Hi All, I just joined today. I had a miscarriage three weeks ago today, still processing it all. I am feeling bit down in myself today, I had two scans done one at 8 weeks and one at 9 weeks to check baby status everything was looking fine and then into my 13th week I lost it, they werent going to do a d&c at all but had to one there were still clots. I lost a total of 1.3 litres of blood that day. Had to get two iron fusions and am on iron tablets for next six weeks. My doc keeps telling me to wait for my next period before we try again. It seems that I am ovulating now no signs of my period coming and Im getting impatient. I just want to be pregnant. Dunno if its all part of the grieving but I just want to start our family. It was a lovely suprise to find out we were going to be parents and then in a blink of an eye that all changed and now Ive never felt so ready to settle down and have kids. How long should I wait before trying should I follow docs advise? And would I be fertile? Sorry to hear about your losses xxx