THE BIG WEIGHTLOSS THREAD! **Loser of the month with a massive 17lbs gone - Shanka**

I'm back in the game... My weekend of pizza and yummy food is over. Went to the gym for 2 hours tonight and can't wait to lookkkkk hot in my bathing suit on the beach!! :thumbup:
I am still here! Sirry girls, been a little sidetracked last few weeks:dohh: Back on it now though...!

ok let week 7 begin...!
I really want to step up on the weight loss... My mom has almost lost as much weight as me and I need to beat her :rofl:

any tips to help increase weight loss again?
I really want to step up on the weight loss... My mom has almost lost as much weight as me and I need to beat her :rofl:

any tips to help increase weight loss again?

Here you Manda...have a read through this:

14 ways to speed up your weightloss

1. Exercise with more intensity or exercise harder
For example - If you can't lose weight walking at 3 mph then try walking faster at 3.5 mph or try walking up a hill to increase intensity and even though you may have lost weight in the beginning doing simple weight loss activities like walking...
You may HAVE TOO exercise with more intensity to lose weight by switching over to more advanced weight loss activities like Intervals or other weight loss workouts to lose your last 10, 20, or maybe even 30 pounds and...
If you don't want to Exercise with more intensity to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
2. Do a different exercise at least every 3 weeks...
If you've been doing the same exercise everyday - then over time... YOU & YOUR body will get used to the same exercise you're doing and you'll burn less calories making you lose less weight so...
You need to trick your body into losing weight again by doing a different weight loss exercise or a new weight loss workout at least every 3 weeks (or every week or even everyday) and here's a real world example of how this works...
I knew a lady who lost 25 lbs. walking on a treadmill everyday but after about 2 months she stopped losing weight so I told her to start doing something different like the Elliptical machine and she lost 7 pounds in her first 2 weeks after switching over to the Elliptical machine and...
You may lose weight even faster if you do a different weight loss exercise each time you workout (instead of waiting at least 3 weeks) and if you don't want to do a different exercise to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
Basically - If you're not losing weight anymore by walking for 30 minutes... Then you need to start walking for 45 minutes and...
Once you get to a point where you're not losing weight doing the same exercise for 60-to-90 minutes - You'll then need to Exercise harder and/or Do a Different exercise (See #1 & #2 above) and...
If you don't want to exercise longer to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
4. Do your exercises more often
Basically - If you're walking 2 times a week and not losing weight... Then you need to start walking 3-to-5 times a week or walk everyday and another way you can break out of your weight loss plateau is to...
5. Workout twice a day
If you have time... You can workout twice a day to increase your metabolism by working out in the morning on an empty stomach to burn more fat and then working out again in the evening and...
You don't have to workout in the morning & the evening only - You can workout at lunch and after dinner or.... Look at fast weight loss tip #1 and See How to lose weight at home and just so you'll know...
Many Celebrities, Athletes, Bodybuilders, & Models workout twice a day to help them lose their last few pounds of fat to make them look their very best.
6. Do any combination of Numbers 1-thru-5 above
7. Make sure you're eating right to lose weight
Look at the first part of What to do if you can't lose weight to see the exact steps you need to take to start eating right and if you're already eating right - then...
8. You need to eat less
If you lost 10 pounds eating 1800 calories a day then you may need to eat 1700 calories or lower to break out of your weight loss plateau and lose weight faster because...
Your body needs less & less calories to maintain your NEW weight after losing weight so that means... You'll need to eat less (even less than what you ate to lose weight at first) to keep losing weight and...
This is why the 50 pound weight loss plan here has you eating less calories every time you lose 10 pounds but...
You don't want to go extremely low and eat below 1000-to-1200 calories (see #9 & See why VLCD don't always work) and...
If you are at a point where you really can't eat less - Rely on numbers 1-thur-5, #12 & #14 to break out of your weight loss plateau or...
9. Get your Carb, Protein, and Fat ratios in check
You may be eating too many carbs or too little carbs or too much protein etc. so go here to see to figure out the best carb, protein and fat ratio for you.
10. Get off your Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD):
If you've been on a VLCD or been eating less than 1200 calories per day for a long time - Your metabolism will slow down and go into 'survival or starvation mode' to help you survive on the low amount of calories you're eating and this causes you to stop losing weight so... To break out of your weight loss plateau after having your metabolism slowed down by a VLCD - You need to eat more & follow these 4 steps to speed your metabolism back up again so you can keep losing weight...
Step #1:
Type in your weight here: and then...

Step #2:
You want to slowly add 50-to-100 calories extra to your VLCD each day until you get up to total calories per day and then...

Step #3:
You want to eat FIVE -to- calorie meals every 3 hours (which is -to- calories per day) to keep tricking your body's metabolism to prevent it from slowing down and going into 'survival or starvation mode' and finally...

Step #4:
Make sure you continue to do weight loss exercises to also increase your metabolism and to also prevent any drastic weight gains as you're eating more to get out of 'survival or starvation mode'

11. Eat 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger meals
When you eat 5 smaller meals plus eat more proteins, fruits and vegetables in those small meals - You'll burn way more calories compared to when you were eating 3 big meals because...

  • You're body will spend more time burning more calories by digesting more meals containing mostly protein, fruits and vegetables and...
  • This will prevent your metabolism from dropping too much preventing any weight loss plateaus so...
  • Go here to see how many calories you need to eat in each of your 5 small meals.
12. Increase the amount of proteins & raw vegetables you eat
Keep eating the right amount of calories to lose weight but make sure at least 30-to-50% of your total calories come from protein and raw vegetables to speed up weight loss and The reason why this works is because...
Your body burns the most calories when digesting high protein foods like lean meats, nuts, see more... and high fiber foods like vegetables making your metabolism burn fat faster (see fast weight tips #4, #6 & #7)
13. You may be gaining muscle while losing fat
If you're starting to look better, look slimmer or if your clothes fit better even though you're weight loss scale says you haven't lost any weight then the GOOD NEWS is...
You're losing ugly body fat while gaining or maintaining the sexy muscles you have and this is a good thing because...
You shouldn't worry about NOT losing 10 pounds when you look 10 pounds slimmer because of the fat you burned and the muscle you've gained.
14. Be patient
Go here to See how fast you can really lose weight but remember this...
The closer you are to your weight loss goal - The longer it's going to take to lose your last 10, 20, or even 30 pounds and...
The further away you are to your weight loss goal and/or the more overweight you are - the faster you can expect to lose weight at the start of any weight loss program but whenever you hit a weight loss plateau...
Do one of the first 11 things or a combination of the first 11 things on this page to break out of your weight loss plateau and wait at least 2-to-3 weeks to see if the first 9 tips on this page helped.
I really want to step up on the weight loss... My mom has almost lost as much weight as me and I need to beat her :rofl:

any tips to help increase weight loss again?

Here you Manda...have a read through this:

14 ways to speed up your weightloss

1. Exercise with more intensity or exercise harder
For example - If you can't lose weight walking at 3 mph then try walking faster at 3.5 mph or try walking up a hill to increase intensity and even though you may have lost weight in the beginning doing simple weight loss activities like walking...
You may HAVE TOO exercise with more intensity to lose weight by switching over to more advanced weight loss activities like Intervals or other weight loss workouts to lose your last 10, 20, or maybe even 30 pounds and...
If you don't want to Exercise with more intensity to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
2. Do a different exercise at least every 3 weeks...
If you've been doing the same exercise everyday - then over time... YOU & YOUR body will get used to the same exercise you're doing and you'll burn less calories making you lose less weight so...
You need to trick your body into losing weight again by doing a different weight loss exercise or a new weight loss workout at least every 3 weeks (or every week or even everyday) and here's a real world example of how this works...
I knew a lady who lost 25 lbs. walking on a treadmill everyday but after about 2 months she stopped losing weight so I told her to start doing something different like the Elliptical machine and she lost 7 pounds in her first 2 weeks after switching over to the Elliptical machine and...
You may lose weight even faster if you do a different weight loss exercise each time you workout (instead of waiting at least 3 weeks) and if you don't want to do a different exercise to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
Basically - If you're not losing weight anymore by walking for 30 minutes... Then you need to start walking for 45 minutes and...
Once you get to a point where you're not losing weight doing the same exercise for 60-to-90 minutes - You'll then need to Exercise harder and/or Do a Different exercise (See #1 & #2 above) and...
If you don't want to exercise longer to break out of your weight loss plateau - You can...
4. Do your exercises more often
Basically - If you're walking 2 times a week and not losing weight... Then you need to start walking 3-to-5 times a week or walk everyday and another way you can break out of your weight loss plateau is to...
5. Workout twice a day
If you have time... You can workout twice a day to increase your metabolism by working out in the morning on an empty stomach to burn more fat and then working out again in the evening and...
You don't have to workout in the morning & the evening only - You can workout at lunch and after dinner or.... Look at fast weight loss tip #1 and See How to lose weight at home and just so you'll know...
Many Celebrities, Athletes, Bodybuilders, & Models workout twice a day to help them lose their last few pounds of fat to make them look their very best.
6. Do any combination of Numbers 1-thru-5 above
7. Make sure you're eating right to lose weight
Look at the first part of What to do if you can't lose weight to see the exact steps you need to take to start eating right and if you're already eating right - then...
8. You need to eat less
If you lost 10 pounds eating 1800 calories a day then you may need to eat 1700 calories or lower to break out of your weight loss plateau and lose weight faster because...
Your body needs less & less calories to maintain your NEW weight after losing weight so that means... You'll need to eat less (even less than what you ate to lose weight at first) to keep losing weight and...
This is why the 50 pound weight loss plan here has you eating less calories every time you lose 10 pounds but...
You don't want to go extremely low and eat below 1000-to-1200 calories (see #9 & See why VLCD don't always work) and...
If you are at a point where you really can't eat less - Rely on numbers 1-thur-5, #12 & #14 to break out of your weight loss plateau or...
9. Get your Carb, Protein, and Fat ratios in check
You may be eating too many carbs or too little carbs or too much protein etc. so go here to see to figure out the best carb, protein and fat ratio for you.
10. Get off your Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD):
If you've been on a VLCD or been eating less than 1200 calories per day for a long time - Your metabolism will slow down and go into 'survival or starvation mode' to help you survive on the low amount of calories you're eating and this causes you to stop losing weight so... To break out of your weight loss plateau after having your metabolism slowed down by a VLCD - You need to eat more & follow these 4 steps to speed your metabolism back up again so you can keep losing weight...
Step #1:
Type in your weight here: and then...

Step #2:
You want to slowly add 50-to-100 calories extra to your VLCD each day until you get up to total calories per day and then...

Step #3:
You want to eat FIVE -to- calorie meals every 3 hours (which is -to- calories per day) to keep tricking your body's metabolism to prevent it from slowing down and going into 'survival or starvation mode' and finally...

Step #4:
Make sure you continue to do weight loss exercises to also increase your metabolism and to also prevent any drastic weight gains as you're eating more to get out of 'survival or starvation mode'

11. Eat 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger meals
When you eat 5 smaller meals plus eat more proteins, fruits and vegetables in those small meals - You'll burn way more calories compared to when you were eating 3 big meals because...

  • You're body will spend more time burning more calories by digesting more meals containing mostly protein, fruits and vegetables and...
  • This will prevent your metabolism from dropping too much preventing any weight loss plateaus so...
  • Go here to see how many calories you need to eat in each of your 5 small meals.
12. Increase the amount of proteins & raw vegetables you eat
Keep eating the right amount of calories to lose weight but make sure at least 30-to-50% of your total calories come from protein and raw vegetables to speed up weight loss and The reason why this works is because...
Your body burns the most calories when digesting high protein foods like lean meats, nuts, see more... and high fiber foods like vegetables making your metabolism burn fat faster (see fast weight tips #4, #6 & #7)
13. You may be gaining muscle while losing fat
If you're starting to look better, look slimmer or if your clothes fit better even though you're weight loss scale says you haven't lost any weight then the GOOD NEWS is...
You're losing ugly body fat while gaining or maintaining the sexy muscles you have and this is a good thing because...
You shouldn't worry about NOT losing 10 pounds when you look 10 pounds slimmer because of the fat you burned and the muscle you've gained.
14. Be patient
Go here to See how fast you can really lose weight but remember this...
The closer you are to your weight loss goal - The longer it's going to take to lose your last 10, 20, or even 30 pounds and...
The further away you are to your weight loss goal and/or the more overweight you are - the faster you can expect to lose weight at the start of any weight loss program but whenever you hit a weight loss plateau...
Do one of the first 11 things or a combination of the first 11 things on this page to break out of your weight loss plateau and wait at least 2-to-3 weeks to see if the first 9 tips on this page helped.

No, I haven't seen it! Thanks for sharing!!! :happydance:
Read through it and it's helpful... I've been increasing my incline and speed on the treadmill. The thing is that I don't want to stop doing the treadmill, as at my gym, the treadmills have personal TV's to watch and it makes me exercise for so much longer. I need to find some exercises for my lower back fat as well, since my stomach is starting to flatten out, but I have that muffin top look that's so gross!
lets post pics of our goals/inspiration
Christ Dizzy I wish! I'd need to go on that show 'ultimate makeover' or something to even begin to look like that! haha!
lol no one can look exactly like someone else unless they are twins! i just think she has a great body, but i seriously cant find my exact want to be body. actually my old picture is my exact motivation! lol when i was 15 ....
oooh i love how my suggestion was took!! now we have 3 ladies getting places!! well done girls!! :D
Woohoo!!...i didnt realise until now that i was one of the losers of the weeks!! x
Okay my starting weight is 166lbs. I've been trying to lose weight for 2 weeks now. Week 1 i lost 3lbs and week 2 i gained 2lbs. I want to lose 26lb all together :)
I wish there was more time in the day. I would be so much more ahead in the weight loss!! I find it stressful trying to find time for my classes, homework, and 2 jobs as well as going to the gym an making sure I eat the right amount!

I think I need something to increase my energy, any suggestions?

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