Test question


Pregnant with number 2!
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi girls

Just a quickie question from TCC

I was bad as well this morning and tested – CD 25 of a 28 day cycle.
Even though FF doesn’t know whan I ovulated because of 4 early flights, being on hols etc I think I am 8-10 dpo based on CM.
But (I think) I got a faint, faint, faint second line. So I tested with another brand and got the same (both IC). It’s so faint it’s almost like ‘here is where the line in supposed to be’ so I am not going to get excited yet and there is still time for it to be a chemical even if it is a positive. In fact, on my second day at a new job it’s possibly not the best thing to happen but I’m going to get a First Reponse from Boots (£10.49 for 3!!) tonight and use that in the morning.

My question really is does anyone know what I mean by It’s so faint it’s almost like ‘here is where the line in supposed to be’ and who has ended up pg after this?


Hi Halle. Yep my first test was an IC at 10dpo and it looked just like that. I happened to have a FR and CBdigi in a drawer so used them both too and they both came up positive. Good luck!!

That happened for me too, such a POAS addict, I was testing from 6DPO, and I couldnt see ANYTHING, then at 11DPO I got such a faint line - that i did 2, and still got a faint line ( so faint, that under the bathroom light, depending on which way you looked, depended on if I saw a line!)

I then tested with FMU the next day - clearblue digi - and it said pregnant!,

I am only 8 weeks, and althought it is sooooo easy to say - I hope that next time I will wait until after AF due, because I knew it said pregnant, but couldnt even really bring myself to be really happy until at least a few days past AF - in case of chemical.

But, I hope that line gets clearer for you hun!
Hi girls

Just a quickie question from TCC

I was bad as well this morning and tested – CD 25 of a 28 day cycle.
Even though FF doesn’t know whan I ovulated because of 4 early flights, being on hols etc I think I am 8-10 dpo based on CM.
But (I think) I got a faint, faint, faint second line. So I tested with another brand and got the same (both IC). It’s so faint it’s almost like ‘here is where the line in supposed to be’ so I am not going to get excited yet and there is still time for it to be a chemical even if it is a positive. In fact, on my second day at a new job it’s possibly not the best thing to happen but I’m going to get a First Reponse from Boots (£10.49 for 3!!) tonight and use that in the morning.

My question really is does anyone know what I mean by It’s so faint it’s almost like ‘here is where the line in supposed to be’ and who has ended up pg after this?



Oh yeah! That was me! Got a very, very, very faint line at 8am. Held my pee until 1:30pm, took two digital tests - and got a "yes" and "pregnant". Please let me know how it turns out!!

Um, hello! Check out all my posts in the secondary infertility section! Yes, I TOTALLY had that. Buy the digital. That's what I did, and it came up positive. Of course, I was 4 days late too! Good luck, hope to see you here!
you could either wait a few moredays or test with a digi , good luck hun
Oh yes that would be me included too!

I did a sneaky internet cheapy test just because they were in the drawer at 9DPO(CD23 ofa 28 day cycle) and got the faintest of faint lines, so much so i had to do another few, then a FRER that I had in the drawer where I got a faint but definate pink line. So I did my other FRER in the morning then a digiat night which said pregnant!!

SO I say GOOD LUCK hope thisis itfor you!!!!


i had faint lines on cheapie so brought a dearer one and got a bfp:happydance:
Thanks everybody - I got my BFP!!!!

Congratulations Destiny - how exciting this all is :happydance:

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