I wanted to resurrect this thread and give other women TTC over 35 some hope.
This was cycle 14 of TTC #3 for me. I am 37.
We DTD on CD 13 and CD 15. Peak OPK on CD 15.
Symptoms by dpo:
1-4 dpo: I noted nothing
5 dpo-7 dpo: occasional pinching sensations to L ovary area
10 dpo: mild cramping, bloating, mild nausea, weepy
11 dpo: bad nausea, bloating, fatigue, strong sense of smell
12-13 dpo(day AF due): same symptoms as 11 dpo
I had my earliest ever BFP at 9 dpo.
I am currently 9 weeks along.
Ultrasound at 7w5d confirms +heartbeat and one baby

Baby dust to all.