Ok i know this makes up for a lot of reading today - but emie hun i thought maby you could use this too!
I thought it could be aneasy way out for me to take one months worth of the pill for the estrogen it provides!!! But then i thought - HORSE PEEE -YEEEEUUUUUKK!!
So i was looking for some natural info on getting estrogen ----> i think this was more woman friendly to read .....
"Many women that are facing advanced maternal age find themselves discouraged by the symptoms they
experience due to decreased estrogen levels. Especially if they are trying to conceive. Whatever symptoms that are presenting themselves no matter how subtle, are an unpleasant reminder of their ticking biological clock. When it comes to overcoming age related infertility, I am convinced that encouraging our own endocrine systems to produce the hormones we need to grow a healthy endometrium every month is the way to go. I knew my own estrogen was low when I was experiencing scant menstrual bleeding, a symptom of a thin endometrium due to low estrogen levels. By making some lifestyle changes I regained a good blood flow and longer menstrual cycles, and I am still experiencing good blood flow today. We can do this by maximizing nutrition to regain some momentum in the other direction.
One plus is that women who are trying to achieve pregnancy are eager and willing to do what it takes to be successful and it will be well worth it in the end. Its natural for us to have a decline in fertility as we age, but it can be a slower less painful process if we modify our diet and lifestyle to get the results we're seeking. I am living proof that making positive diet and lifestyle changes will dramatically improve fertility. After six healthy babies I began miscarrying at the age of 40, totaling five consecutive miscarriages. After making these changes in my lifestyle, I went on to have 2 more healthy babies, both were boys, at the age of 43 and 45.
A good place for me to start would be to explain that estrogen is the hormone that grows our endometrial lining. Our ovaries are secreting less estrogen as we age, so we might find ourselves having le
ss menstrual bleeding as a result of that, as well as multiple other symptoms. If we haven't been eating well, we might find this process happening faster and harder. There are three glands that are responsible for making ovulation occur. The Hypothalmus, pituitary, and in females, the ovaries. These are part of our endocrine system. The endocrine system is very impacted by diet. If we are eating lots of refined and processed foods rather than more whole raw food, we open ourselves up to disrupting the delicate balance of this system.
This system needs whole nutrient rich food to nourish it well and keep it humming along smoothly. If our ovaries aren't nourished well we stand the chance of diminishing our estrogen production. Something we won't want to be occuring if we are already in a race against time. If you are a more mature woman, your ovaries will need as much absorbable nutrition as possible for them to function at their best. Good whole raw foods that possess the enzymatic components that are going to have the most absorption capabilities, will be the way to enhance quality nourishment to the ovaries and the eggs. If we are advancing in maternal age and looking to improve fertility in general, we need to make it as easy as possible for our bodies to absorb nutrition. The best way to do that is to eat foods that are more easily broken down by the body. Raw food is the way to go. Raw foods have within them lots of their own enzymes. These enzymes aid in the digestion process making it easier for our own digestive system to maximize its function. Which in turn will only enhance our assimilation potential. If you find it difficult to eat raw food because of preparation, you might consider using a juicer. Its fast, easy and within a minute or two, you'll have plenty of raw food in a quick and easy drink. Thats the direction I went in and I never gave it up to this day. Surrender yourself to eating healthy, its the single most important thing you can do to increase estrogen levels naturally,
Enhancing our fertility at a more advanced age is all about gaining ground nutritionally and because our digestion capabilities dcrease as we age, we are set up for the inability to absorb nutients we
ll. One of the best ways to ensure the best possible nutrient uptake its by taking digestive enzymes at meal times. These are available through health food stores everywhere. Look for a formula with hydrochloric acid included in it, as well as all of the pancreatic enzymes.This is an important factor with regard to this entire process, because HCI is imperative in effectively breaking down many nutrients so they may be absorbed. Adding digestive enzymes to your daily routine will be pararmount in turning around the effects that aging has on our fertility and estrogen levels.
There are other supplements that will be greatly helpful in this process of turning around age related infertility, and increasing estrogen levels some of them include:
1) A good moderately dosed B-Complex: This will combat the negative affects of stress that are so harmful to our adrenal glands. These glands assist the gonads in production of sex hormone, and DHEA, a master hormone from which estrogen is produced. The adrenals are often exhausted from chronic stress.
2) Chewable Vitamin C- Chew 500 mgs, of this every 4 hours or so, around the clock daily. The adrenals use large amounts of vitamin C, especially during stressful times, so this will assist in healthy adrenal function. It is an antioxidant as well, so it will quench free radical damage
2) Omega fatty acids, preferably a 3,6,9 complex: These good oils are helpful to the entire endocrine system by aiding it to function efficiently in bringing a balance of hormones.
3) Silymarin: This is a combination herb of Milk Thistle, and Dandelion root , with Artichoke. It aids to optimize liver function. Something much needed as we age to combat liver congestion and keep toxins and impurities at a minimum. With toxin at a minimum our endocrine system will run more efficiently.
4) Bromelain: This is derived from pineapple and is known for its ability to promote endometrium growth.
5) A variety of antioxidants such as:
a) alpha lipoic acid
b) pycogenol
c) green tea
d) resveratrol
all of these are antioxidants and will clean up toxin and free radical damage to our cells. The less oxidants and toxin build up we have, the healthier our endocrine system will be, specifically our ovaries. The healthier our ovaries are, the more effectively they will function for better estrogen levels, encouraging an increased endometrium.
This article wouldn't be complete if I did not mention the vital importance of exercise. Without including this very essential element, your efforts will fall short and be less effective than they wou
ld be by doing it. Thirty minutes daily will make such an improvement in the function of your endocrine system, its just not worth leaving it out of the whole mix. Your future newborn will be very worth it, right?
These lifestyle changes can be very intimidating at first, but keep your eye on the prize, that baby you so desire, and you will keep your motivation. Then, as your holding that new life in your arms, it will all seem like a very small sacrifice."