The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

My doctor rattled so many things off at once and now I can't remember anything she said:dohh:

I was supposed to come back for blood work on CD 21...I think she talks so fast that even if I wanted to I couldn't take notes haha maybe a tape recorder would be better. But you all are talking about checking follicles...and don't remember her mentioning any of that :shrug:
Hey Ladies, I'm currently 11dpo and took 100mg Clomid CD 5 - 9, this is my second round. All day today I've been experiencing a sharp stabbing pain on my right side, near my ovary. It's not like any pain I've had before and I've felt cysts burst and had plenty of other ovarian pain. Does anyone have any idea what this pain might be?
Hello everyone!

I've just finished my first cycle of Provera, followed by Clomid. I was supposed to take Provera again on the 24th April, but I started seeing smears of blood on the paper, that was for two days. I took the Provera on the 24th thinking I should still induce a normal period, but the next day the flow was heavier and today as well. I couldn't get in touch with my GYN to ask what I should do, so I started the Clomid today instead of continuing the Provera (as it is my second day of a period).

Has anyone else had this? It didn't make sense to me to carry on with the Provera to induce a second period. Was it right to start the Clomid, can anyone tell me? I've been worrying about this and would be grateful for any responses.

My doctor rattled so many things off at once and now I can't remember anything she said:dohh:

I was supposed to come back for blood work on CD 21...I think she talks so fast that even if I wanted to I couldn't take notes haha maybe a tape recorder would be better. But you all are talking about checking follicles...and don't remember her mentioning any of that :shrug:

My doctor never believed in checking folicules he would just check progesterone cd 21 or 7 days after o. Maybe next time ask her to slow down or have her clarify. If you have questions call and ask the nurse they are usually really helpful. Good luck!
Hey Ladies, I'm currently 11dpo and took 100mg Clomid CD 5 - 9, this is my second round. All day today I've been experiencing a sharp stabbing pain on my right side, near my ovary. It's not like any pain I've had before and I've felt cysts burst and had plenty of other ovarian pain. Does anyone have any idea what this pain might be?

Fxd it's your little bean getting comfortable in your uterus. I would get all kind of weird pain in my ovaries with clomid. I am not really sure if you are worried you could call doc.
Jme84 Tx! I didn't have any ovary pain after ovulation last time, only before. So this cramp is really puzzling me
My doctor rattled so many things off at once and now I can't remember anything she said:dohh:

I was supposed to come back for blood work on CD 21...I think she talks so fast that even if I wanted to I couldn't take notes haha maybe a tape recorder would be better. But you all are talking about checking follicles...and don't remember her mentioning any of that :shrug:

My doctor never believed in checking folicules he would just check progesterone cd 21 or 7 days after o. Maybe next time ask her to slow down or have her clarify. If you have questions call and ask the nurse they are usually really helpful. Good luck!

Same with me. I am only getting day21 blood work done, nothing else. Just make sure if you have long or irregular cycles, to go in 7dpo because that will be more accurate. If you go in on cd21 but you ovulate on cd17, you would only be 4 dpo and your progesterone would not have peaked yet :flower:
Hey Ladies, I'm currently 11dpo and took 100mg Clomid CD 5 - 9, this is my second round. All day today I've been experiencing a sharp stabbing pain on my right side, near my ovary. It's not like any pain I've had before and I've felt cysts burst and had plenty of other ovarian pain. Does anyone have any idea what this pain might be?

It's possible it's ovarian cysts. Clomid is known to cause these to grow if you use it. It could also be PCO, or PCOS. I'd go to the doc ASAP and tell them about this symptom. How bad is the pain? Is it like putting you on the floor? Or is it just kinda annoying? If it's closer to putting you on the floor, go to the ER ASAP.
Hello! I have pcos and have been ttc for almost 2 years. I am on Provera and my average cycle is 45 days. I took my 3rd round of Clomid 50mg days 3-7 and started testing for ovulation day 9 . I am using New Choice OPK.

Day 9(PM): faint line, visible but not as dark as control line.
Day 10(AM): very faint line, much lighter than previous day.
Day 10(PM): visible line, darkest yet but not as dark as control line.
Day 11(PM): NO LINE!
Today is Day 12 and I have not tested yet. (I test at night)

I am a bit confused, instructions say test line must be "as dark or darker". So I figured my first few faint test results(day 9-10) would lead to that +. On day 11 my bbt dropped so I figured id ovulate, however that days opk revealed no line what-so-ever. CM has been watery since day 9. I know it is still very early in my cycle but I am not sure what to make of my results and if I already ovulated.

Any information, tips or success stories ttc on clomid would be great.

Tons of baby dust to you all.
It's possible it's ovarian cysts. Clomid is known to cause these to grow if you use it. It could also be PCO, or PCOS. I'd go to the doc ASAP and tell them about this symptom. How bad is the pain? Is it like putting you on the floor? Or is it just kinda annoying? If it's closer to putting you on the floor, go to the ER ASAP.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's a cyst, I've had a few cysts. This is more like a stabbing sensation, it's not unbearable it just makes me shift position. Seems to have subsided now, if I dont get a BFP on Sunday I'll have to go back to my Gynae next week anyway, I'll get him to do a quick scan while I'm there
Hopin- yay for the follicle :dance: hope you bd when you got home :happydance:

gemmybean- I would speak with your doc or fs again as if you are not ovulatiing they should be increasing your dose, not wasting cycles :hugs:

ary32- I would suggest taking your temp every day if you dont already I would be lost if I didnt as opks can mess us around sometimes- still do opks but confirm your positive with you temps etc- just my opinion but up to you :)

mamfajane- I hope its your lil bean snuggling in :) gl

:dust: ladies
Hi everyone,

I am raising money for Verity - a pcos charity in the uk! I an doing a half marathon and hoping to raise awareness and £500 pound for this amazing charity!

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010 and am still waiting to start treatment! The more we get this condition published the more doctors will take us seriously and treat us quicker,

Please please please help me by giving, even if it is just 10p it will help! I am raising money for the next 6 months for this with a 20 week intense training course before the marathon in October!

Spread the word!!!
Thank you

Hello! I have pcos and have been ttc for almost 2 years. I am on Provera and my average cycle is 45 days. I took my 3rd round of Clomid 50mg days 3-7 and started testing for ovulation day 9 . I am using New Choice OPK.

Day 9(PM): faint line, visible but not as dark as control line.
Day 10(AM): very faint line, much lighter than previous day.
Day 10(PM): visible line, darkest yet but not as dark as control line.
Day 11(PM): NO LINE!
Today is Day 12 and I have not tested yet. (I test at night)

I am a bit confused, instructions say test line must be "as dark or darker". So I figured my first few faint test results(day 9-10) would lead to that +. On day 11 my bbt dropped so I figured id ovulate, however that days opk revealed no line what-so-ever. CM has been watery since day 9. I know it is still very early in my cycle but I am not sure what to make of my results and if I already ovulated.

Any information, tips or success stories ttc on clomid would be great.

Tons of baby dust to you all.

I had the samething happen to me for a few months with opk lines would be getting darker and then disappear. I found that I usually o later in the cycle cd 17-21 they would get dark again closer to when I would o and then as dark as control I never got one darker. I also started using clear blue opks the ones with smiley faces made it less stressful.
Well, I went in for a scan today (CD17) and it looks like I'm overstimulated by the Clomid. I have 2 mature follicles on my right ovary (the left one just has some small cysts, typical PCOS appearance) but they're 2.2 cm and 2.8 cm, the doctor said they usually like to see ones between 1-2 cm. My endometrial lining is also thin, 4.3 mm, which seemed to worry him. He really didn't seem optimistic about this cycle and said that the overlarge follicles will hurt our chances, but he did say to keep dtd every other day and he wants to look again next week. He said that next cycle we'll go down to 25mg Clomid and that it might be time to be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist. I'm having a hard time with the fact that 3 1/2 months ago I was pregnant and now I'm being referred to a specialist. We didn't know when I was pregnant before that I had PCOS and irregular ovulation, which is why I'm having all these problems now, but it's still really hard. I had a fun little breakdown when I got home from the doctor today

DH was at the appointment and wanted to follow the dr's advice to keep dtd, so before we did tonight I took an opk and got a smiley! I'd gotten a negative one this morning, so I must have surged during the day. We've been dtd every day for the past few days, we tried every other day last cycle and didn't manage to catch the eggie. So we're going to try this approach this time.

Does anyone else have experience with slight overstimulation?
Hi ladies, well, I am on CD25, my cycle is normally 23-24 days. I tested again this morning and it was BFN.

I talked to my Dr but, she told me that the HPTs here in Mexico are no where near as sensitive as the ones in the States. So, I need to wait until atleast 20DPO so, I have to wait until May 3 to test again. :growlmad:

She said that if Af shows, we may up the dose from 100mg to 150mg CDs 5-9.

I trust my Dr 100% but, I am wondering if this is normal protocol? From the tests she did, I am Oing normaly but, she gave me the Clomid to strengthen my Os. So, I am kind of worried about OHSS with such a high dose. Does raising the dosage increase the risk?:shrug:
Galvan- Hi! Well to start off what part of mexico are you in? Im going to Michoacan in june! My dh is Mexican so im super excited it will be my first visit! But to your Clomid sitch! I personally would tell you to try clomid earlier rather than upping the dose. If you are Oing then you are already releasing eggs, and already 100 mg is high for someone who already Os. I was told by my Doc that we would never go above 100. Only because i do O. I am taking 50mg cd3-7. You should consider an earlier start date rather than a higher dose first!:nope: OHSS is very dangerous, it can lead to infertility. You may really want to consider that dos as you already O. Just my opinion. Hope i helped.

Ladies i am cd 19 and have been urinating like CRAZY! Its wayyyy too ealry to ba a hpt right? I am at work and ill be here toll 3am, got in at 3pm. I want a nice comphy bed to go to :sleep:!!! I have had 3 cups of coffee :coffee:lol...
His_BAby_Girl, I am in Monterrey. We are looking to either move to paradise in Yucatan near Merida the house we are looking at is 3 blocks from the beach! Or we are looking into a house near the border in Nuevo Laredo. Both places eem good but, I think it will depend on the access to good healthcare. I like the border because, I have American Healthcare just a bridge jump away. I would love to live in Yucatan just imagine, the carribean beaches at your door step!! Heaven!!

Ok, I am on CD 26 14 DPO, my temp dropped this morning .3 degrees Farenhiet (SP). A couple of people have told me that it could be implantation. As per my crosshairs, I Oed on CD12 but, few other people say that I could have Oed later. Is this possible and could this be implantation?

I feel like, I am going crazy. I have ZERO AF symptoms. I usually get EWCM the day before AF and nothing so far. HELP!!!!!:wacko:
Hi girls, I'm new here, this is my first month on chlomid I took the chlomid from cd2 - cd6 and I got a smiley face CB opk on cd 11. Has this happened to anyone else?

Hi girls, I'm new here, this is my first month on chlomid I took the chlomid from cd2 - cd6 and I got a smiley face CB opk on cd 11. Has this happened to anyone else?


Welcome :flower:

I ovulated CD11 last month on Clomid and CD10 this month. My cycles before Clomid were 25-27 days with "O" on CD12 or 13

Anythings possible on Clomid :haha:
Well, I went in for a scan today (CD17) and it looks like I'm overstimulated by the Clomid. I have 2 mature follicles on my right ovary (the left one just has some small cysts, typical PCOS appearance) but they're 2.2 cm and 2.8 cm, the doctor said they usually like to see ones between 1-2 cm. My endometrial lining is also thin, 4.3 mm, which seemed to worry him. He really didn't seem optimistic about this cycle and said that the overlarge follicles will hurt our chances, but he did say to keep dtd every other day and he wants to look again next week. He said that next cycle we'll go down to 25mg Clomid and that it might be time to be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist. I'm having a hard time with the fact that 3 1/2 months ago I was pregnant and now I'm being referred to a specialist. We didn't know when I was pregnant before that I had PCOS and irregular ovulation, which is why I'm having all these problems now, but it's still really hard. I had a fun little breakdown when I got home from the doctor today

DH was at the appointment and wanted to follow the dr's advice to keep dtd, so before we did tonight I took an opk and got a smiley! I'd gotten a negative one this morning, so I must have surged during the day. We've been dtd every day for the past few days, we tried every other day last cycle and didn't manage to catch the eggie. So we're going to try this approach this time.

Does anyone else have experience with slight overstimulation?

My doc never had an issue with bigger follies. I would usually get to at least 26mm (2.6 cm) sometimes up to 31mm (3.1cm) by the time I'd surge. My first bfp I had a 30mm so I wouldn't panic over that, however the lining is very thin. Usually they don't want to see you below 7-8, or 6 at the lowest. I could happen though! I'd say keep at you dtd every day for the next two or three, then just every other. Good luck!

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