Congratulations Ruth 

What does pregnant feel like?
Do you feel anything yet?
Any morning sickness?
This is so exciting!!!
When will everyone go for the it first scans? Don't forget to take pics!
What does pregnant feel like?
Do you feel anything yet?
Any morning sickness?
This is so exciting!!!
When will everyone go for the it first scans? Don't forget to take pics!
Just got back from seeing Dr. She is very happy for me and confirmed that I am 4weeks+1/40 (I didn't even know what that meant until she explained it to me.) She is amazed because of my blocked tube AND PCOS that I managed to get pregnant naturally!
She told me to start taking Folic Acid straight away (Don't get stressed![]()
- funny woman) and don't do anything strenuous so no heavy lifting and no long walks. No antihistamines and only paracetamol if for any reason I need to take pain relief. The womb twinges are perfectly normal. Go straight to A&E if there's any bleeding. Apart from that 'relax and enjoy it'.
My MW's appt is on 25th May at 8 weeks and then I can have my first scan 2 weeks later. xweeks+y/40, Midwife, scan - this is all too weird. A whole new lingo! I am typing all of this as if I'm referring to someone else. Still can't believe it's me.
I live in a tiny town and the GP's surgery is in the neighbouring village so everyone knows me and you should have seen the receptionists when I told them as they all know how hard I've been trying. They've all seen my scan, blood and any other test results and so have been willing me to get pregnant for ages.
I'm still so excited about your news Ruth!I told my dh when he came home from work! He knows that I go on BabynBump. He wanted me to say congratulations to you.
And 5. What position they DTD in.....JK
Here's myToo!!!
Ok here it goes -
1. Just turned 38 last week - MYwas a birthday present I think!!!
2. TTC since mid-2009
3. Not really sure about OV and BD - I got prego right after a MC (slightly unplanned, as my doctor told us to wait a month)
4. Problems: 2 MC - Dec 2010 (D&C) and March 2011 (natural)
I am feeling a wave of exhaustion and some twinges here and there but fairly mild symptoms this time around which I hope is OK. I have my first appt with the doctor on May 12th and I will be about 8 weeks.