Hehehhehehe - OMW - you girls are funny !!! So I speak to my mom now , she reckons me my body is completely F&*#CD - I am like WHOOOAAA mom thanks for putting that politely .
She says both her and my granny's were diagnosed with early menopause, and when i told her that i have come to my own conclusion that i have no estrogen - it's like all her lights went on !!! " Oh so you not fertile and not ovulating" i was like DUHHH!!!!!
LMAO - Anyway OH invited them over tonight for some of his Italian Pasta.....so will let you girls know how that went....
I am also going to take a peek in OH Vites Cabinet - he has tons of vites in there - i am going to see if i can macth some up with these i found in the last info bit.
I also asked my sister in law for one of her packets of nordette.....
I want to phone the doc in the morning and get his take on it!