is the thing, to my understanding, if provera does not work then the chances of clomid doing its job is slim to none.This is because the withdrawal bleed that u would get from provera is bought on by the connection with your pituitary gland to your ovaries. (It signals the endomitrium to shed) and clomid also woks by tricking the pituitary gland into thinking that u are not producing estrogen so that it will secrete more and therefore create a mature ovum. So it wouldn't be beneficial for u to take that clomid yet because your pituitary gland is not responding to provera much less clomid. i am not saying this to get u down i am just telling u what makes sense to me and i wish u the best of luck"
Well yes I have read this too, you are right but the doctor should do a pregnancy test if negative then onto the Provera to induce a bleed but its not always necessary to use Provera, and that some ladies have just gone straight onto Clomid I think it depends on how long your :witch: as been missing for to..and it also doesnt work if your going through a Early menopause:hug:
PS That does sound right Bump5-za..xxxxxxxwhat you said in your last post.. it just prolongs everythingxx
I want CLOMID - I want CLOMID - I want CLOMID - I want CLOMID !!!!
Ok i think i am becoming a research whore ....hehehehe

I found this whilst looking up on how to get more estrogen into my body - cauze i think this is my biggest problem you will read down here .....i also think this is why i am loosing a lot of hair daily......

This might bore you girls , but i thought to share anyway ......some gross info on the horse pee!!!

" Hormones and Their Basic Roles
Estrogen: There are 3 types of estrogen natural to the human body. (The horses' urine used in birth control pills contains many more variations of estrogen not recognized by the body). Estrogen is primarily a female hormone, but is also found in a lesser degree in men. E2 or Estradiol is considered the most potent of the three estrogens and is even considered by some to be carcinogenic, especially if unopposed by proper levels of progesterone. It is up to 80 times more potent than E1 Estrone, and E3 Estriol. E2 is also the estrogen hormone used in birth control pills.
Testosterone: Also known as androgen, it is the primary male hormone, though it is also found in women. Helps to build muscles. Also acts to suppress the impact of estrogen. Often said to be the hormone responsible for libido, which may be true for men but is certainly not the answer for women; it promotes facial hair growth and acne in females and if unopposed by sufficient bio-identical progesterone can lead to hair loss or thinning of the hair as well. These symptoms are often a isible side effect of to much testosterone or androgen in the body which may be due to such conditions as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome - cysts on the ovaries). If you suspect PCOS and are experiencing symptoms related to elevated testosterone, it is recommended that you not use synthetic hormone birth control. We also strongly recommend testing your hormone levels with a saliva hormone test kit which can be checked in a lab. You can obtain this test from us with all lab and mailing costs for the USA included in the purchase price. We also offer a complete PCOS balancing kit which includes all recommended dietary testing and educational items.
Cortisol: A hormone produced when the body is under stress (sometimes called the "stress hormone"). Women who are under heavy stress--such as those who are planning a wedding, experience a death in the family, or undergoing heavy training or traveling--will often report an irregular or interrupted cycle. This can be directly attributed to high levels of cortisol in these circumstances. Cortisol competes with progesterone for cell receptors and can interfere with the body's use of progesterone even if there is sufficient amounts of progesterone present. It is also the key reason why women who are attempting to get pregnant or are pregnant are told to lower their stress. Blocking progesterone can cause problems for a current or potential pregnancy.
Progesterone: Could be called the parent hormone. Natural progesterone's job is to balance the effects of all the other primary hormone groups in the body, including estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. When natural progesterone is low or blocked from reaching the cell receptors, then the other hormones can get out of balance and can start to create problems. Progesterone is created naturally and is a non-gender hormone found both in men and women. Women tend to produce more of it as it is a natural by-product of ovulation; during pregnancy the placenta produces massive amounts of progesterone. It has long been suggested that natural progesterone may be the reason why women outlive men on average. Progesterone is also extremely critical to maintaining a pregnancy. Without sufficient progesterone, a pregnancy carries a high risk for miscarriage or premature birth. This is why it is often recommended that women who are planning a pregnancy should take the time to rebalance their body after stoping synthetic birth control; not doing so also increases the risk of infertility. It is the decline or drop in progesterone levels that triggers the onset of labor.
When it comes to the fertility cycle, progesterone is the start of it all. To illustrate, progesterone is like the snow on a mountain that feeds the rivers, lakes, and oceans below, whose waters are then evaporated back into clouds so that it can once again snow on the mountain. The importance of regular ovulation on your health in a similar manner can not be understated as it helps you to maintain a regular cycle and much more. If ovulation is interupted and the interuption is not due to a pregnancy, then it causes a disruption in the normal, cyclical interrelationship among a female's hormones, brain, and ovaries. Here is how it works scientifically and hopefully this will help you to understand why progesterone is so important: Normally in a balanced cycle, the hypothalamus, a regulatory center in the brain, monitors the hormone output of the ovaries and synchronizes the normal menstrual cycle. When monthly bleeding ends, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland in the brain to release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones direct an ovary to start making estrogen (mostly estradiol E2), and stimulate the maturation of eggs in about 120 follicles.

The first follicle that ovulates, releasing its egg off into the fallopian tube for a journey to the uterus, quickly changes into the corpus luteum, which is a factory for making progesterone, and raises progesterone’s concentrations to 200-300 times higher than that of estradiol. This huge surge of progesterone simultaneously puts the uterine lining in its secretory or ripening phase, and turns off further ovulation by either ovary.

If fertilization does not occur, the ovary stops its elevated production of both estrogen and progesterone. The sudden fall in the concentrations of these hormones causes shedding of the blood-rich uterine lining and bleeding (menstruation). Then, in response to low hormone levels, there is a rise in the GnRH and the cycle starts all over again.

But what happens to the cycle if, for some reason, ovulation is unsuccessful? First, the normal progesterone surge does not occur, thus a lack of progesterone is detected by the hypothalamus, which continues to try to stimulate the ovary by increasing its production of GnRH, which in turn increases the pituitary glands production of FSH and LH. This stimulates the ovary to make more estrogen and testosterone, which stimulates more follicles toward ovulation. If these additional follicles are also unable to produce a matured ovum or make progesterone, the menstrual cycle becomes dominated by increased estrogen and testosterone production without progesterone. This is a fundamental abnormality which leads to irregular cycles and infertility as well as symptoms such as PMS, water retention, weight gain, plus much more.

A similar condition is caused when a women enters menopause. When both progesterone and estrogen decline at menopause--thus stopping the cycle and menstruation--supplementing with natural progesterone is much safer then taking synthetic HRT or ERT. Progesterone will help alleviate symptoms and help maintain bone density without the high level risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease that is associated with synthetic hormones"
Now it has been going thru my mind today as i am reading up all this info - that could it be that i have PCOS - so i go and research that!

But PCOS is what i understand from it cysts on the overies and the doc did look for that specificlly when he did the scan he even pointe out to me that my ovaries are clean .....

So i keep telling myself it cant be .....

Oh i am being such a nerd today !!!
Now it has been going thru my mind today as i am reading up all this info - that could it be that i have PCOS - so i go and research that!

But PCOS is what i understand from it cysts on the overies and the doc did look for that specificlly when he did the scan he even pointe out to me that my ovaries are clean .....

So i keep telling myself it cant be .....

Oh i am being such a nerd today !!!

Now you see I wonder the same thing and as they could only see one of ovaries (right one) when I had my scan, they couldnt see the other (left one) so im slightly concerned as to why this would be??
LOL dawn huni - we are all soon bound to find out whats happening with our bodies!!!
Ok i know this makes up for a lot of reading today - but emie hun i thought maby you could use this too!

I thought it could be aneasy way out for me to take one months worth of the pill for the estrogen it provides!!! But then i thought - HORSE PEEE -YEEEEUUUUUKK!!

So i was looking for some natural info on getting estrogen ----> i think this was more woman friendly to read .....:hug:

"Many women that are facing advanced maternal age find themselves discouraged by the symptoms they

experience due to decreased estrogen levels. Especially if they are trying to conceive. Whatever symptoms that are presenting themselves no matter how subtle, are an unpleasant reminder of their ticking biological clock. When it comes to overcoming age related infertility, I am convinced that encouraging our own endocrine systems to produce the hormones we need to grow a healthy endometrium every month is the way to go. I knew my own estrogen was low when I was experiencing scant menstrual bleeding, a symptom of a thin endometrium due to low estrogen levels. By making some lifestyle changes I regained a good blood flow and longer menstrual cycles, and I am still experiencing good blood flow today. We can do this by maximizing nutrition to regain some momentum in the other direction.

One plus is that women who are trying to achieve pregnancy are eager and willing to do what it takes to be successful and it will be well worth it in the end. Its natural for us to have a decline in fertility as we age, but it can be a slower less painful process if we modify our diet and lifestyle to get the results we're seeking. I am living proof that making positive diet and lifestyle changes will dramatically improve fertility. After six healthy babies I began miscarrying at the age of 40, totaling five consecutive miscarriages. After making these changes in my lifestyle, I went on to have 2 more healthy babies, both were boys, at the age of 43 and 45.

A good place for me to start would be to explain that estrogen is the hormone that grows our endometrial lining. Our ovaries are secreting less estrogen as we age, so we might find ourselves having le

ss menstrual bleeding as a result of that, as well as multiple other symptoms. If we haven't been eating well, we might find this process happening faster and harder. There are three glands that are responsible for making ovulation occur. The Hypothalmus, pituitary, and in females, the ovaries. These are part of our endocrine system. The endocrine system is very impacted by diet. If we are eating lots of refined and processed foods rather than more whole raw food, we open ourselves up to disrupting the delicate balance of this system.

This system needs whole nutrient rich food to nourish it well and keep it humming along smoothly. If our ovaries aren't nourished well we stand the chance of diminishing our estrogen production. Something we won't want to be occuring if we are already in a race against time. If you are a more mature woman, your ovaries will need as much absorbable nutrition as possible for them to function at their best. Good whole raw foods that possess the enzymatic components that are going to have the most absorption capabilities, will be the way to enhance quality nourishment to the ovaries and the eggs. If we are advancing in maternal age and looking to improve fertility in general, we need to make it as easy as possible for our bodies to absorb nutrition. The best way to do that is to eat foods that are more easily broken down by the body. Raw food is the way to go. Raw foods have within them lots of their own enzymes. These enzymes aid in the digestion process making it easier for our own digestive system to maximize its function. Which in turn will only enhance our assimilation potential. If you find it difficult to eat raw food because of preparation, you might consider using a juicer. Its fast, easy and within a minute or two, you'll have plenty of raw food in a quick and easy drink. Thats the direction I went in and I never gave it up to this day. Surrender yourself to eating healthy, its the single most important thing you can do to increase estrogen levels naturally,

Enhancing our fertility at a more advanced age is all about gaining ground nutritionally and because our digestion capabilities dcrease as we age, we are set up for the inability to absorb nutients we

ll. One of the best ways to ensure the best possible nutrient uptake its by taking digestive enzymes at meal times. These are available through health food stores everywhere. Look for a formula with hydrochloric acid included in it, as well as all of the pancreatic enzymes.This is an important factor with regard to this entire process, because HCI is imperative in effectively breaking down many nutrients so they may be absorbed. Adding digestive enzymes to your daily routine will be pararmount in turning around the effects that aging has on our fertility and estrogen levels.

There are other supplements that will be greatly helpful in this process of turning around age related infertility, and increasing estrogen levels some of them include:

1) A good moderately dosed B-Complex: This will combat the negative affects of stress that are so harmful to our adrenal glands. These glands assist the gonads in production of sex hormone, and DHEA, a master hormone from which estrogen is produced. The adrenals are often exhausted from chronic stress.

2) Chewable Vitamin C- Chew 500 mgs, of this every 4 hours or so, around the clock daily. The adrenals use large amounts of vitamin C, especially during stressful times, so this will assist in healthy adrenal function. It is an antioxidant as well, so it will quench free radical damage

2) Omega fatty acids, preferably a 3,6,9 complex: These good oils are helpful to the entire endocrine system by aiding it to function efficiently in bringing a balance of hormones.

3) Silymarin: This is a combination herb of Milk Thistle, and Dandelion root , with Artichoke. It aids to optimize liver function. Something much needed as we age to combat liver congestion and keep toxins and impurities at a minimum. With toxin at a minimum our endocrine system will run more efficiently.

4) Bromelain: This is derived from pineapple and is known for its ability to promote endometrium growth.

5) A variety of antioxidants such as:

a) alpha lipoic acid
b) pycogenol
c) green tea
d) resveratrol

all of these are antioxidants and will clean up toxin and free radical damage to our cells. The less oxidants and toxin build up we have, the healthier our endocrine system will be, specifically our ovaries. The healthier our ovaries are, the more effectively they will function for better estrogen levels, encouraging an increased endometrium.

This article wouldn't be complete if I did not mention the vital importance of exercise. Without including this very essential element, your efforts will fall short and be less effective than they wou

ld be by doing it. Thirty minutes daily will make such an improvement in the function of your endocrine system, its just not worth leaving it out of the whole mix. Your future newborn will be very worth it, right?

These lifestyle changes can be very intimidating at first, but keep your eye on the prize, that baby you so desire, and you will keep your motivation. Then, as your holding that new life in your arms, it will all seem like a very small sacrifice."
hi guys you are turning into this :comp: :rofl: Well my homeopath adviced me too take Progestrone cream to start my :witch: should I take it at the same time..:dohh: I ma going to the gym 3 times aweek for 2hrs and just started taking B-complex, fishy oils too.E-PO to
:rofl: .....that is funny ...... i am not sure i am anti progestrone atm.....:rofl:
Right enough of this off to do some real work:dishes::laundry::iron::hangwashing: see you all later over and out...:hug:
I feel so :sleep: today, but cant keep off here :rofl: I could also do with some :wine: and get :drunk: but I cant as got no money :hissy: Roll on weekend !! xx
Hehehhehehe - OMW - you girls are funny !!! So I speak to my mom now , she reckons me my body is completely F&*#CD - I am like WHOOOAAA mom thanks for putting that politely .

She says both her and my granny's were diagnosed with early menopause, and when i told her that i have come to my own conclusion that i have no estrogen - it's like all her lights went on !!! " Oh so you not fertile and not ovulating" i was like DUHHH!!!!!

LMAO - Anyway OH invited them over tonight for some of his Italian will let you girls know how that went....

I am also going to take a peek in OH Vites Cabinet - he has tons of vites in there - i am going to see if i can macth some up with these i found in the last info bit.

I also asked my sister in law for one of her packets of nordette.....

I want to phone the doc in the morning and get his take on it!

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