The BFP Annoucement Sticky - Guidelines


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Do you have a BFP? Congratulations :happydance:

Please share your BFP announcement on this sticky only . Whist members are always happy for their forum friends certain circumstances & lower days can be hard when faced with BFPs without the choice to see them. If you wish to create an announcement thread of your own you may do so HERE and use this sticky to post your link.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

The BabyandBump Team
We have a sticky thread! :wohoo:
We have a sticky thread! :wohoo:
We have a sticky thread! :wohoo:
Yay! Looking forward to seeing lots of BFP's here! :happydance:
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

Yay for the admins!
Fantastic, Thank you..

Now ladies.......we have to get to filling this thread up with :bfp:'s!

Wooo hoo thanks! I want to to be the first to post my :bfp: in the new sticky thread! I know there are a couple more of us this month so come on girls - put your :bfp: on here so all us over 35's can see!

I love the over 35's section - you are a great bunch of ladies and you have made my journey so far so much easier :hugs:
Wooo hoo thanks! I want to to be the first to post my :bfp: in the new sticky thread! I know there are a couple more of us this month so come on girls - put your :bfp: on here so all us over 35's can see!

I love the over 35's section - you are a great bunch of ladies and you have made my journey so far so much easier :hugs:

Congratulations :happydance: wishing you a very healthy pregnancy :hugs:
Here's another one for the sticky thread too!! :bfp::bfp: 37 years and 4 months old :winkwink:
let's go ladies!:happydance::happydance:
Congratulations Storm and Claire - I am so thrilled for you both and praying you both have happy and healthy pregnancies :)
Another one !!!! Congratulations claireyb1 :) :happydance:
Let's hope the bfps keep on coming ladies:)
And me too! My first ever: :bfp::bfp::bfp:

The word to decribe how I'm feeling hasn't been invented yet. Put it this way: imagine your happiest moment combined with pure joy added to spine tingling excitement multiplied by 1000? That will get you somewhere close. :happydance:

A big thank you for to everyone for their kind words, encouragement and support. I hope you don't mind me staying on this lovely board for a little while longer. It's nice to stay with friends.

(37 years and 5 months old :winkwink:)
What does pregnant feel like?
Do you feel anything yet?
Any morning sickness?
This is so exciting!!!
When will everyone go for the it first scans? Don't forget to take pics!
What does pregnant feel like?
Do you feel anything yet?
Any morning sickness?
This is so exciting!!!
When will everyone go for the it first scans? Don't forget to take pics!

I feel a bit bloated and I get a bit of heartburn after eating but it's not too bad. Yesterday and first thing this morning I had some cramps in my abdominal area a bit like very mild period pains but this is apparently normal. This afternoon I feel absolutely great - no symptoms at all. In fact I keep having to remind myself that I'm pregnant because I feel so ordinary (on the outside at least, my mind is doing somersaults!) I'm going to the GP at 4:30 will post again when I get back.
And me too! My first ever: :bfp::bfp::bfp:

The word to decribe how I'm feeling hasn't been invented yet. Put it this way: imagine your happiest moment combined with pure joy added to spine tingling excitement multiplied by 1000? That will get you somewhere close. :happydance:

A big thank you for to everyone for their kind words, encouragement and support. I hope you don't mind me staying on this lovely board for a little while longer. It's nice to stay with friends.

(37 years and 5 months old :winkwink:)

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 so far this month - that is good going!

I feel a bit bloated and I get a bit of heartburn after eating but it's not too bad. Yesterday and first thing this morning I had some cramps in my abdominal area a bit like very mild period pains but this is apparently normal. This afternoon I feel absolutely great - no symptoms at all. In fact I keep having to remind myself that I'm pregnant because I feel so ordinary (on the outside at least, my mind is doing somersaults!) I'm going to the GP at 4:30 will post again when I get back.

oh good...:happydance::happydance::happydance:
I hope they do a scan so we can see the :baby: sac!!

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